Thursday, 6 August 2020

Encore - Protest + Factionism + Court Order + Arrests + Tire Fire + Blockade of Caledonia Roads: August 2020 COVID-19 Version (Updates to 9 August)

This author has been exhausted over the years, having to report on the very same scenarios (slightly different twists at most) with the same or next generation actors with the same predictable outcomes.  Nothing, since 2006 seems to change in these scenarios.  Certainly not the tactics - eventually it comes back to setting up some sort of road block, whether it be with a very bedraggled metal hydro tower hauled across the road from the "retreat" at the entrance to Douglas Creek Estates (Kanonstaton) time and time again, or something a little different.  Yes, this time there was a twist since Hydro has repossessed the purloined tower.  

For the above reason I have avoided (or postponed) writing anything about the latest iteration on the same theme.  It is as boring to me as it must be to readers.  However, it does provide a sense, to those who do not have the pleasure of living in Caledonia, of the unique (at least in Ontario) struggles that citizens are forced to endure.  Maybe at some level I still have a tiny ray of hope that someone "in authority" will take pity on us and do something to bring the entire land dispute "crisis" to a successful resolution.  I honestly believe at this point that humans will be settled on Mars before anything is done about Caledonia's situation.  

An e-mail from a friend convinced me to speak out yet again - even if it is whistling into the wind and no one is listening anyway.  My friend showed me a communication from his friends who reside extremely close to where the current protest is happening - i.e., near Douglas Creek Estates - people who are afraid once again for their lives and their livelihood.  Since 2006 they have been much more directly impacted by the protests than virtually anyone else.  So once again into the breach .......

Some Background:  During the COVID-19 crisis of late something very positive has emerged on the Reserve - the Elected Chiefs and the Hereditary Chiefs have been speaking with each other with the goal being to protect the elders.  Alas, this largely unprescedented act does not seem to have led to a rapprochement between the two warring factions.  Splinters began when a group of protesters, supporters of the Hereditary Chiefs, took it upon themselves to protest the Losani housing development.  The rather idyllic project is detailed here.  The Elected Council of the Six Nations approved of and supported this development (for a "consideration" of course), however the Hereditary Council did not give its approval - the standard, typical set up leading to an inevitable work stoppage at the construction site.  

Please recall that the land in question was surrendered by the Chiefs in full Council on 18 December 1844 - the media makes it seem that Foxgate and Losani (the developers) purchased "aboriginal land".  That is absolutely false.  "Historically" (prior to 1844) it was Native land, but it is only since the land "reclamation" of 2006 that, in order to avoid work stoppages, that developers have been giving int to what amounts to extortion.  In other words, give us $350,000 (or some such figure) and we will go away and the work can proceed.  No money, then expect protests and work stoppages.  So developers have learned that this is simply the cost of doing business anywhere near Caledonia - even though entirely illegal and immoral (the land was sold 170 years ago, demanding it back is out and out wrong).  I have tried, even hoisting a sign as to the surrender in 1844, but the media are still under the impression that this was until recently aboriginal land and that the developer negotiated with the Elected Council at Six Nations - they being the legal owners of the land.  Again we return to the theme of this blog, facts versus beliefs.

An excellent overview of this particular protest complete with the oh so standard flags on an excavator visual image can be found in an article in the Brantford Expositor here.

Brantford Expositor

Eventually the Company succeeded in obtaining a Court Order, and when the protesters refused to comply, a half dozen or so were arrested.  In order to "punish" "the authorities" for such an egregious and outlandish action, others mobilized, called in "reinforcements" and - here we go again.

The Author's Observations:  I was there (on Wednesday, 5 August 2020) when these worthies began their usual message of signaling their displeasure -  although in fact this time I was more than a little disgusted with the methods.  Having been a victim of the Hagersville Tire Fire, known world round, in the 1990s, I was more than a little "twitchy" to see flammable fluid containers, wooden palates, and tires at the ready.  I recalled full well that it was a group of (find your own adjective) young "land protector" males from the Reserve that started one of the most notorious environmental disasters in Canadian history.  The hypocrisy of those on the Reserve who continue to assert that they have a special relationship with the land never ceases to "amuse" those who know the truth.  

So now I will refer to the e-mail I sent today, Thursday 6 August 2020, to my friend R.M. where I describe what transpired during the "action phase". 

Yes I know the property of which you are speaking.  Someone said that K. H. (the very wealthy tobacco "entrepreneur" who is buying up as much land as he can in and around Caledonia) planned to establish a store there along a road that would be built from the Losani development to Argyle Street.

I was there last night with my large sign stating that the land was surrendered in 1844 etc.  I got to talk with a lot of residents, and police officers.  The incident was apparently "provoked" by the OPP enforcing a Court Order and arresting a half a dozen protesters.  One of the residents showed me a social media item where one of these worthies was in the back seat of a cruiser and saying how this (the burning tires on Argyle Street) all could have been prevented because it was a peaceful protest.  Clearly this individual did not understand what a Court Order meant - so few times have they been enforced.

The police were not letting people beyond the Canadian Tire parking lot - it was barricaded with their vehicles and cones.  People could walk though, and some did, including two women (one Native and one Black) schlepping a wagon full of water bottles for the protesters congregated at the Douglas Creek gate and shed.  An old White guy and younger White woman marched down 6 or more pizzas - I yelled "enabler" to both groups, and "thanks for supporting Caledonia".  There were a number of residents living nearby who were not allowed to get to their properties - although residents of the two residences closest to the Canadian Tire were permitted to drive their vehicles to their homes.

Apparently the Caledonia Bypass was also blockaded (don't know if any fires) - but this was after some fine citizens decided it would be a good idea to drop truck tires off the 6th Line Bridge on to Highway 6.  [Turtle Island News shows a picture of wood strips and tires on fire on Highway 6 below the 6th Line overpass, as well as persons pushing that tire over the bridge - see here].

Since the train did not make its usual 12:30 am run and 3 am return last night - I suspect that the railway was seen as a potential target and so no traffic.

Caledonia residents began to congregate in larger numbers after 6 pm - I stayed until 8.  I have great respect for the OPP in this situation.  They did make the necessary arrests and were handling the aftermath well - as everyone watched two bands of fire across Argyle Street being stoked with wooden palates and car tires - black smoke filling the air thanks to these "land protectors".

Hamilton Spectator

The Hamilton Spectator has an excellent article on the situation as they saw it, see here.  One might ask whether the chaps in the above photo were Native or Antifa - very definitely young.  Back to the e-mail to my friend.  What is clear is that the leader / spokesperson for the group, S.W., is a thug who roughed up CHCH TV reporters in 2006 and stole one of their cameras.  As a consequence he spent a few months in the Barton Street Jail - as he would soon find out, there would be no kid gloves treatment there.  Hopefully he will get to revisit this establishment and be welcomed in the way he was last time.

Toby Barrett, our local MPP was there and he told me that he had a one hour conversation with Premier Doug Ford about the matter, and apparently the latter listened with interest and understanding.

In the distance we could see car after car arrive and park along the road south of the entrance to Douglas Creek Estates (the term estates being now a misnomer since after trashing every last home in the process of being built, these fine folks built a shack at the entrance which still stands today).  Could see an ATV circling about the road where the other vehicles were - definitely not street legal.  Also a Jeep arrived with Mohawk Warrior flag flying, and some guy hanging out the door.  Later the same vehicle dropped off large bundles, one after the other, along the roadside near the entrance.  No idea as to contents.  Some in the crowd said that they saw quite a few vehicles with New York plates, so perhaps arrived from places such as Akwesasne, New York despite the covid19 restrictions on Americans coming into this Country.  Apparently this does not apply to Natives (Jay Treaty of 1794?).

Since the Elected Band Council had approved the Losani development, they are none too happy with these protesters who clearly are affiliated with the Hereditary Council - or at least the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (the extortion specialist branch of the Hereditary Council).

At about 7 pm a large black RAM pickup arrived and headed toward a group of protesters who were walking toward the Caledonia barricades.  He spoke at length with them and eventually they dispersed.  As we reached 8 pm the vehicles began to disperse in the direction from which they came (to the south).  I have no idea what sort of police barricade was at that end, but the officers told me that people were allowed to drive to the Douglas Creek Estates entrance but that they would not be allowed out - they had to stay there.  A few White folk in cars were allowed through the barricades where we were - not sure what the story was there.

There were reporters from The Haldimand Press, CHCH Hamilton, CTV Kitchener and perhaps others.  I spoke at length on camera with some, including CTV Kitchener but my outlining the facts and the complex factionalism situation as well as the truth that the Six Nations were not "aboriginal" to this area - only the Mohawk Valley and Finger Lakes, NY - this was not going to buy me any screen time (which is fine by me).  I explained about the true genocide perpetrated by the then 5 Nations against the Huron / Wendat, Petun, Attiwandaronk and others where all were murdered, and in a very cruel way.  I explained that the 5 Nations tried to claim the land "by conquest" (having built 8 village on the north shore of Lake Ontario) - but that the Mississauga and 5 Fires Confederacy chased them out leaving the Mississauga the legal owners of the land.  It will never see the light of day on TV - I understand how these things work and my "academic analysis" is not going to play well so will be cut.

As dark began to descend and I realized that I needed to find bathroom facilities, and also to have something to eat, my decision was to depart, giving genuine best wishes to the OPP officers present - most of whom I had spoken with over the course of the evening.

Today [6 August 2020], the police were still barricading the same place, but when I checked after noon, in the distance all one could see were the two black smears along the road, and cones set up along the face of the one furthest south.  The officers seemed less aware as to what was going on than those last night - I guess because not much was in fact happening at least within view.

End of e-mail to R.M.

I just returned from the OPP baricade - at 8 pm after picking up my pizza supper.  In the distance could be seen just one vehicle and the south black "smear" billowing white smoke (which is I guess better than black smoke).  The officers were just sitting in their cars.  So, is it all over but the clean up?  I know much better from bitter experience to bet any money on that being the case.  Will keep my eyes open and ears to the ground and if any updates are warranted, they will appear here.

Update:  "Th're back"!  The "arrests" were something of a joke.  These people, despite a release requirement dictating that they stay away from the Losani site, simply returned to their old posts on private property - a re-occupation.  Just a lot more nastiness and immaturity (see the picture above and you will understand).  At least the "old protesters" did not throw rocks at police and jump on their vehicles.  Apparently, as in the bad old days, they have "supporters" with them.  So White people, do you know where your children are tonight?  Anyway, rather than me reciting second hand info, please read the Brantford Expositor article here; and an even more detailed rendition from Global News here.

So it would seem that our little local dispute here has been drawn into the wider protest by so-called "racialized" people, and those Whites who are "woke", this in the aftermath to the death of George Floyd in Minnesota - and the "summer of discontent" in the States which spread to Canada.  No matter how one sizes this up, we in Caledonia are once again used as pawns in the games of others who do not give the least concern as to how their actions impact the lives of those around them.  We do not count in their scheme of things.  If they think of it at all, we are seen as merely collateral damage to the effort to right the supposed wrongs of Colonialism and "cultural genocide".

CTV Kitchener seems to be very proactive in keeping on top of this developing story, as seen in the clip abstracted from the News today 7 August 2020 and seen here.  Toward the end of the following video of the 6 pm News, seen here, they indicated that the OPP are requesting another Court Injunction, but this one would be far ranging, stipulating that for example the protesters are not to place any barricade on any road or rail in Haldimand.  I am not sure if it will go as far as requiring the perpetrators clean up all the the destruction they have created to date - including the tire fire debris.  Very very encouraging, especially with a Premier willing to go on record today saying that he unequivocally supports the developer and Caledonia residents!  One law for all Canadians - no exceptions!

Clearly the officials this time are way beyond frustrated with the present circumstances.  Haldimand Mayor Ken Hewitt pulls no punches in the Brantford Expositor article here.  As a sort of an aside, it was confirmed in this article that the protesters have in fact blocked the railway - hence explaining why, for two days, I have not been awakened by their night runs.

8 August 2020: Saturday, 3:30 pm.  Just returned from getting a Timmys and checking out the barricade situation.  Not good news.  They have placed an old beat up trailer on its side near the right (western) fence, set up concrete K rails across the width of the road, have tipped over a few junkers along the tire fire smear, and have stacked up tires and wooden palates - ready for action it would seem.  

The OPP indicated that they have not got word at this time about any movements on their part - so it is a wait and see I guess.  Likely it will depend on when the Sheriff gives the ok to administer the Court Order, and a strategic plan is developed (or more likely put in place).  My guess is to wait a few days - many tactical advantages - before blitzing the protest sites, but we shall see.  Hope to see a long string of Paddy Wagons - now known as "Offender Transport Vehicles".

Saturday 7:30 pm, the author drove by the McKenzie Road Losani development site and noted 3 clusters of about 10 cars each.  Clearly something is "brewing".

9 August 2020:  Sunday, 2 pm finds the barricade on Argyle Street unchanged.  However three OPP cars came from the barricade to Timmys to "speak with" some Hells Angels who just arrived.  This could get interesting.  The Losani site on McKenzie Road is quiet - with only about 10 vehicles there today - but a cluster of media vans across the road waiting in a pull out.

The specific details of the new Court Order issued last Friday, as outlined in CBC News, can be found here.  Basically remove barricades set up on Haldimand Roads (and rail lines presumably), clean up the debris, and the Order specifies that no further blockades are to be placed anywhere within Haldimand County.  Furthermore, all tents and other debris must be removed from the Losani site - along with the perpetrators / agitators / protesters dispersing.  The timing is up to the Court Sheriff.  There is no possible way that this Order can be ignored - perhaps the protesters will need to find out the hard way.

Assessment:  I want to make it perfectly clear that I am on the same page as the protesters in at least one respect.  I too am concerned about the "out of control" development occurring in Caledonia.  The 3,500 unit Empire Avalon project along McClung Road on the north side of Caledonia will double the current size of the town - making us into nothing more than a suburb of Hamilton.  The scattered sub divisions on the south side have made just getting around town a chore.  The infrastructure (Argyle Street and the bridge) are simply not up to accommodating the numbers of people being added each year.  It can be infuriating just trying to get from a side street on to Argyle at almost any time of the day or week.  Fortunately the locals are by in large very polite and understanding and will stop to allow other residents to access Argyle - but it shouldn't be this way.  Therefore people in the south end of Caledonia and people on the Reserve are both feeling "pinched" by all this new development.  That being said, there are other considerations that take precedence and must be respected.

In the opinion of the author here, the present matter under consideration boils down to some stunningly simple aspects - facts and laws.  There are facts (e.g., the land was surrendered to the Crown in 1844) which are being ignored; and there are laws (e.g., re trespassing and failure to abide by a Court Order) that are supposed to apply to all Canadians equally without regard to race, creed, religion etc. - that are being flagrantly flaunted.  

The trend in 2020 is that the "cause", whether it be "we demand our land be returned" or "defund the police", is more noble than the law that for generations has kept us from degenerating into chaos and anarchy (the very things that Antifa wants to occur before a "new world order" is established).  Black Lives Matter, Idle No More, and the "cancel culture" activists now dictate to us what is the correct way to view, for example, Sir John A. MacDonald the Canadian Founding Father of Confederation in 1867.

The solution to our present situation in Caledonia is deceptively simple.  No more endless negotiations.  That has been tried, and that has failed.  It is time for the strict application of the law.  Those who have defied their release mandate (not to return to the Losani site) must be arrested again but, since they have proved that they cannot be trusted, this time held in jail pending trial.  Hopefully at trial the ring leaders will receive an appropriate jail sentence (minimum 6 months), as well as a fine (minimum of $10,000) that will act as a deterrent to a repetition of these crimes against the people of Haldimand County.  

At the political level, in McGuinty and Wynne we had Liberal Party Premiers who simply ignored Caledonia, and left us to fend for ourselves; or whose ministers made incredibly wrong headed decisions such as purchasing the disputed land (Douglas Creek Estates) and giving it to the HDI (extortion branch of the Hereditary Council).  That has backfired magnificently and has ensured that the south end of Caledonia will be constantly in turmoil.  With Doug Ford as Conservative Party Premier, we shall see.  There is room for optimism. 


Monday, 16 March 2020

Caledonia Highway 6 Blockade in the Midst of the COVID-19 Virus Pandemic

The posting of 26 February 2020 below provides the background for the present post.

One might assume that even the most dedicated "protesters" would decide, during an emergency that is of a world wide scale, that blockading a road which brings in supplies to the Six Nations and Haldimand County communities would be suspended / cancelled.  That is IF these individuals had any empathy, any remote concern for their fellow community members, they would do what is right.  Nope.

At Six Nations they have declared a "community emergency" where all, including members of the elected and hereditary councils, are working together to help plan (see here), with the emphasis being on ensuring the health and well being of the elderly.  At this point in time I hold all participants at the blockade guilty of crimes against the community, and they should be treated accordingly - as the pariahs they are!

Not being in the country, I called friends and relatives to check on the status of things there.  Very very grim, as it is in the USA, with all schools, sporting events, restaurants shutting down etc. etc., and even my own return to Canada in question due to the possibility that the border will be closed at any time (as per the statements of both Prime Minister Trudeau and President Trump).  It was not a surprise to me, knowing the participants at the blockade as I do, that the ............... s are still "manning the bastions" and keeping the "cause" (whatever that is) alive.  Meanwhile seniors are dying and all people in the community risk getting very sick.  Still, the beat goes on.

My contacts tell me that there has been traffic chaos in downtown Caledonia (which was inevitable - we have all seen it before during blockades of Argyle Street at Douglas Creek Estates).  Ironically, the lack luster OPP have been giving $600 tickets to trucks that cross the Caledonia Bridge when the fact is that they are there is desperation or confusion caused by ...................... OPP inaction at the Highway 6 barricades.  Even more concerning is the number of traffic accidents in the area.  Some of these would appear to involve people having to navigate around the blockade in unfamiliar territory as they go to work or other venues.  There have been a number of local traffic deaths, and it would be important to determine whether these were "blockade related".  If so then these unprincipled protesters have blood on their hands, and should be treated accordingly.

The "protesters" are known, and they could be subject to community shunning.  At any rate, they must pay the price for flaunting the law - to the fullest extent that the law will permit, or this will just keep happening over and over.  In the opinion of the present author, who has assiduously tried to provide primarily factually correct data (along with the supporting documents or photographs), and largely avoided opinion - based statements in the vast majority of postings to this blog, the protesters should be arrested and jailed until such time as the corona virus pandemic makes it possible to bring them to Superior Court in Cayuga.  Perhaps a little time to sit in a 4 x 8 cell will afford the opportunity to reflect on why they are there, and perhaps even induce an apology from a few that are in fact contrite about what they have done.  Often a sincere apology goes a long way towards reducing the sentence of these offenders / perpetrators.  For any of this to happen the OPP MUST DO THEIR DUTY!!

This is all deja vu, same behaviour seen off and on between 2006 - 2019.  Now we can add 2020 to the list of years where these "activists" have held our community for ransom.  When can those in Caledonia expect that the rule of law will apply to their corner of Haldimand County?  How much can we be expected to tolerate?  Is the ghost of Dudley George (Ipperwash) going to haunt us forever?  Why do people from elsewhere chose to live in Caledonia?  Why not live in an area where the rule of law is respected?  My family has been here since day one (12 generations total), and my ancestors are buried here - so this is my aboriginal home, and I will not be pushed out for any reason!

Will hopefully be home very soon to offer more personal observations, and become directly involved at the ground level.

Update:  1)  For an unstated reason, the blockade of the Highway 6 Caledonia bypass will be removed by the protesters on Friday 20 March 2020 - as are the OPP concrete barricades at each end - as reported in CBC News of 19 March 2020 seen here.  Pathetically, the OPP thank people for their patience during the this extended interval.  I, for one, have not been patient and the ONLY reason that this author has not been at the front lines is that being out of the country has posed something of an impediment towards meeting this goal.

                2) As per an article in the Hamilton Spectator of 20 March 2020 the following statement (seen here) was issued by the protesters:  "As a united collective and as a sign of good faith, we have agreed to remove the barricades on the bypass and relocate to Kanonhstaton — the protected place," read the demonstrators' Friday statement.  In other words these criminals are heading back to the Douglas Creek Estates, the now desolate and tick infested property they stole in 2006.  They do state that they have no immediate plans to blockade Argyle Street there (as has happened since 2006 more times than I can count).  Apparently these vandals did damage to the Highway (they made fires there - apparently not with tires, a common practice, though), and a damage assessment and repairs need to be done, so the OPP cannot say at this time when the road will be opened to traffic.

                 3)  As of 22 March 2020 Highway 6 is back to "normal" as per the article in The Sachem here.  So no longer will trucks carrying hazardous material be forced to use dangerous side roads, and the traffic in Caledonia can return to "normal chaos".  The vultures who perpetrated this abomination will, it would appear, again face zero consequences for their illegal actions causing so much distress to the community.  We once again await another occasion where these predators will decide to pounce - it is as inevitable as spring following winter.  After all they were bolstered by enablers, and there is was nothing administered (e.g., Court Order, OPP action, or even significant pressure from the general Six Nations community) to deter further action. 


Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Once Again Caledonia is Being Used as a Punching Bag by Unprincipled Six Nations Agitators

Well, no surprise - here we go again.

The Problem:  A familiar pattern seen in this neck of the woods has re-emerged.  Caledonia is on the front lines of a "confrontation", as has been the case so many times in the past, but this time there is a twist.  On this occasion, the militants did not spring into action due to some local issue, but rather as a result of events occurring thousands of miles to the west.  These are people who care more for those residing in some unfamiliar remote place than their own neighbours in Haldimand County and the majority of those on the nearby Six Nations Reserve.

Supporters of the hereditary chiefs at Six Nations (the latter have no recognized legal authority and the tattered remnants are entirely dysfunctional) see a parallel with what is happening with a splinter group of British Columbia Indian hereditary chiefs of the Wet'suwet'en - who came into prominence with the controversy over the proposed pipeline between Alberta and British Columbia.  Most of the tribe / nation support the pipeline taking Alberta oil to the coast, but the squeaky wheel gets all the attention - and the "silent majority" in Wet'suwet'en country remains ................... silent.  I would venture to say that not a single one of the protesters now installed just outside Caledonia had ever heard the name "Wet'suwet'en" a few months ago.  This was certainly true of the present author as well.  For those who wish to have an overview of the "players" out west, information can be found in a recent CBC article here, providing a "who's who" in this dispute.

The situation in British Columbia, by virtue of the press coverage, has created set of circumstances where groups across Canada including other "First Nation" peoples (e.g., Tyendinaga Mohawks near Belleville, Ontario) and anarchists (e.g., ANTIFA) have joined the agitators in B.C. "in solidarity".  As a result of this dynamic, and the Canadian and Provincial inaction - hesitation, these groups have brought the Canadian economy to its knees via blockading railroads and or course roads (see here for the impact on farmers in the Western Provinces).  It was inevitable, knowing the history around here, that the supporters of the Hereditary Chiefs Confederacy Council (HCCC) group, with this excuse as the stimulus, would take the opportunity to make the lives of the people of Caledonia miserable once again - and of course we hear the usual "genocide" and "colonialism" platitudes as justification (backed by zero objective veridical evidence - but that has NEVER mattered).

Just a reminder, for those who have not followed this blog or other relevant information sources over the past 14 years, we have been through these situations involving an endless series of blockades of roads and construction sites since well before the theft of the Douglas Creek Estates (DCE) lands in 2006 by Six Nations activists and their white supporters.   The disruptions (including assaults, arson, destruction of all the homes on the DCE property, blockades of Highway 6 and the Caledonia Bypass, harassing and abusing local residents (e.g., required to carry "passports" to access their own property) occurred while the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) refused to protect citizens and even their own officers.  Most recently the HCCC supporters halted the stringing of power lines through the towers that extended from Niagara Falls to the Toronto grid - costing taxpayers millions if not billions of dollars (since this action extends back to 2006).  All this is documented in this blog and in many other sources.

As to the specifics of what is playing out today, reference to an article published in the Hamilton Spectator of 25 February 2020, seen here will provide details.  The bottom line is that once again the Caledonia Bypass of Highway 6 (an essential artery for which there is no viable alternative for large vehicles) has been blockaded.

The author has endured this nonsense for a lifetime, and while the players have changed, the behaviours have not.  As we have learned from the past, the only way to deal with these entitled agitators is to seek a Court Order to demolish the barricades and arrest the perpetrators - essentially for the OPP to do their duty.  The reputation of the OPP in Caledonia is on very shaky ground since they have typically held to a double standard - one for "Natives" (let them do as they wish) and locals (arrest them for "crimes" such as carrying a Canadian flag).  The author has been on the front lines of many of the resulting confrontations, and attained a new disrespect for the Provincial policing - where the establishment is petrified that another Dudley George and Ipperwash situation might transpire (a google search will provide details).  They have, however, on occasion showed that they will honour Court Orders and they will demolish barricades and arrest the perpetrators.  Their recent actions at Tyendinaga are highly commendable.

A Solution:  As in the past, I will offer the OPP and elected officials some suggestions, for what they are worth, in order to address the concerns of residents of Haldimand County, and a way forward to enforce the law effectively (since the author has knowledge of the area and the parties involved).  It occurs that here, one way to end the blockade would be for the OPP to allow people out, but not in (thereby cutting off supplying protesters with "essentials").  With the snow, cold and wind now buffeting the area, one might think that the "solidarity people" would be forced to retreat due to the inclement weather and lack of food and water and shelter.  Problem solved.  If the OPP are allowing vehicles to bring in "reinforcements" and supplies of any sort, then they are clearly enablers, not doing their job.  If this were the case, what little esteem I might retain for them would evaporate (or freeze).

It is critical for the OPP to be prepared for the "next time", and there will be a next time since the "blockade behaviour" has been reinforced (rewarded), and so as with Skinner's rats, it will be repeated again.  The OPP needs to be proactive and as soon as someone begins to illegally block a road in Haldimand County, a contractor needs to be called in to remove the materials, and the perpetrators arrested, charged, and subject to fines and jail time (depending on circumstances).  If for some reason the OPP would prefer to have a Court Order to back them up, that is worth considering.  This approach worked very well in 2009 with a Court Order from the Superior Court of Brantford and the perpetrators who disobeyed a Court Order to disperse from a development site and were named in the local newspapers, and their punishments were also enumerated.  No more coddling of one group of people simply because they are defined as "First Nation" and have a status card.

One other thing I would like to note at this time.  There was unremitting, and entirely valid, criticism of Provincial Government Liberal leaders McGuinty and Wynne since they were never to be seen even while parts of Caledonia were burning.  We have now elected Doug Ford and the Conservatives, and many of us expected that things would be different - that Ford would care, and would defend us.  It is beginning to appear that we were wrong.  Will our Premier declare where he stands on this issue of the law and the need for all (NO EXCEPTIONS) in Ontario to respect it?  Time will tell but so far it is not looking good as all that we hear from Queen's Park over this anarchy is silence (a little cold for crickets at this time).  We also must hear from our elected representatives at all levels of government.

The Bottom LineWe need the OPP to step up to the plate and enforce the law in precisely the same manner as they certainly would if the barricades had been placed on the Caledonia Bypass by local residents.

Updates:  The author will update this posting as the situation unfolds, and will soon offer more details (including photos) from personal observation when circumstances permit.  Hopefully in a few days the whole matter will have been resolved and the barricade situation nothing but a (bitter) recent memory.  However, how likely is that?

     1)  The Haldimand Police Services Board is angry at the lack of response by the OPP, as seen here in the Hamilton Spectator article of 29 February 2020.  Clearly it is not just the present author who is fed up with the inaction of the OPP, which we have seen before.  The local Detachment Commander indicated that it is not up to him anymore - the "higher ups" have taken over the handling of the "incident" and sooooo .................................. we wait, as we have done time and time and time again over the past 14 years.  Who else in Ontario has to live with this crazyness?

     Addendum:  I wonder how the situation would be handled if, as in the "old days", we had the Haldimand - Norfolk Regional Police in place of the OPP.

     2)  Lately there have been a number of people in the media who appear to have come to an understanding about what these "protests" are doing to our country, and how "First Nations" factionalism is at the root of much of the chaos (something I have discussed in numerous posts in this blog).  Over the years this author has seen very few media folk be anything but left leaning and "politically correct" - this time, not so much (although the article here from Al Jazeera provides a classic far left spin).  A good example of this more realistic and fair view of the issues can be found here.  This is from the Toronto Sun, however similar sentiments have been expressed in the National Post (see here), and the Globe and Mail.  Some Wet'suwet'en elders are now speaking loudly to the effect that these hereditary chiefs do not have the authority to speak for all members of the tribe /nation as seen here in an article from Global News.  The matriarch also pulled the rug out from underneath the environmentalist catastrophists in stating that they have had pipelines there since the 1960s and there have been no problems (I will add that this is in sharp contrast to the horrendous disasters in the last few years occasioned by moving oil via rail - Lac Megantic being the most serious).

Most often this author has felt like a lone voice in the wilderness.  It is indeed encouraging to see others express similar opinions, but published in major mainstream media outlets.

     3)  According to an article in the Hamilton Spectator of Sunday March 1st 2020 (seen here) the "solidarity" worthies decided to up the ante with rolling blockades of Highway 6 near 1st Line outside of Hagersville (about 10 miles down the highway from Caledonia).  Having resided here years ago this author is well familiar with the circumstances in that vicinity.  The traffic at the best of times in that area is problematic due to 18 wheelers trying to negotiate downtown Hagersville and the light at Main and King.  There is no bypass.  So a bunch of entitled "supporters" confident in their "cause" can create havoc here.  They were apparently slowing traffic to 25 km/hr which would guarantee road chaos.  The OPP had every right to arrest these "resisters" for impeding the flow of traffic - but ...........

     4)  Sadly it appears that the two media sources at Six Nations, namely Two Row Times and Turtle Island News, give absolutely no indication that the Reserve community is anything but fully behind the disruptive actions locally and more widely.  There is a brick wall that emerges (as in the past) such that "dissenters" (those who are against the militant action in support of a questionable "cause") are silenced.

     5)  As of 2 March 2020 the blockade continues according to a CBC article here.  Questions continue to arise such as why have the OPP not done their job, are we not important enough?  Things are getting so bad at Tyendinaga Township, adjoining the Tyendinaga Mohawk Reserve, that they are begging for assistance from the rest of Canada.  So clearly Caledonia is in "competition" for the community in Ontario most affected by blockades by their "neighbours", as seen in the link here.

     6)  A question arises as to how do these people make a living since I certainly would not have been able to take that much time off work in order to participate in a "protest" - nor would my employers have permitted it.  When I was self employed there was even less of a chance to "be away" from my work since my business / practice would have gone belly up.  When circumstances permit, this author will investigate who is among the "crew" at the barricades then perhaps the answer to this latter question will be revealed.

     7)  As of 4 March 2020 there is, to the best of the author's knowledge, no published specific information as to where the traffic issues occasioned by the blockade occur.  Despite the title, "Blockades Creating Traffic Problems in Caledonia" from a Woodstock, Ontario FM radio station's site, there are no details as to where these "Problems" are to be found.  Again, the present author will provide this information from personal inspection - but when is alas unclear at this time.

     8)  6 March 2020, according to an article in the Simcoe Reformer seen here, the beat goes on.  No change.  It appears that the OPP are allowing access to members of all factions at Six Nations as well as their "supporters".  It has now apparently become something (unclear what) beyond simply giving support to the Wet'suwet'en - and thus its duration is further obscured.  When does the law begin to be factored into the equation?  As has been noted so many times, Six Nations militants are frequently immune from the laws of the land once they step off the Reserve to create havoc for locals who don't identify as "aboriginal" (as well as other Canadians who find themselves caught up in this, whatever it is).  No one "in authority" will stand up for us.

     9)  Some interesting comments from the article on the blockade continuing in the Brantford Expositor of 6 March 2020; and the rhetoric coming from the agitators behind the lines include the following (as seen here):

          a)  The title says “Caledonia blockade to remain in place”.

Why are Six Nations people punishing the people of Caledonia?

And, it's against the law in Canada to block roads, highways, bridges or rail lines, etc. without a permit.

So why are the OPP just standing and watching? Why the OPP aiding and abetting people who are breaking the law?

It's against the law to rob a store or a bank but the police don't just stand and watch while it's happening.

It's against the law to block roads, highways, bridges and rail lines and to attack trains so why do the police just stand and watch while it's happening?

When the police just stand and watch and don't do anything when people break the law, the police embolden the criminals.

Why do they want to do that?

          b)  “There’s no way they would be for something that would harm our Mother Earth the way this would.”

Be careful not to throw stones if you live in a glass house. Should anyone be interested, I could take a group of those who believe the above nonsense on a tour of the bush lines of various lots and concessions on the Rez and show all how much "love" and "respect" of Mother Earth has been shown many of the Haudenosaunee of Six Nations over the last 150 years. As to the pipeline, I watch the trains carrying oil (that fuel the high lift trucks and ATVs common on the Rez) across the tressel in Caledonia realizing that any second a car could derail and create an environmental disaster the like of which we have never seen. Remember the disaster at Lac Megantic - it could happen in our backyards. A pipeline on Wet'suwet'en has been there since 1961 and there have been no incidents. Too many inconvenient truths?

     10)  On 10 March 2020, it was reported that our MPP, Toby Barrett, stood up in the legislature and blasted the government for the lack of action on the blockade.  The following quote is from CBC News (see here), "The MPP for Haldimand-Norfolk says businesses along Highway 6 are suffering because of an "illegal" blockade and is demanding the government take action to remove it.

"We respect the rights of a peaceful protest, but enough is enough. Tear down this blockade,"  Progressive Conservative MPP Toby Barrett said to scattered applause at Queen's Park Tuesday."
Further, "He described the people who had shut down the road as "activists" and said the blockade is "dangerous" because it's forcing traffic to be rerouted over a bridge built in 1927 that "should have been replaced 18 years ago.""
"Our area's economy on both sides of Highway 6 are struggling," said Barrett. "Stores are closing. It's disheartening the Canadian government continues to remain silent."
Our MPP has always had our back - although stepping in earlier could have been helpful.  However it is reassuring that Queen's Park is now aware of the pain being inflicted on Caledonia (once again).

     11)  The media are finally acknowledging the fact that the dispute in BC is being led by a group of 5 rogue chiefs and their white environmentalist supporters - whereas 80% of the Wet'suwet'en community wants the pipeline to go ahead.  As reported on 10 March 2020 in the National Post here, 

"Theresa Tait Day, a former Wet’suwet’en hereditary leader, told MPs a pipeline project had been “hijacked” by five male chiefs and criticized Liberal cabinet ministers for making a secret deal with them.
Speaking at a House of Commons committee meeting, Tait Day said the decision last month to meet with hereditary chiefs was a mistake.
“The government has legitimized the meeting with the five hereditary chiefs and left out their entire community,” she said. “We can not be dictated to by a group of five guys.” 

Yet still the blockade in Caledonia continues - clearly the "supporters" there have their own agenda, and guess who ends up suffering most ........
     12)  Haldimand County Mayor Hewitt has weighed in re the above actions of MPP Barrett.  The following can be found in an article in the 11 March 2020 issue of the Brantford Expositor seen here:

“The announcement our MPP made to his own party seems really strange and asinine,” said Hewitt, noting that Barrett years ago took issue with the inaction of then Liberal  provincial government in responding to the occupation of the Douglas Creek Estates residential subdivision in Caledonia.
“I’ve been telling people that (Caledonia has) no ability to apply any pressure. This is a provincial issue since the OPP and the roads are under the province’s jurisdiction and I’m disturbed that I can’t even count on our local MPP and the government that’s in power.”
Hewitt said he has heard from no level of government with advice or offers of help so he has been trying to have local conversations about resolving the issue.
“We’re just a small community in the south of the province. If this highway was a 400 series or a railway line, I’m sure the conversations would be a lot more vocal but it’s easy to be in an office in Toronto and pretend there’s nothing happening here.”
The mayor said all three levels of government must come up with a reconciliation strategy to deal with outstanding land claims and other First Nation issues."
Clearly our key officials are not entirely on the same page - although the present author doesn't understand why the Mayor is upset with MPP Barrett who is at least trying to raise awareness of the issue at Queen's Park.

     13)  Some hope on the horizon!  As reported in the Hamilton Spectator 12 March 2020 seen here, or the Sachem of 13 March 2020 here, the "protesters" have been put on notice.  The following quote is instructive:

On Tuesday afternoon, police officers approached barricades at both ends of the bypass and read a notice, warning demonstrators that “their actions were deemed illegal and they could face charges.” . 

     14)  In the Sachem of 13 March 2020 an article here notes the strongly worded letter (dated 6 March 2020) of the Chamber of Commerce representing Caledonia and Six Nations businesses demanding action by all levels of government to get rid of the blockade which is devastating the local economy and creating general chaos.  A specific quote is as follows:  “Caledonia and the Six Nations are losing patience. Every time a Six Nations Confederacy protest takes place, both communities are held hostage,”.  The letter was sent to Prime Minister Trudeau, MP Finlay (both Federal); MPP Barrett (Provincial); Mayor Hewitt (Haldimand County), as well as a host of others.

     15)  We are now in the midst of the unprescedented corona virus pandemic.  This is a national emergency where we all have to work together to get through this while minimizing the damage.  This matter will be addressed in the next posting.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Federal Government Give Away of Tax Dollars - Recipients: Indian Day School "Survivors"

The Issues:  Another questionable Trudeau - era "reconciliation" gesture using Canadians tax dollars has been announced by a group of, what some might term, "ambulance chasing" lawyers.  It is called the "Indian Day School Settlement" and was announced 19 August 2019, according to an article entitled, "Crowd packs first Indian Day School session at Six Nations" in Turtle Island News (18 September 2019, p.2).

It appears that the flood gates will be opened and virtually anyone who attended a Day School on a Reserve can apply for "compensation", "to assist people who suffered at federally run day schools".  To make this all the more poignant, those who "suffered" will be called "survivors" (a term once reserved for those who suffered in Nazi Concentration Camps).

Let us pause a minute before getting into the details of the settlement.  There has already been a huge "settlement" for those who attended an Indian Residential School.  On Six Nations this means the now "Woodland Cultural Center" (Mohawk Institute, "Mushole"), which the Chiefs and Clan Mothers begged the Church of England to open in 1837, and which the Chiefs begged the Canadian Government not to close in 1970.  In previous postings the author has noted that this school was actually on the Reserve (not 1,000 miles away), and that many students have very pleasant memories of their days at school here (and most of the Reserve teachers attended here).  So this was hugely questionable in the case of Six Nations.  More generally the matter of Day Schools is simply wrong - not questionable.  Granted this is an opinion, but the reality must be looked at in toto.

Were Indian Day Schools different in any marked way from the Day Schools attended by most other Canadians (Public or Catholic or other) ?  It is general knowledge that in all schools until very recently, many to most boys got the "biffs" (strap) from the school principal, were slammed by a pointer or ruler by a teacher, were badgered by teachers, and may have been roughly handled at some point.  Ask any child, especially boys, who "survived" the Catholic school system their impressions or recollections of the treatment meted out by the Nuns.  There is a reason for all the nun jokes I heard from my Catholic friends (especially in French Canada).  So what was different in Indian Day Schools that warrants huge monetary compensation not available to others who attended Day School?  The sound of crickets prevails ............

The Application for Compensation:  So what is the application process, and how much cash will I receive if I attended Indian Day School?  The details were provided by a member of the lawyers who initiated the settlement proceedings back in 2016, during a meeting at the Six Nations Community Hall on 11 September 2019.  The monies will be available to those who suffered physical, emotional, or sexual abuse while attending Indian Day School after 1920.  Other eligibility time line details are provided, but the bottom line is that just about any attendee will be eligible to apply (it also includes those who have passed away after 31 July 2007).  When the claim forms become available (there is an appeal pending), applicants will have 2.5 years to complete the forms from the comfort of their own home.  Although a list of "proofs" such as report cards is given, those who do not have these will simply have to take their claim form to a notary or professional to have the signature witnessed - they are trusting that honesty will prevail !!  Specifically, "what is on the claims form will be assumed to be true unless there is egregious evidence to suggest that the applicant  is lying".   No penalty for lying of course.

The Monetary Compensation:  How much compensation will travel from the pockets of Canadian taxpayers to "survivors"?  There is a scale of 5 levels based on severity.  So the occasional biffing or having a teacher who used harsh words will result in a taxpayer gift of $10,000, up to the maximum payout of $200,000 for more serious experiences.

At this point I am speechless ...........

Do facts matter?


Caledonia Argyle Street Bridge Replacement - Provincial Government Confers with Six Nations Council NOT Haldimand County Council

The Problem:  In what is one of the most egregious and downright bizarre actions of the Provincial Government, they, via the Ministry of Transportation (MTO), has to date left the Caledonia and the Haldimand County Council "out of the loop" in discussions about moving forward with the Caledonia Argyle Street Bridge replacement project due to begin in 2020.  Just a reminder that Caledonia is a municipality within the County of Haldimand, and it has only one bridge - the above noted Argyle Street Bridge connecting the north and south sides of Caledonia across the Grand River.  Therefore why is the MTO is in closed discussions with the Six Nations Elected Council and the Mississaugas of New Credit is a mystery.  The latter bodies have absolutely no business, either legal or moral, to be sticking their nose in a matter that is entirely within the jurisdiction of the County of Haldimand - the relevant facts will be detailed below.

The response of the Mayor of Haldimand County to being left out of the communications relative to the Argyle Street Bridge work is detailed in The Haldimand Press, Vol. 45, No. 37, Thursday 19 September 2019 in an article entitled, "Mayor questions MTO's communication of Argyle Bridge work in Caledonia" by Lindsey Stuckless.  Here we note that Mayor Hewitt, "was confused as to why the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is having communication with Mississaugas of the New Credit and Six Nations without including Haldimand County".  Recall that all the land on both sides of the Grand River was purchased by Governor Haldimand from the Mississaugas in 1784 (they have never contested this fact), donated as Crown land to the Six Nations as compensation for lands lost during the American Revolution in Upstate New York.  These lands were subsequently surrendered in 1844 by all the Chiefs in Council - so in effect no "aboriginal" group has any legitimate right to a legal say in the matter of the new bridge.  The records are absolutely clear on this point.  ONLY the Haldimand County Council has jurisdiction here, in terms of negotiating with the MTO.

Mayor Hewitt further states that, "I am perplexed that you said regular communication is taking place with our neighbours and we have not been kept in the loop".  A major concern (very real based on events since 2006), as stated by Ward 3 (Caledonia) Councillor Lawrence is that, "a plan must be in place in case construction is halted", and further that, "We cannot take this issue lightly.  A stoppage of work on the bridge can halt all of Caledonia".  Hereabouts we have all seen the fall out of "actions" by Six Nations militants who have stopped work on land developments, green energy projects, and of course the Cayuga Bridge extorting bribes to allow the work to continue.  Considering that most at the lower end of the Six Nations Reserve use Argyle Street and the present Argyle Street Bridge, and many Six Nations businesses depend on this axis, it is possible that there would be some discontent within the Reserve on this matter - but that has never stopped the Men's Fire and other agents of the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI) from advancing their agenda to return the Hereditary Council to power by any means available (and siphon as much money as possible in the process).

The Facts as to Land Rights:  Clearly a history lesson is needed to help get a grasp of the realities (versus the perceptions and beliefs).  The lands that are now Caledonia were sold by the Crawford family, Barefoot Onondagas, in a deed dating to the 1840s.  The present author has seen the deed and recalls seeing the signatures of all of the Crawford family, including William and Abraham, who sold their rights to this property under their claimed ownership (a fact never questioned by the Six Nations at the time - anymore than the ownership of the Johnson or Martin family properties up River was questioned).  This was Crawford land and they disposed of it legally, and without being contested by the then Six Nations Council.  The land was then surveyed and parceled into town lots and patents issued after the land surrender of Seneca (north side of River) and Oneida Townships (south side of River) in the 1840s.  William Crawford purchased one of these lots along the Plank Road (what is today Argyle Street) and established an inn on the site.  He never at any subsequent time claimed any ownership rights beyond this.

At this point it would be helpful if the present author could post a copy of the above noted deed, but alas it has gone missing (was stolen?) from the Haldimand County Museum and Archives at some point before 2010.  It was last seen among other records in the hands of "two women from Ohsweken" - according to a previous curator of the Museum.  If ever needed, the original deed could be produced as it is safe within the walls of Library and Archives Canada (LAC).  In addition, the records for Seneca Township, due to be transferred (legally) from the Indian Office in Brantford to the Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa, were "removed" (stolen) by Six Nations members, taken to the Library in the Museum of the Woodland Indian (now affectionately referred to as the "Mushole") for microfilming (seen there by reliable sources), and transferred to the Land Management Office for Six Nations in Ohsweken.

As noted in earlier postings, the records for Oneida Township were sent to the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) prior to the theft of the comparable records for Seneca Township, and are available for consultation.  The present author requested a microfilm copy of these items from LAC and has made copies of the relevant documents (LAC, RG10, Vol. 729, Land Inspection Returns for Oneida Township, Issued 11March 1844, microfilm reel C-13415).  A record of which lots here were owned by which members of the Crawford family is documented here - but again only for the south side of the River.

The Future:  In Caledonia we are facing the inevitable prospect of two full years of a nightmare of closures and detours which aggravates the already overwhelmed infrastructure (try getting out of a side street on to Argyle Street at any time of day).  Our recall of multiple Argyle Street blockades at the site of the former Douglas Creek Estates (now Kanonstaton in the hands of Six Nations due to capitulation by the Provincial Government) from 2006 onwards is very fresh in our minds - having only stopped a year ago.

Undoubtedly there will be much much more on this matter that will emerge between now and the slated completion date in 2022.  If this becomes anything like the Hydro One Niagara Reinforcement Line completion, that date (year) is laughable.

Do facts matter?


Friday, 12 July 2019

Justice Prevails: HCCC and ANTIFA Activists in Court - Work Resumes on the Hydro One NRL - September Update

The author has repeatedly spoken about the unconscionable actions of the Hereditary Chiefs Confederacy Council (HCCC) in relation to Hydro One's Niagara Reinforcement Line (NRL) which would connect power from Niagara Falls to the grid.

The project came to a complete halt in 2006 during the take over of the Douglas Creek Estates housing development project south of Caledonia.  The towers were completed, and ran just south of the Douglas Creek property, it only remained to string the lines.  During the anarchy that followed, one of the towers was cut down and, until 2018, used as a barricade that every so often would be dragged out across Argyle Street South to stop all traffic.  This "severed tower", and Hydro One's unwillingness to act in order to recover (or replace) its property, brought the NRL project to a complete halt.

As noted in the posting here and previous ones, Hydro One came to an agreement with the Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC), which is the sole legal governing body at Six Nations, and with promises of sums of money and a 45% stake in the revenue from the completed NRL project and jobs for Six Nations people (AECON 6 Nations - A6N) - the stringing of lines commenced in the fall of 2018, but was soon brought to a halt by HCCC and their enforcers the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI) who blocked the work site and threatened to bring throngs of people streaming down from the Rez (as happened in 2006).  A hollow threat perhaps, but none the less effective.  The bottom line was the the HDI and their White advisers, including ANTIFA members known from 2006 and subsequent events, demanded a quarter of a million dollars and be cut in on the action.  Of course this is nothing more than extortion, which has been used more times by HDI than the present author can count in local land development and green energy projects.  The HDI and HCCC have never opened the books, and while claiming to be the sole representatives of the people, refuse to let anyone see where this blood money has gone (lining the pockets of key players is of course one suspicion).

Hydro One is used to capitulating (it has for 13 years on this one project, and on illegal smoke shacks being set up on their property), but since they were now partnered with the elected officials at Six Nations, who were none too happy with this action which deprived the community of much needed resources, they eventually did what they should have done many years ago.  They applied for a Court Injunction (which worked splendidly in 2009 with the ruling of Justice Arrell in Brantford Supreme Court in a land development work stoppage).

Both the Brantford Expositor (BE) of 11 July 2019 in an article entitled Hydro One gets temporary injunction (see here); and the Two Row Times (TRT1) of 10 July 2019 in an article entitled, HCCC & HDI and 16 others being sued for injunction on Niagara Reinforcement Project (see here); and TRT2 11 July 2019  in and article entitled Judge approves injunction for completion of Niagara Reinforcement Project (see here) have addressed this matter.

As indicated in the latter article, the HCCC, NDI and 16 named individuals were brought to Court to answer claims by Hydro One about work stoppages and threats, including that of the "New Mohawk benchwarmer" who had demanded $40 million in "compensation" paid to HCCC in order to allow the A6N workers to resume their work.  It was the mysterious A.D. who once again represented the HCCC in these proceedings but only as a "Senior Advisor" not lawyer (which begs the question, "has he been disbarred?").  15 of the 16 named individuals were Six Nations members, the 16th was a very well known White activist (ANTIFA, Marxist, anarchist) who was at one time a graduate student from York University, and involved as a "supporter" of Six Nations since 2006.

Hydro One was seeking an order barring the above named or others from using any means to deter work at the site or intimidating anyone involved in the project.  Hydro One was also seeking damages, costs or any other relief deemed appropriate by the Court for "irreparable harm".  Some parties denied being served a summons, despite evidence to the contrary.  None wished to participate - leaving it to A.D. to act on their behalf.  One party did speak, calling the fact that Hydro One seeking an injunction, "an outrage, and a sneaky disgusting move". (BE)  Hydro One added that they had on numerous occasions attempted to get HCCC to participate in discussions, but to no avail - except the assertion that any talks would be on condition that Hydro One pay HCCC $250,000.  The HCCC, in its statement, said that is has always been committed to partnering with Indigenous leaders and provincial entities, including Hydro One. (BE)  Anyone with even a passing familiarity with the HCCC could easily assess the accuracy of that statement.  To dig in even deeper into the depths of what are lies and what is the truth, the statement by the HCCC representative that, "Hydro One is proceeding in a manner that is condescending, colonist and patriarchal” speaks volumes.

The Judge concluded that this was all about the money, and "who's going to take a cut".  The disruptive "history" of the defendants was then read (e.g., causing public disruption).  It also emerged that HCCC wanted Hydro One to cancel their agreement with Six Nations and Mississaugas of New Credit, "and instead sign an exclusive agreement with HDI, its own development corporation".  Furthermore HCCC threatened to bring in members of other Bands across Ontario (for muscle), and also that, "they may not be able to control their behaviour and there is a risk of towers coming down".  Clearly these tactics of threats, intimidation, and extortion are borrowed straight from the Mafia and other criminal organizations.  So therefore, ...............

Hydro One maintained that it needs to be operational by 1 September based on Provincial mandate.

The above all happened on Monday.  On Tuesday evening the Judge granted the injunction.  On Wednesday parties arrived at the site and attempted to disrupt work and were handed a copy of the injunction by the Ontario Provincial Police.  On the same day Hydro One issued a statement relative to the injunction, including, "if this project is not completed, another solution, and further investment, would be needed to ensure that need is met. These additional and unnecessary costs are likely to result in higher electricity charges for the people of Ontario." (TRT2)  In fact this whole process since 2006 has likely cost the Ontario taxpayer billions of dollars and resulted in higher costs already.  Who is going to pony up for these "damages"?

Update:  The stringing of the wires of the NRL has now been completed - with no fanfare.  All that this author can say is that at some point between 17 July 2019 (when the permanent injunction was issued) and 11 September 2019 when an article in Turtle Island News stated that the line was finished, and that the "Six Nations community" may be on the hook for $200,000 in legal costs.  Good luck in finding more information in any media or other source.  Guessing that Hydro One, the Provincial Government, and the Six Nations Elected Council wanted to keep a low profile on the end of this whole debacle which has cost Ontario and Canadian taxpayers many millions if not billions of dollars for no other reason than fear of Six Nations militancy.