Hard to believe that it has been 10 years since the hell that was the "Reclamation" of Kanonhstaton, or in truth, the "theft" of Douglas Creek Estates, and the attendant chaos, anger and general negativity. So what has been resolved? Easy to answer, nothing. However while the tensions of 2006 to 2007 have seen only occasional flare ups, the potential still lurks for further disruptions since Six Nations adamantly refuses to accept fact and hard evidence and instead opts for old beliefs based on nothing of substance. Actually the whole debacle is seen as a source of pride for many at Six Nations. Should you think that this is an exaggeration, I would draw your attention to a publication by the editor of Turtle Island News, Six Nations at the Crossroads: Douglas Creek Reclamation - A Pictorial History, 2007. To say the least it is a real eye opener, and shows that there is no willingness to accept any responsibility for the violence and disruption to the lives of those who do not reside at Six Nations.
What follows is something of a selective summary of the events over the past 10 years and of the content of the blog. It includes what is at this point in time acting as a burr under my blanket.
I began this blog some years ago after becoming furious that a large number of Six Nations members, despite all that has gone on since April 2006, put some abstract remote cause ahead of the health and welfare of their neighbours (I was caught in a nighmare of a traffic tie up caused by a road blockade). That was unforgivable, and I became resolved to bring to the fore the facts which were for unknown reasons never shown to the public, but are at the disposal of the Federal Government of Canada, as well as the Lands and Resources people at Six Nations. The blog has brought forth the facts, depicted with references and often photos of original documents, showed clearly that there were no treaties pertaining to the Six Nations, nor was there an acre of unsurendered land - and I could prove it. Thus the drive to dispel myths by referring to sources of original evidence. The emergence of groups such as the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI), the strong arm wing of the Hereditary Council, and other groups such as Men's Fire emerged from the ashes of DCE which ensured that the chaos would continue indefinitely (although the two groups are presently at each other's throats). Our greatest device to clear a path to the truth is the sharp edge of the facts - the evidence, which can be assessed at face value and in context.
Here follows two very broad topics (of many) that have found their way under my skin to cause irritation. If asked to give just two over arching issues under which much else may be placed, it would be the ignorance of what constitutes evidence thus the tenacious beliefs concerning treaty rights and unsurrendered land, and hypocrisy (sometimes both are wrapped so closely together that they cannot be disentangled), particularly in relation to compensation.
A) Treaty Rights and Unsurrendered Land:
Bogus Treaty Rights: It needs to be emphasized, that despite what the propaganda asserts, the truth of the matter is that this sense of entitlement by many at Six Nations stands upon no foundation whatsoever. As I have showed in detail with supporting references (with copies of the original documents), there are no valid treaty rights or land claims beyond the boundaries of I.R. 40, the present day Six Nations Reserve. I have shown that the Two Row Wampum agreement of 1613 was, if anything, nothing more than a trade agreement between two Dutch traders and a group of Mohawks whose chiefly status is unknown. So this whole "ship and canoe" concept is invalid, and this is also the conclusion of a group of academics who convened a conference to examine the matter for the 400th year celebration of the "agreement". No Government official of New Amsterdam (the British were not involved at the time) signed the document, and it is difficult to convert a trade agreement into some sort of overarching for ever and ever treaty between two peoples.
Then the 1701 so called "Nanfan Treaty" (known by other names) which was nothing more than 20 Six Nations individuals (whose status is unknown) granting to their "Great Father the King of England" the lands comprising what is today Southwestern Ontario. The problem, the agreement granted these lands to the King and there was merely a request to be allowed to continue beaver hunting here. This was not a treaty. The original document does not include the seal of the Colony of New York, nor does the original in England include the seal of the Privy Council - it is a bogus "treaty". The land after 1696 was not the Five (later Six) Nations land to grant. They destroyed the Huron (Wyandot) and other Nations there in the mid 1600s, but by 1698 all 8 Six Nations settlements on the north shore of Lake Ontario had been destroyed by the Mississauga and their allies of the Five Fires and the Five Nations had lost the land by conquest. It goes without saying (or should) that you cannot give away or sell what is not yours to grant.
The Haldimand Proclamation of 1784 was also not a treaty, but merely an agreement allowing the Mohawks and others of the Six Nations to occupy Crown land on both sides of the Grand River which had been purchased of the legal owners, the Mississauga, for that purpose. It was not and has never been a gift in fee simple. Had it been so Six Nations members would have sold it all off by now (they were selling off their individual land claims to White people particularly in the 1830s, and moving to another parcel along the Grand River) and ultimately nothing would have remained. That is precisely what was happening when an alarmed Colonial establishment suggested settling in one place to preserve the Six Nations as a group - rather than to see them disperse to the Ohio country, which many had already done. It was the Colonial officials and Anglican Ministers who saved the Six Nations from extinction - but in the most twisted way, the truth is being turned around and the saviours are being blamed! THERE ARE NO VALID TREATY RIGHTS PERTAINING TO THE SIX NATIONS OF THE GRAND RIVER.
The Myth of Unsurrendered Land Within the Grand River Territory: Furthermore in 1841 all lands outside the present boundaries of the Six Nations Reserve were surrendered to the Crown and patents issued to purchasers, and the resultant monies added to the Six Nations trust funds. In the years between 1841 and 1849 the Six Nations Chiefs in Council brought up concerns they had, and temporarily back tracked on some parts of the agreement, but it was all sorted out as can be seen in the lengthy Council Minutes between the above dates (which I have read), culminating in Lord Elgin's Report of 1850 when it was entirely signed, sealed and delivered. Yet to this day, many at Six Nations are deniers of history, and what their Chiefs agreed to permanently. THERE IS NO UNSURRENDERED LAND IN THE GRAND RIVER TERRITORY. The Canadian Federal Government have acknowledged this at least 3 times that I know of. The Joan Holmes and Associates Report submitted to Justice Harrison Arrell of the Superior Court in Brantford underlines this fact - yet still Six Nations does not care to acknowledge the overwhelming evidence - although almost certainly the land researchers there are well aware of these stark realities.
So we have a problem today because history and facts and the truth are meaningless in the face of strongly held but unsupported beliefs. Anyone who cares to search the Archives of this blog will see the truth staring them in the face.
B) Compensation:
The Residential School Controversy: One of the most unjust and hypocritical actions of late at Six Nations is the expectation of compensation for perceived grievances. Whether it is the vague concept of "Colonialism" or the matter of the Residential Schools, these "issues" have captured the attention of even the world (via the United Nations) and radical leftist Canadians. The facts mean nothing - spin is all. Any dissent even in academia is swept under the carpet because of two concepts - political correctness, and the risk of accusations of racism. So to the world at large, the misplaced sympathy lies with the supposed "victim". There is indeed a victim here, but it IS NOT Six Nations.
The controversial (even on Six Nations) attempt to cast the Mohawk Institute, a residential school existing at the Mohawk Village between 1838 and 1970, as a place of genocide and torture is simply wrong. There is no evidence of any such things occurring, except testimony of a few who appear to have been coached into what to say by those with a political agenda and a greed for cash. So as a result, the politically motivated and politically skewed "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" has basically agreed that anything horrible anyone said happened must have happened, and that justice requires compensation no matter how long ago or how flimsy the evidence. The Canadian Liberal Government has said it will accept all of the recommendations of this sham exercise. So the more money, the more lurid the stories and ridiculous accusations (e.g., mass graves and a genocide cover up) flow and the wider the Canadian taxpayers purse strings are opened. Canadian Government officials and the Anglican Church have been forced into making unwarranted grovelling apologies when none are due. The truth is that the Six Nations Chiefs (and hence the Clan Mothers) requested that this school be established for the benefit of their children. It was on the Reserve, not 1000 miles away, and every family would be fully aware of what went on there through direct experience or through questioning their Clan representative. Nothing was hidden. The Chiefs did not ask for the school to close down. It is only 100 plus years later, when memories have become highly selective, and true history forgotten, that an "issue" is made of the place where the teachers of the children of Six Nations were trained. In a climate of political correctness gone mad, and where an accusation of "racism" is believed as truth, few if any have been willing to speak the truth. The distortion of this matter is the spark which ignited this blog posting.
My goal here will be to list some of the documented illegal acts perpetrated by Six Nations, and how much compensation (reconciliation) has flowed toward the aggrieved parties. I maintain that the Residential School monies at Six Nations are ill gotten gains, and that putting forward the view that the Canadian Government and the Anglican Church are culpable and need to offer compensation will then demand that Six Nations reciprocate. Fair is fair. Also, huge amounts of money has been dispersed on the basis of a belief that Six Nations have treaty rights and unsurrendered land and thus compensation or entitlements are due. So what does Six Nations owe the taxpayers of Ontario, and in particular the residents of Haldimand County based on actions from 2006 to 2016?
First and foremost, Six Nations Elected Council and Hereditary Council owe the residents of Haldimand County and in particular those who reside in Caledonia and surrounds, a sincere apology for everything listed below. To date there HAS NOT BEEN ONE SINGLE APOLOGY for the crimes perpetrated against the affected communities surrounding the Six Nations Reserve. This would also include, by the way, the communities of Hagersville, Cayuga, Dunnville, Brantford, and of course Caledonia as well as the township areas surrounding these towns, cities and villages. They not only owe residents here an apology, but there is a huge monetary compensation that must be paid, or procedures need to be applied to obtain these funds if they are not voluntarily forthcoming.
Six Nations Debt to Ontario and Haldimand 2006 to 2016: What follows are but some of the incidents which have resulted in a massive, as yet unpaid, debt to Canada, Ontario, Brant or Haldimand Counties, and / or individuals residing in these jurisdictions. The required action for all of the matters listed below - compensation, either monetary or the return of property.
1) Policing costs: In order to enforce a valid Court Order in 2006, 200 Ontario Provincial Police were dispatched to the Caledonia area since it was known that Six Nations had called for back up from violent mob - related groups such as the Mohawk Warriors known to possess high powered weapons. Due to the Dudley George incident at Ipperwash some years earlier where a protester was shot by the OPP, the latter were petrified about any further negative publicity of this nature even to the unprecedented extent of ignoring calls for help from fellow police officers. They were forced to become the Ontario Pathetic Police, who instead turned their "policing efforts" against the law abiding local residents, not against the violent perpetrators that were creating havoc. They created a two tiered system of policing, one for Natives (do not arrest them on site when the act is being perpetrated) and others (arrest them on site then and there). Their new "mission", despite any real evidence based concern, is protecting natives now from non - natives. It was the "natives" who were perpetrating illegal acts across the whole area, and there had been no organized "resistance" from locals. It took until 2014, when they arrested J. G. on the Douglas Creek site (he being the occupier of the lone house there) after reviewing video tape showing J.G. attacking Gary McHale for the OPP to once again show that they are willing to do their duty to serve and protect all residents of Ontario.
Recall that all acts in and around the Douglas Creek Estates (DCE) development were based on the false belief that the Six Nations has not surrendered that land. I have provided the original documents in earlier postings showing unequivocally that the land was surrendered by all Confederacy Chiefs (including chiefs of the Delaware, Nanticoke, St. Regis Onondaga, and other smaller groups) in 1844. Thus the actions of 2006 onward were entirely illegal acts based on absolutely no valid foundation. The Six Nations, both the Elected Council and the Hereditary Council, as the representatives of the people, are responsible for these actions and need to be held accountable.
Between 2006 and 2014 the costs of policing at Caledonia (known as "Cashedonia" by some OPP who made huge sums of overtime monies) have reached into the many millions category. This burden has been shifted to the local taxpayers who ironically have been the recipients of the brutality of many Six Nations members. What have the latter paid? Nothing. They don't pay taxes on money earned on the Reserve, and no "reconciliation monies" have been forthcoming to those who suffered at the hands of Six Nations and their invited "associates". Required action - compensation and return of the Douglas Creek Estates to the people of Ontario (presently the legal owners but barred from the property).
2) Acts of Assault and Harassment:
a) Residents of Haldimand County have been assaulted and maimed for life: Police officers such as Detective Constable Ormerod and private citizens such as Mr. Gaultieri - assaulted in his own home - and news crew members such as Mr. Garbutt and Mr. McKay CHCH photographers both bloodied and beaten by Six Nations members in the area around DCE are but a couple of examples where Six Nations residents ran amok without any effective policing from the OPP.
b) Residents have been subjected to psychological trauma: For example for a time they were required (since the OPP would not come to their rescue and apply the law - it was a "no - go zone") to show "Haudenosaunee passports" that would allow them to go to and from their own homes. Thugs monitored who was allowed passage to their own property (this property was not a part of the local dispute), or do "pat downs" if they so chose. A huge power trip heightened by the knowledge that neither the OPP nor any authority would do their duty and protect the citizens. About 450 families were directly impacted in this way.
Those unfortunate to reside near the Douglas Creek Estates site have been psychologically impacted by for example ATVs driving behind their homes at all hours, or spotlights being shone on their homes, and garbage thrown in their back yards for the mere fact that they happened to live near the DCE. This is blatant unconscionable abuse by Six Nations members.
3) Arson: In 2006 multiple members of Six Nations caused arson episodes within Haldimand County. For example, there were tire fires, which shows no concern for the environment or anyone else. It is reminiscent of the tire fire in 1990 when millions of tires were set on fire by Six Nations members and it brought Hagersville and surrounding communities to their knees for 17 days. Even people overseas recall reading about this horrendous environmental disaster perpetrated by those who claim to have some special relationship with the environment. Such blatant hypocrisy. So who paid for this disaster, well it was not Six Nations.
More serious than some tire fires set in 2006 was the torching of the Stirling Street bridge that spanned the railway at 7th Line. This wanton act of arson was caught on film and to the best of my knowledge not a single person was ever held accountable. This bridge was one of the main access points for Six Nations members living in the lower Reserve to enter Caledonia for shopping and to reach Highway 6, so was an ill considered act. The bridge has not been rebuilt - nor as far as I know will it ever be rebuilt. This isolates the few rural land owners along 7th Line and forces them to go the the Reserve and head down 6th Line. No one has paid them for the extreme inconvenience caused by the arson. So what has Six Nations paid for the multi million dollar fire here - zero.
4) Vandalism: During the 2006 reign of anarchy vehicles were pushed off the Highway 6 overpass. A large metal hydro tower was cut and dragged across Argyle Street in Caledonia. To this day the tower has not been replaced. The owner Hydro One was forced for 6 years to place 24 hour a day security at the transfer station on Argyle Street due to this event and the ramming of the fence around the site, dousing the equipment with gasoline and setting it on fire (arson) - shutting power off to all nearby communities (including Six Nations). The cost, millions of dollars. The compensation - zero. Argyle Street was barricaded for one month, causing untold inconvenience and economic consequences. As will be noted later, the "price" of bringing down the barricade was for Ontario to hand over hundreds of acres of land in Brant County as a bribe to stop the illegal activity. Then there were the series of show homes on the DCE site itself. All but one were trashed and all appliances and anything of value were stolen by Six Nations members and taken to the Reserve.
5) Government give aways: First, to bring down the barricades on Argyle Street, instead of sending in the Canadian Forces (entirely justified) the choice of the Ontario Liberal Government was to bribe the Six Nations by granting them the former Burtch Correctional facility lands in Brant County to potentially be added as Reserve land (and thus taken out of the tax base of Brant County). This was also contested land, but anyone who has examined the range of documents, as I have, knows that the claim is without foundation as the lands were surrendered properly in the 1840s. So a classic example of Skinnerian positive reinforcement, which every student who has taken Psychology 101 knows will result in the same behaviour happening over again (and the truth of this has come to pass with the 200 acres of property to be handed over to Six Nations as a bribe to ensure no Caledonia 2006 at McClung). This land needs to be returned by Six Nations, and compensation for tax losses (if any) provided to Brant County.
6) Infrastructure destruction: In 2006 Six Nations members cut down a hydro tower to drag across Argyle Street to form a barricade. In so doing, they stopped a key infrastructure project - stringing the hydro lines from Niagara Falls to the Golden Horseshoe. The Mohawk Warriors warned that there would be violence if this work continued. To this day nothing further has been done, and the miles of towers not demolished by Six Nations stand forlorned and rusting. This loss of a key energy source from 2006 to 2016 has cost in the billions of dollars.
7) Commercial losses: Just one example of many, a giant TSC (Tractor Supply Company) was slated to be built in Dunnville, but the development was cancelled in the summer of 2006. Among the many small examples was the spring 2012 "parade" led by a Seneca Chief and composed largely of bused in White university students and professional agitators (including anarchists, Palestinian groups etc.) held a morning and mid day long protest which blocked Argyle Street from the north side, across the bridge and all the way to the DCE site. There were no permits for this event, but the police allowed it to go forward none the less. The businesses along the route were simply held hostage to this protest, and of course no one ever made up their business losses.
Then there were the "big ticket" losses, such as those suffered by the Henning Brothers who owned DCE and lost multi millions of dollars due to no fault of their own. They were paid some compensation by the Ontario Government but not a cent from Six Nations. Then there were the 15 or so local contractors and their workers who had already begun to build homes on the site. Who is to compensate them fully for their losses? Whenever the Province of Ontario steps in to provide "compensation", what this means is that the taxpayers of Ontario are footing the bill. This reality assaults any sense of fairness, and the principle that those who create the damage should pay for it.
8) Threats resulting in loss of revenue: The threats against housing developers (e.g., in Hagersville) and even Ontario and County infrastructure projects (e.g., the replacement of the Highway 3 bridge in Cayuga) have resulted in multi million dollar delays and legal expenses. Six Nations militants received a set back in 2009 when Justice Harrison Arrell of the Brantford Superior Court reviewed the evidence relating to land claims assembled by an independent research firm in Ottawa, and concluded that the Six Nations had no leg to stand on, and so decided to hit those who violated a Court Injunction in relation to a housing project in Brantford with major fines. Since then even the most militant of Six Nations groups have been hesitant to push too hard in any direct violation of a Court Injunction which names them. The developers at McClung / Avalon in Caledonia learned from this experience and immediately obtained a Court Injunction against Men's Fire and other Six Nations groups pressing the "unresolved land claim" shtick that, unlike the circumstances in 2006, could and would be enforced by the OPP.
9) Green energy give aways: Based on the belief in possible treaty rights (which are invalid and bogus), firms such as Samsung have bribed Six Nations with millions of dollars for "permission" to build wind turbines and solar panels on lands not only in the Haldimand Tract (with the false claim of unsurrendered land) but also Southwestern Ontario in general (under the Nanfan non treaty). There is no treaty, there are no unsurrendered lands. All of these millions obtained fraudulently need to be returned.
10) Continuing injustices: For any society to function effectively, people must obey and respect the law. To this day, some / many at Six Nations continue to flaunt the law. I will not speak of the "tobacco issue" it is simply overwhelming. What can be said though is that it is wrong to allow a cigarette shack (with former hamburger stand) to operate on Hydro One land. This is ILLEGAL, but no one is willing to do anything about it (or other such entities in the County). What would happen if a citizen of Caledonia decided to set up a similar establishment? The answer is simple, since there is a double standard they would be arrested and prosecuted. If perchance someone from Six Nations is taken to Court in Cayuga on criminal charges, it is typical for those in the Courtroom to hurl insults at the judge - something that would never never never be tolerated if it was a "regular" Canadian citizen saying the same things. Double standard! Complete disrespect, yet Six Nations expects respect ..............................
Summary: The angry tone of this posting is born out of utter frustration with not only Six Nations leaders, but also their enablers in Government and the White community. Ten years after the reclamation / theft at DCE we are no further ahead. Recall that the author was four square on board with Six Nations early in 2006. Then the two female leaders of the protest asserted that the reason was to slow down development in our area to maintain quality living space for the people already living here. However the whole "protest" morphed into violence and anarchy. At that point my support was withdrawn. IF there was evidence of a valid treaty pertaining to Six Nations, or IF there was evidence of any unsurrendered land in the Grand River Tract, I would be standing up for the rights of Six Nations. There is no such evidence, and thus Six Nations will not accept the truth. IF Six Nations does not accept or understand the evidence with respect to non - treaties and surrendered land, then there is no hope of reconciliation.
What is INTOLERABLE is some at Six Nations asking for apologies from the Anglican Church and Canada when the records clearly show that the Chiefs requested that the school be constructed, with the intention being to assist Six Nations members cope with the realities of the world around them. Most who attended profited from their days at the local school - from 1838 onwards. In 1970 the Chiefs requested it stay open, not be closed. So these agencies are expected to apologize for acquiescing to the request of Six Nations to build and maintain a school for their benefit. Yet at the same time not one single person or group at Six Nations has offered any sort of apology to those who, it can be well documented, they have harmed in very recent history, and for no justifiable reason. Double standard / hypocrisy prevail. Unfortunately, the way it works at Six Nations, no matter how much infighting there might be, when an external agent is threatening them in any way they maintain solidarity. It would take someone or some group to essentially "break ranks" to issue an apology - and that is not going to happen. So we are all stuck in our respective ruts, there is a failure by Six Nations to recognize the truth, and unfortunately there will be no reconciliation.
Solution: It would seem that the only reasonable and rational solution is to abolish the Indian Act (that vestige of Colonial rule so hated by Six Nations) and allow each parcel of Reserve land to be registered in fee simple and thus able to be bought and sold by and to anyone, and subject to seizure to pay outstanding debts. Certainly no further monies should flow to Six Nations until the accounts are settled in full.
I have temporarily entered the world of "Alice in Wonderland" by even thinking such things. Being a realist I know that this "suggestion" won't fly, but if this seems extreme, then someone needs to offer up a more palatable and viable solution since the status quo is becoming less and less acceptable to locals in Haldimand and Brant, as well as a handful of disgruntled Six Nations, sick of the antics of the HDI and Men's Fire, find their interests align with those of their off Reserve neighbours.
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Thursday, 5 May 2016
McClung / Avalon Development Update: Extortion Rears its Ugly Head
Introduction: While Men's Fire have been on the front lines of opposition to the huge development which will double the size of Caledonia, the HDI (Haudenosaunee Development Institute) has been conspicuous by its absence. Last year a Provincial Court Injunction dictated that members of Men's Fire were not to trespass on the McClung lands. The Injunction at Douglas Creek Estates in 2006 was ignored, and anarchy and all its ugly attendees broke out. The dynamic was different then, and in particular it was possible to funnel hundreds of protesters down 6th Line from the Six Nations Reserve directly to the site. With the site of the McClung Road development being on the opposite side of the River and a considerable distance from the Rez, most realize that 2006 will never happen again (the protesters would be "swamped" by locals). Most also realize that things had changed after the 2009 Injunction of Justice Arrell of the Brantford Superior Court, who issued very stiff fines for disobeying the Order, which were enforced by the Ontario Provincial Police when Six Nations members ventured off the Rez. Now "protesters" risk the real prospect of fines and jail time, and most have tred lightly around the McClung Road project. Some exceptions involve Men's Fire. They appear to have taken over the "militant role" from the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI). Their actions prompted an Injunction, and there is no indication that they are willing to risk getting arrested so far from the Reserve and reinforcements. They did put up a token resistence a few weeks back in shutting down the water intake project for the development (along Highway 54 and technically not on Avalon lands). There have been "rumblings" from the HDI, the Hereditary Confederacy Chiefs Council (HCCC) and the Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) about the matter with veiled warnings about the need for "accommodation" and other such concepts, as well as reminding all that there are outstanding (if invalid) land claims that must be addressed. So, as I have stated before many times, there will be no Caledonia 2006 on the north side of the River. Never again would the hell that was 2006 repeat itself, at least away from direct access to the Reserve. So how will each faction at Six Nations react to the new realities? We already know what Men's Fire have done, and now we learn of the actions of the representatives of the HCCC, the controversial (see previous blog posting) HDI, and as well SNEC.
Agreement Reached for McClung: This is the title of an article of 5 May 2016 on page 7 of The Sachem. Here it is announced that SNEC has issued a press release stating that, Six Nations Elected Council and McClung Properties Ltd. have arrived at a benefit agreement regarding the Avalon Homes development property on McClung Rd. in Caledonia.
As to the details of the agreement, The Benefits agreement includes:
1) The "contribution" of 200 acres to the Six Nations of the Grand River by McClung.
2) Opportunities for Six Nations members in home construction trades, from landscaping to framing.
3) Environmental and cultural heritage features will be protected over the entire project area.
The "Rider" Clause: All of the above "benefits" are to be, without prejudice to Six Nations Claim against the Crown in court action No. 406/95. Of course Six Nations are grasping at straws here since the documents, which I have personally examined, show without any doubt, that Six Nations have zero valid claims beyond the present boundaries of I.R. 40, the Six Nations Reserve.
Assessment and Conclusion: McClung cannot be faulted in wanting to take the easy way out - memories of 2006 haunt all developers in the area. However the "deal" is incredibly short sighted. The one positive, where both Six Nations and Haldimand County residents will benefit, is the setting aside of about 180 of the 530 acres for environmental purposes. The writing is on the wall. The development will proceed - it is already well underway as seen two postings down. Since there has been little if any direct citizen activism by Haldimand residents, this is really a "gift" and will reduce the chances of any saber rattling by activists (such as myself). I still detest everything about the project, but am much more likely to keep my mouth shut if environmental and cultural aspects are respected (and my tax bill is not increased as a result of McClung, and the traffic issues are adequately dealt with).
1) What is essentially taking place here is EXTORTION, meaning, if you agree to give us the land we want, we will ensure that the goons and thugs don't descend on your property, as happened at Douglas Creek in 2006. Giving in to extortion only opens the door to more of the same.
2) As I have amply documented in this blog, Six Nations have absolutely no valid treaty rights, or claims to land within the Haldimand Tract in particular or Southern Ontario in general. Any competent historian or lawyer can easily check the documents and verify the validity of my statement. As a matter of fact, Justice Arrell of the Superior Court of Brantford requested a report on the matter by Joan Holmes and Associates, and reported that their findings were enough to be in a position to state that there is little to no hope of Six Nations ever winning a legal challenge - the land was properly surrendered in the 1840s. There is no reason or need to give away any land.
3) It is unclear where this 200 acres is located. If within the McClung Development prospective purchasers there might be strongly advised to look elsewhere. You do not want Six Nations on your doorstep. Many do not recall 2006, but the anarchy that broke loose has every potential of happening again near Reserve property.
Even if the land is somewhere say along the boundary of the present day Reserve, then it is within the Counties of either Brant or Haldimand. The 200 acres would be taken out of the land tax base and the lost revenue would have to be made up by the property owners of the County in their property tax assessment - unless the Provincial or Federal Governments decides to ante up.
4) Whatever agreement is made by the Elected Council, it is a uncertain which Hereditary Council factions will honour it, and which won't. Men's Fire is not happy; but HDI has unaccountably signed off on the deal. It is possible here that the secretive HDI has come to some separate agreement (yet to be illuminated), hence the anger expressed by Men's Fire against the lawyer for HDI as noted in my previous blog. There is bound to be "acrimony spill over", and if McClung thinks they have clear sailing ahead, they need to think again.
Edit: According to The Haldimand Press, 5 May 2016, p. 2A, Don Boyle, Chief Administrative Officer, Haldimand County (no one else involved appeared willing to be specific), has stated that the location of the 200 acres is NOT in Haldimand County. Furthermore he said that, it is my understanding it may be near the Burtch Correctional Facility. This would place it in Brant County likely adjacent to the parcel of land that the Ontario Government was coerced into giving Six Nations in 2006 in exchange for the removal of the barricade on Argyle Street. Ill gotten gains! I feel sorry for the people in and around Mount Pleasant, Brant County if their region will "host" new (more) Reserve land. They may wish to look to 2006 to see what sort of neighbours will be on your doorstep. No apology has ever been offered from the elected or hereditary council to the residents of Haldimand County for the suffering that a significant number of Six Nations members perpetrated. The area at Burch is within easy access to the present Reserve, much as the Douglas Creek Estates were in 2006.
Agreement Reached for McClung: This is the title of an article of 5 May 2016 on page 7 of The Sachem. Here it is announced that SNEC has issued a press release stating that, Six Nations Elected Council and McClung Properties Ltd. have arrived at a benefit agreement regarding the Avalon Homes development property on McClung Rd. in Caledonia.
As to the details of the agreement, The Benefits agreement includes:
1) The "contribution" of 200 acres to the Six Nations of the Grand River by McClung.
2) Opportunities for Six Nations members in home construction trades, from landscaping to framing.
3) Environmental and cultural heritage features will be protected over the entire project area.
The "Rider" Clause: All of the above "benefits" are to be, without prejudice to Six Nations Claim against the Crown in court action No. 406/95. Of course Six Nations are grasping at straws here since the documents, which I have personally examined, show without any doubt, that Six Nations have zero valid claims beyond the present boundaries of I.R. 40, the Six Nations Reserve.
Assessment and Conclusion: McClung cannot be faulted in wanting to take the easy way out - memories of 2006 haunt all developers in the area. However the "deal" is incredibly short sighted. The one positive, where both Six Nations and Haldimand County residents will benefit, is the setting aside of about 180 of the 530 acres for environmental purposes. The writing is on the wall. The development will proceed - it is already well underway as seen two postings down. Since there has been little if any direct citizen activism by Haldimand residents, this is really a "gift" and will reduce the chances of any saber rattling by activists (such as myself). I still detest everything about the project, but am much more likely to keep my mouth shut if environmental and cultural aspects are respected (and my tax bill is not increased as a result of McClung, and the traffic issues are adequately dealt with).
1) What is essentially taking place here is EXTORTION, meaning, if you agree to give us the land we want, we will ensure that the goons and thugs don't descend on your property, as happened at Douglas Creek in 2006. Giving in to extortion only opens the door to more of the same.
2) As I have amply documented in this blog, Six Nations have absolutely no valid treaty rights, or claims to land within the Haldimand Tract in particular or Southern Ontario in general. Any competent historian or lawyer can easily check the documents and verify the validity of my statement. As a matter of fact, Justice Arrell of the Superior Court of Brantford requested a report on the matter by Joan Holmes and Associates, and reported that their findings were enough to be in a position to state that there is little to no hope of Six Nations ever winning a legal challenge - the land was properly surrendered in the 1840s. There is no reason or need to give away any land.
3) It is unclear where this 200 acres is located. If within the McClung Development prospective purchasers there might be strongly advised to look elsewhere. You do not want Six Nations on your doorstep. Many do not recall 2006, but the anarchy that broke loose has every potential of happening again near Reserve property.
Even if the land is somewhere say along the boundary of the present day Reserve, then it is within the Counties of either Brant or Haldimand. The 200 acres would be taken out of the land tax base and the lost revenue would have to be made up by the property owners of the County in their property tax assessment - unless the Provincial or Federal Governments decides to ante up.
4) Whatever agreement is made by the Elected Council, it is a uncertain which Hereditary Council factions will honour it, and which won't. Men's Fire is not happy; but HDI has unaccountably signed off on the deal. It is possible here that the secretive HDI has come to some separate agreement (yet to be illuminated), hence the anger expressed by Men's Fire against the lawyer for HDI as noted in my previous blog. There is bound to be "acrimony spill over", and if McClung thinks they have clear sailing ahead, they need to think again.
Edit: According to The Haldimand Press, 5 May 2016, p. 2A, Don Boyle, Chief Administrative Officer, Haldimand County (no one else involved appeared willing to be specific), has stated that the location of the 200 acres is NOT in Haldimand County. Furthermore he said that, it is my understanding it may be near the Burtch Correctional Facility. This would place it in Brant County likely adjacent to the parcel of land that the Ontario Government was coerced into giving Six Nations in 2006 in exchange for the removal of the barricade on Argyle Street. Ill gotten gains! I feel sorry for the people in and around Mount Pleasant, Brant County if their region will "host" new (more) Reserve land. They may wish to look to 2006 to see what sort of neighbours will be on your doorstep. No apology has ever been offered from the elected or hereditary council to the residents of Haldimand County for the suffering that a significant number of Six Nations members perpetrated. The area at Burch is within easy access to the present Reserve, much as the Douglas Creek Estates were in 2006.
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Physical Confrontation Between Men's Fire and Lawyer for the HDI. The Two Rez Newspapers Accuse Each Other of Taking Sides. Chaotic Factionalism Again
Introductory Summary: One week ago, "all hell broke loose". I will provide a quick overview of the major events, in anticipation of more information being available tomorrow. Very different perspectives of what happened can be found in articles written in Two Row Times (TRT allegedly pro Men's Fire) and Turtle Island News (TIN allegedly pro Haudenosaunee Development Institute - HDI) of 27 April 2016.
The Problem: As I have blogged about on many occasions over the past few years, HDI has been accused by both the traditional (supporters of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council - HCCC) and elected council (supporters of the Six Nations Elected Council - SNEC) of a lack of transparency. They have engaged in less than open deals with wind turbine corporations, and land developers and requests to "see the books" have been rebuffed (although denied by HDI). Things have been simmering for some time, but boiled over last week. The specific spark was allegedly HDI's handling of the McClung / Avalon housing development east of Caledonia in Seneca Township, and the perceived outstanding land claim. I have many times blogged about the fact that all lands outside of I.R. 40, the Six Nations Reserve, were surrendered in 1841 and ratified after almost 10 years of discussion via Lord Elgin's Report of 1850. Six Nations does not own any land in Seneca Township according to the records (which I have included in previous blog postings), it was all surrendered and unless we accept that previous agreements are null and void for some valid reason, Six Nations has no legitimate claim at McClung. As noted previous, the author here has gone on record that he is also opposed to the development, but for different reasons (environmental and quality of life). None the less, this is the stance of Men's Fire - that they are the legitimate group to negotiate with the developer, and that HDI has failed in any efforts at obtaining negotiation and accommodation at McClung.
Factionalism - Men's Fire Versus HDI - Was the Lawyer for the Latter Assaulted?: Both the HDI and Men's Fire are affiliated with the hereditary council (HCCC). Acting, they said, under authority of the Cayuga Clan Mothers, about 8 to 15 members of Men's Fire entered the offices of the HDI in the GREAT building in Ohsweken and asked A.D., the lawyer for HDI, to remove himself from the Territory - to get off the Reserve. When he failed to comply, and as cameras rolled, the lawyer stood his ground despite the confrontation turning adversarial and physical, with a report that A.D. suffered a dislocated knee. Meanwhile someone called the publisher of TIN who upon arriving called Six Nations Police. In further questioning, the head of Men's Fire was asked upon what authority was his group taking these actions. He apparently referred TIN and others to a specific Cayuga Clan Mother (who, it was reported) denies the assertions. Meanwhile one of the employees working at GREAT (Grand River Employment and Training) entered the dialog and said she was a Cayuga Clan Mother and knew nothing of this. Men's Fire had stated that they with "monitor" the situation and ensure that A.D. does not return to his office.
Authority of the Clan Mothers: Since the Clan Mothers appoint the hereditary chiefs, they have the power to "dehorn" them (turf them out of power). Hence the Clan Mothers have a key role to play at Six Nations. Stopping for a moment, one could ask if one Clan Mother could be unaware of decisions made by another, especially when both are Cayuga. The answer is that in the ideal, the answer is no. In reality there are 4 largely independent Longhouses and any picture of 50 Chiefs and 50 Clan Mothers being in one place at one time is simply an illusion. Many chiefships remain unfilled, or have been filled by members of an inappropriate clan. However HDI principals have asserted that anyone who wants further information, for example to see the books, needs to contact their Clan Mother. The problem, the majority at Six Nations have no idea of the clan to which they belong (via their mother's direct maternal line). The majority are not affiliated with the hereditary faction and resent having to go through some entity such as HDI, or find a Clan Mother to which to hitch their train, in order to find information on how Community funds are being spent. The factional cross currents at Six Nations are infinitely complex, as is well documented in this blog.
The Result of the Confrontation: The lawyer did not leave Six Nations and instead went with the Six Nations Police to press assault charges against the members of Men's Fire present during the altercation. Members of the elected and the hereditary factions agree that it would be setting a dangerous precedence to allow anyone or any group to arbitrarily decide who should go and who should stay on Six Nations Territory. Men's Fire has been accused of vigilantism and for being little more than a gang of thugs. The assumption here is that the lawyer is a Six Nations member. Herein lies a problem that needs to be addressed, but to date has left many scratching their heads.
Is the HDI Lawyer a Six Nations Member or Even Aboriginal?: It is known that the HDI lawyer is from Toronto, and has worked on other Reserves where there are unproven allegations that he has been "double dipping" or engaging in shady deals in his role in other Reserves, as well as questionable billing practices at Six Nations. This does play into the concerns about lack of transparency - not opening the books such that no one knows (although HDI would argue otherwise) where the money from the wind turbine or land deals goes. Whether it is being invested in the Community, or is lining the pockets of the principals at HDI is a question that has been asked and for which there is to date no apparent clear answer. It would be one thing if the lawyer was a Six Nations member (although not impacting the question of transparency) since the thought that 8 men with questionable authority would be allowed to drag a member off the Reserve is going to upset a lot of people no matter who they tend to support. However, what is his aboriginal status?
Some time back, in a public forum, I asked the lawyer his Clan - he said he did not know. I recall him being asked if he was a Mohawk. He did not answer, but another member of his entourage said, "it doesn't matter, he is of a good mind". One member of the elected council has assumed that the lawyer is a Six Nations member, and hence her anger towards Men's Fire. But what is his status at Six Nations? Some say he is a Six Nations member, others say he is a Mohawk from Tyendinaga, and others that he has no Native ancestry. At the moment this is up in the air. This needs to be cleared up so that future actions will make more sense. If he is some White guy then banning him from the Territory is a viable option. If a Six Nations member then as far as I know, he has every right to be on the Reserve and to remain working where he is until such time as a legitimate power (e.g., all Clan Mothers; consensus of elected council; Ontario Bar Association) decide that he has crossed a line and can be removed from his position (but not the Reserve). I have previously noted that if anyone has a legitimate (non trivial) complaint against a lawyer in Ontario (last I checked, Six Nations is within the boundaries of the Province of Ontario), they need to lodge a formal complaint with the Ontario Bar Association which regulates the activities of lawyers in Ontario. The first questions to answer are whether the lawyer is aboriginal or White, simultaneous with an inquiry into whether he has committed any infractions relating to the standards and practices of lawyers in Ontario.
The Two Reserve Newspapers in Conflict: Meanwhile TIN accused Men's Fire of being in collusion with TRT, and who they believe helped "orchestrate the ouster" of the HDI lawyer. TRT counter that they were on site to film when the lawyer was supposed to be evicted thanks to a "tip". TRT in turn accused TIN of being in the pocket of the HCCC and HDI (the truth of which is pretty evident to any reader of this paper - they are the publishing arm of the hereditary faction). The latter does not even consider TRT to be a "Reserve newspaper". While that accusation may have been to a degree true in previous years when White activists were involved with TRT, that is no longer the case - and the fact that the printing takes place in Brant County hardly disqualifies TRT from being one of two Rez papers. So there is no love lost between these two publishing entities who will tend to align themselves with one party / faction or the other, although in my opinion one of the two is far more objective and hence trustworthy.
The Opinions of the Elected and Hereditary Factions: So, where does the hereditary council stand on this issue. We are not sure yet. Where does the elected council stand on this issue. We are not sure yet.
Tomorrow I will check the two newspapers for the most recent events in this developing story.
Update: There is actually not much to report that is new as reported in the 4 May 2016 editions of both papers, except that it is clear huge fault lines have once again developed within the community. Some are siding with Men's Fire, and others angry in particular about the violence used against A. D. Apparently on Monday the latter plans to return to work, and those who work in the same building are on edge because Men's Fire plan to be there in force (with possibly members of other Reserves) to ensure that the lawyer does not return to his post. We shall see what transpires - hopefully cooler heads will prevail.
I have spoken about this problem many times before. This factionalism, tearing at the fabric of the Community, has been characteristic of the Reserve throughout its history since 1785, and even extending back to the homeland in what is today Upstate New York. At Six Nations the aggrieved parties would typically contact the Colonial Administration requesting intervention. For example in 1815 tensions over differences re the participation in the War of 1812 were reaching a boiling point, and 8 chiefs of the Upper Mohawks complained about a dispute with the chiefs of the Lower Mohawks, that reached back to the time when they were living in two villages in the Mohawk Valley, and it was leading to assaults. They perceived that they, “are treated like outcasts” (Indian Affairs, RG10 Series, Vol. 118, p. 169562, no date but before 27 November 1818 – Vol. 790, p. 7048). The Indian Department did what they could to get the sides talking, but none the less two years later many Mohawks and others left for the west country where diaspora mixed Haudenosaunee communities existed in southwestern Ontario, and Ohio. It is all so hauntingly familiar - and to blame for example colonialism flies in the face of historical fact. In Upstate New York in the 1760s and 1770s if communities had internal or external conflict they turned to Sir William Johnson to settle the matter. It was the Colonial Authorities who were the peacemakers - a fact that those who have not read the original documents will not realize! The old ways were in disarray after the terrible epidemics of the 1600s took away those who were the keepers of knowledge. Most communities never fully recovered, and we are feeling the effects rippling down to present day, but with blame being directed towards the most convenient target. I have always said, "look in the mirror first before shifting blame elsewhere" - not a popular stance.
The Problem: As I have blogged about on many occasions over the past few years, HDI has been accused by both the traditional (supporters of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council - HCCC) and elected council (supporters of the Six Nations Elected Council - SNEC) of a lack of transparency. They have engaged in less than open deals with wind turbine corporations, and land developers and requests to "see the books" have been rebuffed (although denied by HDI). Things have been simmering for some time, but boiled over last week. The specific spark was allegedly HDI's handling of the McClung / Avalon housing development east of Caledonia in Seneca Township, and the perceived outstanding land claim. I have many times blogged about the fact that all lands outside of I.R. 40, the Six Nations Reserve, were surrendered in 1841 and ratified after almost 10 years of discussion via Lord Elgin's Report of 1850. Six Nations does not own any land in Seneca Township according to the records (which I have included in previous blog postings), it was all surrendered and unless we accept that previous agreements are null and void for some valid reason, Six Nations has no legitimate claim at McClung. As noted previous, the author here has gone on record that he is also opposed to the development, but for different reasons (environmental and quality of life). None the less, this is the stance of Men's Fire - that they are the legitimate group to negotiate with the developer, and that HDI has failed in any efforts at obtaining negotiation and accommodation at McClung.
Factionalism - Men's Fire Versus HDI - Was the Lawyer for the Latter Assaulted?: Both the HDI and Men's Fire are affiliated with the hereditary council (HCCC). Acting, they said, under authority of the Cayuga Clan Mothers, about 8 to 15 members of Men's Fire entered the offices of the HDI in the GREAT building in Ohsweken and asked A.D., the lawyer for HDI, to remove himself from the Territory - to get off the Reserve. When he failed to comply, and as cameras rolled, the lawyer stood his ground despite the confrontation turning adversarial and physical, with a report that A.D. suffered a dislocated knee. Meanwhile someone called the publisher of TIN who upon arriving called Six Nations Police. In further questioning, the head of Men's Fire was asked upon what authority was his group taking these actions. He apparently referred TIN and others to a specific Cayuga Clan Mother (who, it was reported) denies the assertions. Meanwhile one of the employees working at GREAT (Grand River Employment and Training) entered the dialog and said she was a Cayuga Clan Mother and knew nothing of this. Men's Fire had stated that they with "monitor" the situation and ensure that A.D. does not return to his office.
Authority of the Clan Mothers: Since the Clan Mothers appoint the hereditary chiefs, they have the power to "dehorn" them (turf them out of power). Hence the Clan Mothers have a key role to play at Six Nations. Stopping for a moment, one could ask if one Clan Mother could be unaware of decisions made by another, especially when both are Cayuga. The answer is that in the ideal, the answer is no. In reality there are 4 largely independent Longhouses and any picture of 50 Chiefs and 50 Clan Mothers being in one place at one time is simply an illusion. Many chiefships remain unfilled, or have been filled by members of an inappropriate clan. However HDI principals have asserted that anyone who wants further information, for example to see the books, needs to contact their Clan Mother. The problem, the majority at Six Nations have no idea of the clan to which they belong (via their mother's direct maternal line). The majority are not affiliated with the hereditary faction and resent having to go through some entity such as HDI, or find a Clan Mother to which to hitch their train, in order to find information on how Community funds are being spent. The factional cross currents at Six Nations are infinitely complex, as is well documented in this blog.
The Result of the Confrontation: The lawyer did not leave Six Nations and instead went with the Six Nations Police to press assault charges against the members of Men's Fire present during the altercation. Members of the elected and the hereditary factions agree that it would be setting a dangerous precedence to allow anyone or any group to arbitrarily decide who should go and who should stay on Six Nations Territory. Men's Fire has been accused of vigilantism and for being little more than a gang of thugs. The assumption here is that the lawyer is a Six Nations member. Herein lies a problem that needs to be addressed, but to date has left many scratching their heads.
Is the HDI Lawyer a Six Nations Member or Even Aboriginal?: It is known that the HDI lawyer is from Toronto, and has worked on other Reserves where there are unproven allegations that he has been "double dipping" or engaging in shady deals in his role in other Reserves, as well as questionable billing practices at Six Nations. This does play into the concerns about lack of transparency - not opening the books such that no one knows (although HDI would argue otherwise) where the money from the wind turbine or land deals goes. Whether it is being invested in the Community, or is lining the pockets of the principals at HDI is a question that has been asked and for which there is to date no apparent clear answer. It would be one thing if the lawyer was a Six Nations member (although not impacting the question of transparency) since the thought that 8 men with questionable authority would be allowed to drag a member off the Reserve is going to upset a lot of people no matter who they tend to support. However, what is his aboriginal status?
Some time back, in a public forum, I asked the lawyer his Clan - he said he did not know. I recall him being asked if he was a Mohawk. He did not answer, but another member of his entourage said, "it doesn't matter, he is of a good mind". One member of the elected council has assumed that the lawyer is a Six Nations member, and hence her anger towards Men's Fire. But what is his status at Six Nations? Some say he is a Six Nations member, others say he is a Mohawk from Tyendinaga, and others that he has no Native ancestry. At the moment this is up in the air. This needs to be cleared up so that future actions will make more sense. If he is some White guy then banning him from the Territory is a viable option. If a Six Nations member then as far as I know, he has every right to be on the Reserve and to remain working where he is until such time as a legitimate power (e.g., all Clan Mothers; consensus of elected council; Ontario Bar Association) decide that he has crossed a line and can be removed from his position (but not the Reserve). I have previously noted that if anyone has a legitimate (non trivial) complaint against a lawyer in Ontario (last I checked, Six Nations is within the boundaries of the Province of Ontario), they need to lodge a formal complaint with the Ontario Bar Association which regulates the activities of lawyers in Ontario. The first questions to answer are whether the lawyer is aboriginal or White, simultaneous with an inquiry into whether he has committed any infractions relating to the standards and practices of lawyers in Ontario.
The Two Reserve Newspapers in Conflict: Meanwhile TIN accused Men's Fire of being in collusion with TRT, and who they believe helped "orchestrate the ouster" of the HDI lawyer. TRT counter that they were on site to film when the lawyer was supposed to be evicted thanks to a "tip". TRT in turn accused TIN of being in the pocket of the HCCC and HDI (the truth of which is pretty evident to any reader of this paper - they are the publishing arm of the hereditary faction). The latter does not even consider TRT to be a "Reserve newspaper". While that accusation may have been to a degree true in previous years when White activists were involved with TRT, that is no longer the case - and the fact that the printing takes place in Brant County hardly disqualifies TRT from being one of two Rez papers. So there is no love lost between these two publishing entities who will tend to align themselves with one party / faction or the other, although in my opinion one of the two is far more objective and hence trustworthy.
The Opinions of the Elected and Hereditary Factions: So, where does the hereditary council stand on this issue. We are not sure yet. Where does the elected council stand on this issue. We are not sure yet.
Tomorrow I will check the two newspapers for the most recent events in this developing story.
Update: There is actually not much to report that is new as reported in the 4 May 2016 editions of both papers, except that it is clear huge fault lines have once again developed within the community. Some are siding with Men's Fire, and others angry in particular about the violence used against A. D. Apparently on Monday the latter plans to return to work, and those who work in the same building are on edge because Men's Fire plan to be there in force (with possibly members of other Reserves) to ensure that the lawyer does not return to his post. We shall see what transpires - hopefully cooler heads will prevail.
I have spoken about this problem many times before. This factionalism, tearing at the fabric of the Community, has been characteristic of the Reserve throughout its history since 1785, and even extending back to the homeland in what is today Upstate New York. At Six Nations the aggrieved parties would typically contact the Colonial Administration requesting intervention. For example in 1815 tensions over differences re the participation in the War of 1812 were reaching a boiling point, and 8 chiefs of the Upper Mohawks complained about a dispute with the chiefs of the Lower Mohawks, that reached back to the time when they were living in two villages in the Mohawk Valley, and it was leading to assaults. They perceived that they, “are treated like outcasts” (Indian Affairs, RG10 Series, Vol. 118, p. 169562, no date but before 27 November 1818 – Vol. 790, p. 7048). The Indian Department did what they could to get the sides talking, but none the less two years later many Mohawks and others left for the west country where diaspora mixed Haudenosaunee communities existed in southwestern Ontario, and Ohio. It is all so hauntingly familiar - and to blame for example colonialism flies in the face of historical fact. In Upstate New York in the 1760s and 1770s if communities had internal or external conflict they turned to Sir William Johnson to settle the matter. It was the Colonial Authorities who were the peacemakers - a fact that those who have not read the original documents will not realize! The old ways were in disarray after the terrible epidemics of the 1600s took away those who were the keepers of knowledge. Most communities never fully recovered, and we are feeling the effects rippling down to present day, but with blame being directed towards the most convenient target. I have always said, "look in the mirror first before shifting blame elsewhere" - not a popular stance.
Saturday, 23 April 2016
Six Nations Elected Council's Decision About Census Workers Will Inevitably Lead to Under Funding Via Transfer Payments
In but another stroke of unparalleled genius, the Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) has, in their infinite wisdom, decided to bar census workers from Statistics Canada from entering the Reserve to collect information for the 2016 Census. This information appears in Two Row Times, April 20th 2016, p.5 in an article entitled, "Six Nations Elected Council: Census workers not allowed to enter."
It is via the census information that the Government in able to assess the needs of a community. For example for funding fire and police services. Also, to plan for schooling in the short and long run, the Government needs to know how many children of a certain age live in which location (e.g., Smoothtown) so they can allot funds perhaps to build a new school where it is needed. If the Government, who dispenses the tax dollars earned by Canadian citizens including Six Nations who work off Reserve, is unaware of the ages of the people living in the Community (Six Nations) how might they be expected to provide funds for senior citizens? The SNEC decision would effectively place a set of blinders on Statistics Canada and thus risk serious under funding as this agency tries to guesstimate for example how many people who are over 65 or will be reaching that age within the next 5 years?
So in a gesture of defiance, or some sort of warped attempt to assert sovereignty, SNEC puts the Community at risk - and may be clumsily shooting itself in the foot. If SNEC expects transfer payments from Canadians (which is really questionable in the first place to a majority of taxpayers) should they not at the very least cooperate to the fullest extent to facilitate the obtaining of the data needed to make the requisite calculations? In a costs benefits analysis, is it worth being obstinate?
Edit: Since the census forms have been mailed out to all residents of Canada for as far back as I can recall, isn't it all a moot point? No one on the Rez or in Caledonia can expect to see actual human beings arrive at their doorstep to make inquiries, as would have been the case in the years before 1970 or so. The important matter here is that the Elected Council cooperate with Statistics Canada to ensure that the Six Nations will receive a fair share when monies are distributed.
It is via the census information that the Government in able to assess the needs of a community. For example for funding fire and police services. Also, to plan for schooling in the short and long run, the Government needs to know how many children of a certain age live in which location (e.g., Smoothtown) so they can allot funds perhaps to build a new school where it is needed. If the Government, who dispenses the tax dollars earned by Canadian citizens including Six Nations who work off Reserve, is unaware of the ages of the people living in the Community (Six Nations) how might they be expected to provide funds for senior citizens? The SNEC decision would effectively place a set of blinders on Statistics Canada and thus risk serious under funding as this agency tries to guesstimate for example how many people who are over 65 or will be reaching that age within the next 5 years?
So in a gesture of defiance, or some sort of warped attempt to assert sovereignty, SNEC puts the Community at risk - and may be clumsily shooting itself in the foot. If SNEC expects transfer payments from Canadians (which is really questionable in the first place to a majority of taxpayers) should they not at the very least cooperate to the fullest extent to facilitate the obtaining of the data needed to make the requisite calculations? In a costs benefits analysis, is it worth being obstinate?
Edit: Since the census forms have been mailed out to all residents of Canada for as far back as I can recall, isn't it all a moot point? No one on the Rez or in Caledonia can expect to see actual human beings arrive at their doorstep to make inquiries, as would have been the case in the years before 1970 or so. The important matter here is that the Elected Council cooperate with Statistics Canada to ensure that the Six Nations will receive a fair share when monies are distributed.
Lies About Genocide and Other Alleged Crimes at the Mohawk Institute Residential School Being Enabled by People Such as the Former Premier of Ontario
Introduction: I will shortly make the case that it was not only the Government and the Anglican Church who were involved in establishing the Mohawk Institute (known "affectionately" as the Mush Hole), but it was the Chiefs of the Six Nations (and therefore the Clan Mothers) who wished to have a school where their children could receive a useful education to prepare them to meet the challenges of the world as adults. What caused a re-examination of the whole matter of Residential Schools was the visit of the Hon. Bob Rae, former Premier of Ontario, and his particular appointment. The information is found in Turtle Island News, April 29, 2016, p. 4 in an article entitled, Former Premier Bob Rae tours "Mush Hole's" dark past.
What follows are my views on the Mohawk Institute (a place which I know very well), and the so called evidence of horrid things that happened there over the years. Some of this I have mentioned before in earlier blog postings, such as the posting here, and some is new to the subject as discussed in this blog.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Selective Use of Evidence: First, the entire residential school system was put under the microscope (with very selective viewing) quite recently. There is a great deal of irony in an august body called the "Truth and Reconciliation Commission", mandated by the Government of Canada and covered comprehensively here, when "truth" is not the object of the investigation. Is there a shred of detail about the many positives (more on this later) that should have been brought forward to provide a balanced report? The answer is a resounding no, because it would detract from "the message". What this one - sided and cherry picking exercise did was to actively seek to avoid any "evidence" that did not support what was already a foregone conclusion, in other words the "party line". It was already "known" that the Residential Schools were places where children were subjected to torture and even "mass genocide", and assorted other unspeakable crimes designed to eradicate Indian people, or at least remove the "Indian ness" from them. QED, now set up a Government commission to prove what is already accepted as the known, the supposed truth.
The Concept of the "Survivor" and "Cultural Genocide": So we hear of beatings, sexual abuse, starvation (all things common in homes on many Reservations then and now), from "survivors", who experienced this "cultural genocide". These underlined terms have become buzz words designed to con vince Canadians and governments around the world of the horrors that were perpetrated on our own doorstep. So this is the so called truth part, and of course the reconciliation part is money, lots of money, to compensate "survivors". Ultimately there have been more lies (or distortions) than truth told in the service of ensuring that the Government will ante up. When money is involved, stories become aggrandized - just the way things are since there was no penalty for lying or exaggeration built into the process.
So those who come in under the umbrella term of "survivor" (anyone who attended the school) had to make a choice. Speak up and tell the truth, or stay quiet and let the activists lead the willing to provide tales of unspeakable horror - none of which could be proven, but that was quite irrelevant. So sordid details abounded, and others who had different experiences and even recalled their days at the Mohawk Institute with nostalgia were never told (or heard by outsiders).
The Mohawk Institute in Perspective: The truth is that the Mohawk Institute trained many of the Six Nations teachers who went on to become teachers of generations of students on the Six Nations Reserve. Without the experiences and skills provided by the Mohawk Institute, which included members of many other Reserves (e.g., Muncey, Oneida, Saugeen) whose parents wanted their children to have a good education, the children would have been left way behind others in this country, and if they wanted to be say an architect, the doors would have been closed. But no, the focus is supposed to be on the horrid things associated with the residential schools.
The truth with respect to the early days can be found in the records of the times. First, the Chiefs of the Six Nations supported the Mohawk Institute, and for example, when the land surrenders of the 1840s were in progress, they asked that 200 acres be set aside near the Mohawk Chapel in Brantford for an Agricultural Institute attached to the Mohawk Institute to teach boys farming skills, as shown in the following Council Minutes from 1844:
Chiefs who signed Council Minutes:
(LAC, RG10, Volume 144, pp. 286-300 [83269-83287]).
Is it even remotely possible that the Chiefs and Clan Mothers did NOT know what was going on at the Mohawk Institute, and if all of the horrid things alleged to have happened there actually occurred, would they not put a stop to it?
Chronology of the Mohawk Institute: Here follow the factual chronology of the Mohawk Institute from the Church of England website found here:
Outright Lies, Conspiracy Theories and Those Who Believe Them: Memory problems aside, there will be a real credibility gap if people can be shown to be spreading lies. There are stories along the lines of urban myths that have taken root and ultimately spun out of control, such that there abound bizarre and outlandish direct accusations of mass murder and genocide spun by adults who should know better. Many to most will believe the "party line" which has been propounded by community activists and their White anarchist and communist "friends" (without any first hand knowledge or having spoken with folks who attended residential schools). However, many also accept uncritically the far more wildly crazy fringe allegations that have been shown to be entirely unfounded, but still many still believe this patently absurd stuff and get all fired up about it - refusing to for example acknowledge that the generator of these allegations was a self - serving defrocked White guy who was on a mission of self promotion.
If you believe ANY of what is to follow, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell you cheap. The website is found here:
BRANTFORD, ON, CANADA – Mass graves of Mohawk children have been uncovered by ground-penetrating radar at the Mohawk Institute, a residential school for Mohawk operated by the Church of England and the Vatican before its closure in 1970.
According to Rev. Kevin Annett, Secretary of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and States (www.itccs.org), the Mohawk Institute was “set up by the Anglican Church of England in 1832 to imprison and destroy generations of Mohawk children. This very first Indian [First Nations] residential school in Canada lasted until 1970, and, like in most residential schools, more than half of the children imprisoned there never returned. Many of them are buried all around the school.”
Preliminary scanning by ground penetrating radar adjacent to the now closed main building Mohawk Institute has revealed that “between 15-20 feet of soil” was brought in and put over the mass graves just before the Mohawk Institute closed in 1970 in order to camouflage the mass graves of Mohawk Children and avoid prosecution for genocide and crimes against humanity under the Geneva Conventions, the International Criminal Court, and cooperating national courts.
Furthermore, Rev. Kevin Annett states that instruments of torture such as a rack for torturing the Mohawk children in ritual torture have been found at the now closed Mohawk Institute. Eyewitnesses from the Mohawk community have stated they witnessed priests in red robes torturing children in ritual torture.
Rev. Kevin Annett states that instruments of torture such as a rack for torturing the Mohawk children in ritual torture have been found at the now closed Mohawk Institute. Eyewitnesses from the Mohawk community have stated they witnessed priests in red robes torturing children in ritual torture.
Annett has since been seen for what he is, a hoaxer, who has used the Six Nations gullibility to meet his own warped ends. He was even given a Mohawk name as a mark of honour - said name having since been withdrawn. NO mass graves (or a torture rack) have ever been found, just anomalies on "ground penetrating radar" which are to be expected since the site has been occupied since 1785. The only bones found are what you would expect of a residential site - animal bone. However if you haven't reached the "you have got to be kidding" place yet, it all gets even more "off the wall", as seen in the following quote from the same source -
What follows are my views on the Mohawk Institute (a place which I know very well), and the so called evidence of horrid things that happened there over the years. Some of this I have mentioned before in earlier blog postings, such as the posting here, and some is new to the subject as discussed in this blog.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Selective Use of Evidence: First, the entire residential school system was put under the microscope (with very selective viewing) quite recently. There is a great deal of irony in an august body called the "Truth and Reconciliation Commission", mandated by the Government of Canada and covered comprehensively here, when "truth" is not the object of the investigation. Is there a shred of detail about the many positives (more on this later) that should have been brought forward to provide a balanced report? The answer is a resounding no, because it would detract from "the message". What this one - sided and cherry picking exercise did was to actively seek to avoid any "evidence" that did not support what was already a foregone conclusion, in other words the "party line". It was already "known" that the Residential Schools were places where children were subjected to torture and even "mass genocide", and assorted other unspeakable crimes designed to eradicate Indian people, or at least remove the "Indian ness" from them. QED, now set up a Government commission to prove what is already accepted as the known, the supposed truth.
The Concept of the "Survivor" and "Cultural Genocide": So we hear of beatings, sexual abuse, starvation (all things common in homes on many Reservations then and now), from "survivors", who experienced this "cultural genocide". These underlined terms have become buzz words designed to con vince Canadians and governments around the world of the horrors that were perpetrated on our own doorstep. So this is the so called truth part, and of course the reconciliation part is money, lots of money, to compensate "survivors". Ultimately there have been more lies (or distortions) than truth told in the service of ensuring that the Government will ante up. When money is involved, stories become aggrandized - just the way things are since there was no penalty for lying or exaggeration built into the process.
So those who come in under the umbrella term of "survivor" (anyone who attended the school) had to make a choice. Speak up and tell the truth, or stay quiet and let the activists lead the willing to provide tales of unspeakable horror - none of which could be proven, but that was quite irrelevant. So sordid details abounded, and others who had different experiences and even recalled their days at the Mohawk Institute with nostalgia were never told (or heard by outsiders).
The Mohawk Institute in Perspective: The truth is that the Mohawk Institute trained many of the Six Nations teachers who went on to become teachers of generations of students on the Six Nations Reserve. Without the experiences and skills provided by the Mohawk Institute, which included members of many other Reserves (e.g., Muncey, Oneida, Saugeen) whose parents wanted their children to have a good education, the children would have been left way behind others in this country, and if they wanted to be say an architect, the doors would have been closed. But no, the focus is supposed to be on the horrid things associated with the residential schools.
The truth with respect to the early days can be found in the records of the times. First, the Chiefs of the Six Nations supported the Mohawk Institute, and for example, when the land surrenders of the 1840s were in progress, they asked that 200 acres be set aside near the Mohawk Chapel in Brantford for an Agricultural Institute attached to the Mohawk Institute to teach boys farming skills, as shown in the following Council Minutes from 1844:
Chiefs who signed Council Minutes:
(LAC, RG10, Volume 144, pp. 286-300 [83269-83287]).
Is it even remotely possible that the Chiefs and Clan Mothers did NOT know what was going on at the Mohawk Institute, and if all of the horrid things alleged to have happened there actually occurred, would they not put a stop to it?
Chronology of the Mohawk Institute: Here follow the factual chronology of the Mohawk Institute from the Church of England website found here:
- 1828 Mechanics’ Institute opens as a manual training day school in the Mohawk Village for Indian boys from Six Nations. School is located across the road from the Royal Chapel of the Mohawks on land granted to the NEC by the Colonial Government and Six Nations Chiefs.
- 1831 Some schoolboys are boarded at the Institute or in the Village.
- 1834 Dormitories added to provide residential quarters for ten boys and four girls.
- ca. 1837 Due to influx of non-native settlers, Provincial Government of Upper Canada orders Six Nations people to vacate land north of the Grand River (including the Mohawk Village) and to resettle on land south of the river, several kilometres from the school and chapel. Relocation is completed by early 1840s.
- 1840 School remains in its original location at former Mohawk Village and is expanded to take in 40 children, mostly boarders, and especially more girls. A waiting list exists through the 1840s.
- 1854–1859 School destroyed by fire and new building with subsequent additions erected a few hundred metres from old location. This site would be the final location of the school for more than a century.
- 1860 NEC acquires large farm and vocational training soon focuses on farming which becomes a profitable venture by the mid-1870s. School adopts the more familiar name, Mohawk Institute.
- 1868 Enrolment increases to 90.
- 1880s Some students attend Brantford Collegiate Institute as a means to qualify as teachers. By the mid-1890s, about 20 boys and 25 girls had become Indian school teachers at the Mohawk Institute and other residential schools.
- 1885 Government makes one time operating grant when school begins to accept students from other reserves.
- 1891 Start of annual per capita grants by government to assist NEC in operation of the school until 1922, when Indian Affairs Department assumes management.
- 1894 Orphans and destitute children taken in, some non-native. Large 3-storey wing added. Amendment to Indian Act makes education compulsory for native children.
- 1903 Main school building and barns are destroyed by fires set by students.
- 1904 Replacement building opens in October with authorized pupilage of 125. This structure, with later additions, will survive until it is closed in 1971. A small hospital is added to the school complex in 1908.
- 1922 Following earlier attempt by NEC to sell the school to Indian Affairs, a 21-year lease is agreed to instead. Government takes over school operation and NEC reduces most of its financial assistance. Building receives major renovation. Agreement requires principal to be an Anglican, nominated by NEC. Another attempt to sell school in 1930 is unsuccessful. Indian and Eskimo School Administration of MSCC, which is poised to take over most Anglican residential schools in 1923, loses interest in managing the Mohawk Institute when financial issues cannot be resolved with NEC and government.
- 1934 New dormitories added, increasing school enrolment to 150.
- 1946, Jan. 1 New 21-year lease takes effect, continuing the status quo arrangement between NEC and government. However, NEC is unable to continue providing modest financial support.
- 1948-1958 Classrooms added by renovating former army building moved to site and constructing new classroom block.
- 1955 Enrolment is 185 students.
- 1960s School evolves into a hostel, providing accommodation for children requiring special care and attention and for those from distant reserves lacking Indian day schools. Many attend Brantford public schools, as space permits. Enrolment declines as Children’s Aid Societies find foster homes for many of the Institute’s children.
- 1963 Farming is discontinued as the boys are in school all day and hired labour deemed too expensive. Farmland will be returned to local Indian band.
- 1965 New England Company sells its interest in the school building to the government for $100,000.
- 1969 April 1 Government assumes complete control of school.
- 1970 June 30 School closes. Most of the children in residence are from the north where new day schools have been constructed at their reserves. Only 23 students from Six Nations are in attendance this final year. By agreement with Six Nations Council, the government keeps a small staff to care for few remaining children kept in the hostel until foster care can be provided. School is finally vacated March 31, 1971 and building offered to Six Nations. Remaining school lands—a large part NEC claims title to—is ultimately returned to the Reserve.
- 1972 October Native run Woodland Cultural Centre opens at the former school site. Old building is renovated for administrative offices and a research centre and new museum is constructed adjacent to it. The museum is dedicated to the history and culture of the Iroquoian and Algonkian peoples and offers gallery space for special art and historical exhibitions.
Compiled by General Synod Archives, September 23, 2008.
Misconceptions of the Mohawk Institute: There are so many erroneous beliefs about the Mohawk Institute, it is impossible here to give a comprehensive account of all important matters. However anyone researching the subject needs to explore primary source documents and first hand accounts from the time spectrum during which the school was in existance. As a sample of what one can find with some researching of the matter is the 1911 Census of Canada for Brant County showing one of the pages listing the students at the Mohawk Institute. Some facts of note is that all over the age of 10 could read and write, and that the students only attended school for 4 months a year, with half the day spent working (e.g., the boys in agricultural pursuits) and the other half of the day in school. That is really not enough time to brainwash the children or perpetrate "cultural genocide" as is so commonly alleged. Below is a sample page (click on page to enlarge):
Many Former Mohawk Institute Students Have Fond Recollections of Their Days There: I have many times in this blog told of the off the record discussions I have had with elders (most attended the Mohawk Institute in the 1950s and 60s) who saw the school in a positive light, as for example offering 3 meals a day and the opportunity to learn something - neither of which they would have got at home.
In addition the Mohawk Institute did not close because of agitation from the Six Nations community. In fact they wanted it kept open. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission does mention one very key fact that puts almost everything in perspective. Volume 1 of the final report, entitled "The History, Part 2, 1939-2000." On page 93, it says that in March 1970, the "Six Nations Council" lobbied to have the Mohawk Institute kept open because many of the "successful members of Six Nations passed through the Institute." This information comes from counterpoise, a fellow blogger link here.
Abuse at the Mohawk Institute?: Some former students would acknowledge that there was physical abuse, but that is what they expected at home also. If one wants to simply talk about beatings, it was hardly unique to Indian residential schools. It happened in day schools throughout this country, and even in England upper class students sent there by their parents could expect daily canning - it was the times, and at the local level I can say from experience that excessive physical discipline existed in Haldimand County until the 1980s. So should every Canadian, and every English child who went to boarding school be eligible for "compensation" (money)? Sexual abuse happens everywhere, unfortunately. I would like to see some evidence, any evidence, that those who attended an Anglican operated residential school such as the Mohawk Institute experienced any where near the level of what went on in the Catholic schools right up to the last few years. There is a great deal of evidence about the latter scandal, but very little except anecdotal evidence about the Mohawk Institute. Unfortunately this behaviour did not just happen in schools, but also in the homes across all Reserves, including those at Six Nations, and for that matter all across Canada in general.
Why Are So Many Telling Stories of Awful Experiences at the Mohawk Institute?: Granted that there were issues at the Mohawk Institute, it would be astounding if there were not - do you want to hear my horror stories about my time at day school? No one is asking me about my horrid time at school and the scars I bear. No one cares. There is a huge difference in the mix here. In a word, money. If a strong case can be made for being a "survivor" and experiencing "cultural genocide" (whether true or not), there is a lot of money that will be handed over. It is a moral dilemma for many at Six Nations. Everyone else is coming up with stories (whether experienced first hand or heard third hand), and there will be compensation. So to think the whole exercise immoral and say nothing would take a tremendous amount of resolve. It would be truly instructive to learn of the numbers who refused to tell lies, exaggerate what at the time was the norm, or spread rumours. Telling stories about this subject not to convict a specific offender, but to be eligible for "compensation", seems really really questionable to some (myself).
How Reliable Are the Memories?: Science has shown us that while we may think we recall an event with point on precision, eyewitness testimony is fraught with difficulties - accuracy being the primary problem. It is a well established fact that all memories are subject to change over time, and that there is the possibility of creating false memories which are believed and believable. During the 1980s there was a rash of accusations of sexual abuse with the most incredible twists but which were believed (and even encouraged) by police interview tactics at the time. It is amazing (not) what you can get with a few leading questions. The phenomenon was called the "repressed memory syndrome". The most egregious example was the McMartin Day Care Center in Manhattan Beach, California. Here children were, under the "encouragement" of ill trained police investigators, coming up with the most off the charts descriptions of alleged sexual abuse there, involving dinosaurs, ritual abuse and every imaginable entity to weave into the tales of horror. Lives were ruined by these accusations, and the fall out permeated the clinical practices of health care professionals (including myself) who were required to disentangle these stories or accept them at face value.
As it turns out, the leading researchers on memory in the world, such as Dr. Elizabeth Loftus at University of California, Irvine stepped forward and testified in Court that the "repressed memory phenomenon" simply did not tally with what was known about human memory. Ultimately, with the use of taped sessions of therapist and police "interrogations" of "victims", it became evident that what was happening was "therapist induced memories" brought to the fore by badgering by well intentioned (but incompetent) therapists (and even police officers) who were now prone to seeing sexual abuse under every rock. Children were being coached (often unintentionally) by adults as to what they should be remembering, encouraged when the resulting tales were permeated by horrifying details that suggested ritual abuse, and disparaged if their memories were not in tune with those of others who had given testimony. This was a horrible period, and as a professional in the field, I was embroiled in many such investigations where my role was to use my clinical training, deeply rooted in the scientific method, to tease out fact from fiction. The point of this is that with the expectation to tell a certain version of an event or story, many people will comply rather than risk the censure of those who have preconceived expectations as to what they will be hearing. Rather than disappoint (this is especially true of children), the person being interrogated (questioned) will most likely capitulate to expectation and leading questions - it happens all the time, and is one reason why police often get false confessions. Hence it is entirely unclear how many memories of terrible things happening at Residential Schools are veridical (square with objective reality), and how many are induced or extracted false memories. I am speaking here only of the situation at the Mohawk Institute since I am not familiar with the Residential Schools elsewhere in the Country.
Many Former Mohawk Institute Students Have Fond Recollections of Their Days There: I have many times in this blog told of the off the record discussions I have had with elders (most attended the Mohawk Institute in the 1950s and 60s) who saw the school in a positive light, as for example offering 3 meals a day and the opportunity to learn something - neither of which they would have got at home.
In addition the Mohawk Institute did not close because of agitation from the Six Nations community. In fact they wanted it kept open. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission does mention one very key fact that puts almost everything in perspective. Volume 1 of the final report, entitled "The History, Part 2, 1939-2000." On page 93, it says that in March 1970, the "Six Nations Council" lobbied to have the Mohawk Institute kept open because many of the "successful members of Six Nations passed through the Institute." This information comes from counterpoise, a fellow blogger link here.
Abuse at the Mohawk Institute?: Some former students would acknowledge that there was physical abuse, but that is what they expected at home also. If one wants to simply talk about beatings, it was hardly unique to Indian residential schools. It happened in day schools throughout this country, and even in England upper class students sent there by their parents could expect daily canning - it was the times, and at the local level I can say from experience that excessive physical discipline existed in Haldimand County until the 1980s. So should every Canadian, and every English child who went to boarding school be eligible for "compensation" (money)? Sexual abuse happens everywhere, unfortunately. I would like to see some evidence, any evidence, that those who attended an Anglican operated residential school such as the Mohawk Institute experienced any where near the level of what went on in the Catholic schools right up to the last few years. There is a great deal of evidence about the latter scandal, but very little except anecdotal evidence about the Mohawk Institute. Unfortunately this behaviour did not just happen in schools, but also in the homes across all Reserves, including those at Six Nations, and for that matter all across Canada in general.
Why Are So Many Telling Stories of Awful Experiences at the Mohawk Institute?: Granted that there were issues at the Mohawk Institute, it would be astounding if there were not - do you want to hear my horror stories about my time at day school? No one is asking me about my horrid time at school and the scars I bear. No one cares. There is a huge difference in the mix here. In a word, money. If a strong case can be made for being a "survivor" and experiencing "cultural genocide" (whether true or not), there is a lot of money that will be handed over. It is a moral dilemma for many at Six Nations. Everyone else is coming up with stories (whether experienced first hand or heard third hand), and there will be compensation. So to think the whole exercise immoral and say nothing would take a tremendous amount of resolve. It would be truly instructive to learn of the numbers who refused to tell lies, exaggerate what at the time was the norm, or spread rumours. Telling stories about this subject not to convict a specific offender, but to be eligible for "compensation", seems really really questionable to some (myself).
How Reliable Are the Memories?: Science has shown us that while we may think we recall an event with point on precision, eyewitness testimony is fraught with difficulties - accuracy being the primary problem. It is a well established fact that all memories are subject to change over time, and that there is the possibility of creating false memories which are believed and believable. During the 1980s there was a rash of accusations of sexual abuse with the most incredible twists but which were believed (and even encouraged) by police interview tactics at the time. It is amazing (not) what you can get with a few leading questions. The phenomenon was called the "repressed memory syndrome". The most egregious example was the McMartin Day Care Center in Manhattan Beach, California. Here children were, under the "encouragement" of ill trained police investigators, coming up with the most off the charts descriptions of alleged sexual abuse there, involving dinosaurs, ritual abuse and every imaginable entity to weave into the tales of horror. Lives were ruined by these accusations, and the fall out permeated the clinical practices of health care professionals (including myself) who were required to disentangle these stories or accept them at face value.
As it turns out, the leading researchers on memory in the world, such as Dr. Elizabeth Loftus at University of California, Irvine stepped forward and testified in Court that the "repressed memory phenomenon" simply did not tally with what was known about human memory. Ultimately, with the use of taped sessions of therapist and police "interrogations" of "victims", it became evident that what was happening was "therapist induced memories" brought to the fore by badgering by well intentioned (but incompetent) therapists (and even police officers) who were now prone to seeing sexual abuse under every rock. Children were being coached (often unintentionally) by adults as to what they should be remembering, encouraged when the resulting tales were permeated by horrifying details that suggested ritual abuse, and disparaged if their memories were not in tune with those of others who had given testimony. This was a horrible period, and as a professional in the field, I was embroiled in many such investigations where my role was to use my clinical training, deeply rooted in the scientific method, to tease out fact from fiction. The point of this is that with the expectation to tell a certain version of an event or story, many people will comply rather than risk the censure of those who have preconceived expectations as to what they will be hearing. Rather than disappoint (this is especially true of children), the person being interrogated (questioned) will most likely capitulate to expectation and leading questions - it happens all the time, and is one reason why police often get false confessions. Hence it is entirely unclear how many memories of terrible things happening at Residential Schools are veridical (square with objective reality), and how many are induced or extracted false memories. I am speaking here only of the situation at the Mohawk Institute since I am not familiar with the Residential Schools elsewhere in the Country.
Outright Lies, Conspiracy Theories and Those Who Believe Them: Memory problems aside, there will be a real credibility gap if people can be shown to be spreading lies. There are stories along the lines of urban myths that have taken root and ultimately spun out of control, such that there abound bizarre and outlandish direct accusations of mass murder and genocide spun by adults who should know better. Many to most will believe the "party line" which has been propounded by community activists and their White anarchist and communist "friends" (without any first hand knowledge or having spoken with folks who attended residential schools). However, many also accept uncritically the far more wildly crazy fringe allegations that have been shown to be entirely unfounded, but still many still believe this patently absurd stuff and get all fired up about it - refusing to for example acknowledge that the generator of these allegations was a self - serving defrocked White guy who was on a mission of self promotion.
If you believe ANY of what is to follow, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell you cheap. The website is found here:
BRANTFORD, ON, CANADA – Mass graves of Mohawk children have been uncovered by ground-penetrating radar at the Mohawk Institute, a residential school for Mohawk operated by the Church of England and the Vatican before its closure in 1970.
According to Rev. Kevin Annett, Secretary of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and States (www.itccs.org), the Mohawk Institute was “set up by the Anglican Church of England in 1832 to imprison and destroy generations of Mohawk children. This very first Indian [First Nations] residential school in Canada lasted until 1970, and, like in most residential schools, more than half of the children imprisoned there never returned. Many of them are buried all around the school.”
Preliminary scanning by ground penetrating radar adjacent to the now closed main building Mohawk Institute has revealed that “between 15-20 feet of soil” was brought in and put over the mass graves just before the Mohawk Institute closed in 1970 in order to camouflage the mass graves of Mohawk Children and avoid prosecution for genocide and crimes against humanity under the Geneva Conventions, the International Criminal Court, and cooperating national courts.
Furthermore, Rev. Kevin Annett states that instruments of torture such as a rack for torturing the Mohawk children in ritual torture have been found at the now closed Mohawk Institute. Eyewitnesses from the Mohawk community have stated they witnessed priests in red robes torturing children in ritual torture.
Rev. Kevin Annett states that instruments of torture such as a rack for torturing the Mohawk children in ritual torture have been found at the now closed Mohawk Institute. Eyewitnesses from the Mohawk community have stated they witnessed priests in red robes torturing children in ritual torture.
Annett has since been seen for what he is, a hoaxer, who has used the Six Nations gullibility to meet his own warped ends. He was even given a Mohawk name as a mark of honour - said name having since been withdrawn. NO mass graves (or a torture rack) have ever been found, just anomalies on "ground penetrating radar" which are to be expected since the site has been occupied since 1785. The only bones found are what you would expect of a residential site - animal bone. However if you haven't reached the "you have got to be kidding" place yet, it all gets even more "off the wall", as seen in the following quote from the same source -
The discovery of the mass graves of Mohawk children, uncovered by ground-penetrating radar at the Mohawk Institute comes on the heels of videotaped evidence by eyewitness William Coombes, who in Oct. 1964 witnessed Elizabeth Windsor, as Head of State of Canada and Head of the Church of England, visit an aboriginal school in Kamloops, British Columbia, choose 10 young aboriginal children, made them kiss her feet, and allegedly took them from the school for a picnic at a lake.
The 10 aboriginal children were never seen again. Mr. Coombes, who was to give evidence at the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and States (ITCCS.org) of Elizabeth Windsor’s child genocide, was murdered in Feb. 2011. Fortunately, Mr. Coombes’ testimony was videotaped before his death and is available for the Tribunal.
There is more:
Rev. Annett made these revelations in an exclusive Oct. 7, 2011 interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre. In the interview, Rev. Annett acknowledges the close parallels between the Oct. 1964 personal child genocide and possible ritual killings of 10 aboriginal children by Elizabeth Windsor, Head of State of Canada and Head of the Church of England, and the child genocides occurring during the same period at the Mohawk Institute.
These parallels suggest that Elizabeth Windsor, as Head of State and Head of the Church of England was personally aware of, ordered, and participated in this systematic program of genocide and ritual torture and killings at Church of England residential schools operated by the Church of England and the Vatican.
These parallels suggest that Elizabeth Windsor, as Head of State and Head of the Church of England was personally aware of, ordered, and participated in this systematic program of genocide and ritual torture and killings at Church of England residential schools operated by the Church of England and the Vatican.
The above bolding in italics is that of the writer on the above website.
Clearly, a disconcerting number of people at Six Nations have been taken in by this hoaxer and his entourage. It is at this point where I simply cannot relay any further such nonsense - Queen Elizabeth personally orchestrating acts of genocide in Canada??? Where is the evidence? Answer - THERE IS NONE. However people will believe this stuff, even now - what is the bet that I don't get a comment from one of these people - I do every time I write about the "mass graves" delusion. There is a decided tendency for a disconcerting number at Six Nations to ascribe to conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theory advocates do not use the requisite skills to methodically assess the merits of a patently outlandish "theory", and as a result end up giving it credence without being willing or able to factor in logic, reason and evidence (or lack thereof).
Sobering Facts: Despite the persistent believers of nonsense, there is evidence out there that would refute each and every off the wall belief - should one take the time to explore each in turn. For example, elsewhere I have provided evidence from the Anglican Church registers of the Mohawk Chapel across the road from the Mohawk Institute showing the burials that did take place - and that these burials are properly recorded. If one wanted this to be all hush hush, would you really record the burial in an Anglican register with name, date of burial, the fact of attendance at the Mohawk Institute, and the Reserve of the deceased? It makes absolutely no sense.
Furthermore, half of the children who attended the Mohawk Institute did not die there! The lives of most (as many as in the White community) can be followed via the Canadian Census taken every 10 years, and available online to 1920 and shows most of the former students at home on the Reserve or elsewhere after they left school - I know so because I have done so. The fact that some students died at the Mohawk Institute is not in the least surprising since during the early years of its existence, and even into the 20th Century, childhood disease and death was common. Not unusual, of 7 children, my grandfather and one brother were the only two to live to adulthood.
Using the Word "Survivor": Children who attended the Mohawk Institute are NOT "survivors" they are not even "victims". They are school attendees. If you are in a plane crash and many died, you are a survivor. The word "survivor" is being grossly misused to describe children who attended a school where they graduated and moved on. Some did die of natural causes as would be the case at home (pneumonia for example can kill anywhere). The word "survivor", only recently, has begun to be applied widely including those who have suffered sexual abuse. They are victims, not survivors. The only time "survivor" would be appropriate in a context beyond a disaster such as a plane crash is for true genocide such as perpetrated by the Nazis at Buchewald and other concentration camps. If you became a "resident" or "inmate" there, the statistical fact is that most died, and if you did not die you experienced unspeakable horrors - that is very well documented. If you are among the few who did not die, you are a "survivor". In this context the term only applies to genocide. However by calling school attendees "survivors" it paints a grim picture, allows you to use the term "genocide" (inappropriately) and sets the stage for more monetary extraction from the Canadian taxpayer's wallet.
Clearly, a disconcerting number of people at Six Nations have been taken in by this hoaxer and his entourage. It is at this point where I simply cannot relay any further such nonsense - Queen Elizabeth personally orchestrating acts of genocide in Canada??? Where is the evidence? Answer - THERE IS NONE. However people will believe this stuff, even now - what is the bet that I don't get a comment from one of these people - I do every time I write about the "mass graves" delusion. There is a decided tendency for a disconcerting number at Six Nations to ascribe to conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theory advocates do not use the requisite skills to methodically assess the merits of a patently outlandish "theory", and as a result end up giving it credence without being willing or able to factor in logic, reason and evidence (or lack thereof).
Sobering Facts: Despite the persistent believers of nonsense, there is evidence out there that would refute each and every off the wall belief - should one take the time to explore each in turn. For example, elsewhere I have provided evidence from the Anglican Church registers of the Mohawk Chapel across the road from the Mohawk Institute showing the burials that did take place - and that these burials are properly recorded. If one wanted this to be all hush hush, would you really record the burial in an Anglican register with name, date of burial, the fact of attendance at the Mohawk Institute, and the Reserve of the deceased? It makes absolutely no sense.
Furthermore, half of the children who attended the Mohawk Institute did not die there! The lives of most (as many as in the White community) can be followed via the Canadian Census taken every 10 years, and available online to 1920 and shows most of the former students at home on the Reserve or elsewhere after they left school - I know so because I have done so. The fact that some students died at the Mohawk Institute is not in the least surprising since during the early years of its existence, and even into the 20th Century, childhood disease and death was common. Not unusual, of 7 children, my grandfather and one brother were the only two to live to adulthood.
Using the Word "Survivor": Children who attended the Mohawk Institute are NOT "survivors" they are not even "victims". They are school attendees. If you are in a plane crash and many died, you are a survivor. The word "survivor" is being grossly misused to describe children who attended a school where they graduated and moved on. Some did die of natural causes as would be the case at home (pneumonia for example can kill anywhere). The word "survivor", only recently, has begun to be applied widely including those who have suffered sexual abuse. They are victims, not survivors. The only time "survivor" would be appropriate in a context beyond a disaster such as a plane crash is for true genocide such as perpetrated by the Nazis at Buchewald and other concentration camps. If you became a "resident" or "inmate" there, the statistical fact is that most died, and if you did not die you experienced unspeakable horrors - that is very well documented. If you are among the few who did not die, you are a "survivor". In this context the term only applies to genocide. However by calling school attendees "survivors" it paints a grim picture, allows you to use the term "genocide" (inappropriately) and sets the stage for more monetary extraction from the Canadian taxpayer's wallet.
Bob Rae Enters the Picture: Bob Rae is the former (New Democratic Party) Premier of Ontario and later interim leader of the Ontario Liberal Party. I doubt not that Mr. Rae is a very intelligent man. However, it appears that he has not done any homework and has suspended his critical thinking skills. However, as noted in the above newspaper article, Mr. Rae has agreed to become a new Honourary Patron of the "Save the Evidence" campaign. Basically, the Six Nations community was divided on what to do with the Mohawk Institute - since some came to believe that it was a symbol of Canadian Colonialism etc. etc., and others who did not want to see part of their history erased. Just as I would not want to see my school torn down, many at Six Nations felt the same way about the Mohawk Institute which, by the way, has served as the Woodland Indian Cultural - Educational Center since it closed as a school. It has a superb library and research facilities, and is associated with the museum next door which houses Six Nations artifacts and art. The concept is then that by preserving the structure, somehow the evidence as to what happened there will also be preserved. Whatever. So, the Hon. Mr. Rae, another White enabler of the tall tales faction.
The Truth Has Yet to be Told: The truth is very elusive here in that those who can best shed light on the matter have not stepped forward but are held back by the wish to not go against the grain of the Community beliefs. So the factual / balanced story will likely never be told since the elders I have spoken with over the years are rapidly passing from the scene. Soon there will just be the biased written stories (e.g., in a very large book published on the "Mush Hole") and nothing to balance them - and all will believe that Canada wanted to "take the Indian out of the Indian" at the Mohawk Institute. Nothing could be further from the truth. As I have said, from the git go the Chiefs supported the Institute as a place on the Reserve where their people could receive an education that would allow them to adapt to an ever changing world. Their words remain - however who but myself is even aware that the Chiefs and hence the Clan Mothers had anything except a negative view of the school? So we have those who recall their grandmother telling them ................ sorry, that does not cut it. Memory is too fragile to take at face value without supporting evidence.
Even the skewed and grotesquely biased "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" (TRC) includes one bit of correct history which sheds a positive light on the Mohawk Institute. Here they report, However, in March 1970, the Six Nations Council announced that it had not been properly consulted over the closure of the school. The council argued that “the Institute could still serve a very useful purpose. Many of the successful members of Six Nations passed through the Institute.” This information can be obtained from the TRC on page 93 here. In other words, in 1970 the Mohawk Institute was viewed as a successful school by the Chiefs of the Six Nations! In but a few years later, it will be "inconvenient" to acknowledge the truth, and so the "party line" becomes entrenched and it is all about the negative aspects - since that will mean more money, and a greater ability to capitalize on "victim status".
Someone needs to spend some time digging into the records at the National Archives in Ottawa and the Archives of Ontario at York University, as I did many years ago, and learn the truth. But once again the theme of this blog rears its ugly head - a troubling number at Six Nations would rather stick to their beliefs than assess the facts and face the truth.
All people who attended the Mohawk Institute need to be heard, without fear of reprisals, and the relevant documents, and archived oral testimony from before the Institute closed in 1970, will together hopefully speak to offer a clear voice from the past.
Even the skewed and grotesquely biased "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" (TRC) includes one bit of correct history which sheds a positive light on the Mohawk Institute. Here they report, However, in March 1970, the Six Nations Council announced that it had not been properly consulted over the closure of the school. The council argued that “the Institute could still serve a very useful purpose. Many of the successful members of Six Nations passed through the Institute.” This information can be obtained from the TRC on page 93 here. In other words, in 1970 the Mohawk Institute was viewed as a successful school by the Chiefs of the Six Nations! In but a few years later, it will be "inconvenient" to acknowledge the truth, and so the "party line" becomes entrenched and it is all about the negative aspects - since that will mean more money, and a greater ability to capitalize on "victim status".
Someone needs to spend some time digging into the records at the National Archives in Ottawa and the Archives of Ontario at York University, as I did many years ago, and learn the truth. But once again the theme of this blog rears its ugly head - a troubling number at Six Nations would rather stick to their beliefs than assess the facts and face the truth.
All people who attended the Mohawk Institute need to be heard, without fear of reprisals, and the relevant documents, and archived oral testimony from before the Institute closed in 1970, will together hopefully speak to offer a clear voice from the past.
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