Saturday, 10 July 2021

Indian Residential Schools in Canada: Gross Distortions of Facts and Profound Lack of Journalistic Integrity

Purported Discovery of Hundreds of Children’s Remains on the Grounds of Former Residential School Sites:  On or about 29 May 2021 the world learned of the “preliminary report” concerning the purported discovery of the remains of 215 young children in unmarked graves on the site of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School.  They were located by ground penetrating radar (GPR), a technique that only identifies “anomalies” in the soil, not human remains.  It wasn’t long before the media had universally accepted this report as representing a confirmed discovery and universal sadness and anger were emotions felt by readers from coast to coast.  Since the “discovery” first came to light, to the present day, it appears that no one in the mainstream media has called into question the GPR data (blips and waves on a screen), and the assertions based on this information.  Meanwhile, Canada is accused of “genocide”, with a liberal sprinkling of the words “colonialism”, and “racism”, as the country descends into mourning for what might or might not be – all on the basis of electronic data that has no merit without more in depth explorations.  The matter of the demise of journalistic integrity will be addressed later in this manuscript.

Since the initial announcement, other Chiefs are getting media attention by making the same unsubstantiated claim relative to finds in the grounds around a former residential school in their neighbourhood.  At this point in time Canada and the world seems perfectly willing to accept what any Chief anywhere in Canada states on this matter, without asking even a single question that might appear to question the legitimacy of the claim.  For example, the second find is of 751 unmarked graves at Cowessess, in Sasketchewan – again using ground penetrating radar.  In fact, both Indigenous and non – Indigenous people are reporting that their ancestors are buried there in unmarked graves.  Most early Canadian ancestors were buried in unmarked graves – or if they were marked by wooden crosses, the markers are long decayed.  The Prime Minister of Canada will be visiting this Reserve ostensibly to transfer powers over child welfare, but doubtless also due to the “shocking” news of the unmarked graves (see here).

Doubtless much to the chagrin of many, some elders from the Saskatchewan, Cowessesss Band who attended the school, and are thankful for the instruction they received there, are willing to tell a very different truth from the “accepted version”.  A facebook posting from the page of Band member Irene A. is highly instructive (as well the comments to her posting).  Below is her posting after the Band told the media that they have found 751 unmarked graves near the old residential school:

Irene A. – 24 June 2021

Dear Folks, 

Our leaders today are addicted to media sensationalism. I can see how the Marieval graveyard news is causing a lot of heartbreak and emotional breakdowns.

Please listen to your elderly folks as well.

We respected the Church, we respected the dead. We buried our dead with a proper funeral. Then we allowed them to Rest In Peace.

Please be aware that this cemetery is a community cemetery with all races and ages of people buried there.

The headstones were removed in 1966-1967, as a first step in refurbishing as the old markers were damaged by weather, age or animals.

The second step of replacing the old and broken headstones wasn’t completed. Parishioners had moved away or had passed on or were simply unable to put up a marker for various reasons.

Please know that it is the obligation of the family to put a marker there for their deceased. This is not the responsibility of the government or the church.

To assume that foul play took place would be premature and unsupported.

There is no “discovery “ of graves. All your elders have knowledge of every grave.

The Band office has records from the Bishops office, the Church board and from Cemetery workers who were in charge of digging graves and burials.

The Band office received a list of over 750 registered burials from the Bishops office.

Information is being put out there that doesn’t recognize these facts.

So please, people, do not make up stories about residential school children being put in unmarked graves. No such thing ever happened.

The above was sent to the author on 5 July 2021, who attempted to verify the posting but by then is appears to have been “pruned”, as seen below:

Sacred Heart of Mary Parish Cemetery, Marieval Sask

Be aware that this cemetery is a community cemetery with all races and ages of people buried there.

The headstones were removed in the oldest part, as a first step in refurbishing as the markers were damaged by weather, age or animals, the second step of replacing the old and broken never happened. Parishioners were not in the area any longer, or had, themselves passed on, or were unable to complete the headstones for various reasons. I would like to say that it is the obligation of each family to place headstones on their deceased. It is not the responsibility of the Church or the government.

So, to assume that any foul play took place would be premature and unsupported.

There is no discovery, as many elders and community members had knowledge of every grave.

The Band has records from the Diocese, the Church Board and Cemetery workers who were in charge of burials. The Band received a list of over 716 registered burials from the Bishop’s Office.

There is information out there that does not recognize these facts. We need to be mindful of the facts and not jump to assumptions and wrong conclusions.

Many town offices and church cemeteries have maps posted for the public to study.

Oddly (or not), it appears that her above posting to the facebook page of the Humboldt Journal newspaper had been deleted prior to 5 July 2021, and only remained on her personal page.  Then on or about 8 July 2021 it was deleted from Irene’s personal page.  This likely speaks volumes as to the pressure put on elders who would dare to tell a story that is contrary to the accepted “party line”.

Genocide?:  The GPR findings have once again brought to the fore the role the Crown and Canada played in the alleged “genocide” of Indigenous people from the early days of European discovery to today.  It would appear that all the “dirty laundry” on this subject had been exposed in the “Truth and Reconciliation” report of 2015.  As found in Wikipedia, Murray Sinclair, an Indigenous former Canadian Senator, was appointed the chair of Canada's Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission in June 2009. The commission's mandate stemmed from the terms of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement as a means by which Residential School Survivors and former staff could inform all Canadians about what happened in Indian Residential Schools and document the accounts of survivors, former staff, families, communities and anyone personally affected by the Indian Residential Schools experience”.  A massive two volume report was generated, and terminology forever changed.  While some stories of those who had a positive experience are included, they are over shadowed by the ones with “drama”.  However this report has led to the interpretation that anyone who went to a residential school is a “survivor”, and we were told that Canada had committed “cultural genocide” in the attempt to educate Indigenous children (see here). 

So it seems that people in general have forgotten about this massive investigation, and the fact that three years ago “survivors” were given enormous hand outs for their “suffering” (the stories of those who had positive things to say about their time at residential school seemed to have little impact), then even those who attended day school on the Reserve became eligible for cash settlements as part of a class action suit, as if what they experienced was any different from that of other Canadians. 

Despite all of the above, Canada must again be raked over the coals – as if the GPR findings are some sort of new revelation that there were Church run residential schools across Canada where these alleged horrors occurred.  As most people realize, the “squeaky wheel gets the grease”, and those who yell the loudest and provide their “truth” (their stated experiences) complete with horror stories get all the attention.  No one listens to the elders, either at Cowessess or Six Nations, who claim that their time at residential school is recalled with fondness.  So those elders who have told of their experiences at residential school to the author are either silenced by community pressure, or ignored – and only those who claim to be “victims” can tell their “truth”.

Honouring the Treaties:  There are constant complaints about treaties being violated, yet ironically when a key provision of these treaties was honoured by the Crown / Government, it is accused of “genocide”.  The picture is one where the White man’s education was forced down the throats of the “victims” and where unspeakable horrors occurred.  It appears that Journalists and others have not read the treaty agreements, if they had there would be a realization that the Government was following through on the wishes of the Chiefs who signed the treaties – yet the Government is in a “no win” situation:  do what was required based on the treaty and be accused of “genocide”, or not do anything and be accused of failing to honour the treaties.

Those who wish to read the treaties can refer to, “Canada.  Indian Treaties and Surrenders from 1680 to 1890 in Two Volumes”, Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, 1891.  For example, Treaty / Surrender No. 124 (as numbered in Vol.1, p.282) is established between the Queen and the Chippewa and Swampy Cree Tribes between Lake of the Woods (Ontario) and the Winnipeg River and Manitoba Lake on 3 August 1871.  One of the provisions was, “And further, Her Majesty agrees to maintain a school on each reserve hereby made whenever the Indians of the reserve should desire it” (p.284).

The people who were part of these treaties resided in remote locations hundreds of miles from any other settlement which had services such as a place to purchase groceries.  There was no practical way to honour the treaty requirement for schooling for the children except to establish a central location and have children from far flung villages come to a residential school operated by those with experience in such matters (i.e., the Catholic and Anglican churches) – but on the Reserve if possible.  What seems lost in the "conversation" is that schools such as the Kamloops Indian Residential School (where the 215 anomalies were discovered by GPR) were physically on the Reserve and could be monitored by the parents and school employees.  The whole idea of some nefarious plan set in motion by for example Catholic priests to bury murdered children in unmarked graves on the site of the school makes no sense - except to conspiracy theorists.  There were too many eyes about, and no way that this could have happened without someone "leaking" the truth.  The author is a retired Registered Psychologist, licensed in Alberta and Ontario, specializing in forensics and neurosciences, and is providing a professional observation about conspiracy theories that is based on 40 years of experience working in this field.

Victims, Survivors and Genocide:  The purported “fact” that victimization was endemic in the entire residential school scenario has resulted in the use of the term "survivor" and "genocide" as every day descriptions of what happened there.  This is a grotesque insult to those who are true survivors of genocide.  Millions of Jews were systematically murdered less than 100 years ago in the Holocaust whose goal was complete extermination of all Jews across the planet.  How is it even remotely possible to compare the atrocities of the death camps to residential schools?  The terminology relating to the true horrors (e.g., being used in medical experiments, starved to death, stripped naked and forced to stand over their own grave before being shot, gassed and the bodies put into ovens for cremation) at Buchenwald, has been appropriated and is being used in connection with what happened at the Kamloops Indian Residential School or the Mohawk Institute 100 years ago.  It is a warped comparison.  The survivors of Nazi atrocities are in no way comparable to the "survivors" of Indian residential schools.  The genocide carried out by the Germans surely cannot be put along side of the so - called "genocide" of the residential schools.  The original term of “cultural genocide” from the Sinclair report above is now seldom seen and “cultural” has been removed leaving only “genocide”.  This one word has an entirely different meaning – but is being accepted by Canadians as what the Canadian Government did to Indigenous people – thus distorting their perception of the truth.  It is perhaps surprising that the Jews who were involved (or their descendants) have not to this point called out the media and Native groups for using words that suggest an equivalency to what they were forced to endure.  A big difference is that the Jewish people have moved on and are focused on the future.  This is not the case with the "survivors" of residential schools who have taken on the role of perpetual victims and called for money, more money, more apologies, more guilt tripping to compensate them in the spirit of "truth and reconciliation".  The Canadian Government has played the role of enabler, offering up money, apologies, and prostrating themselves for the supposed horrors inflicted by Canada against First Nations people. Enough is never enough.  Nothing will ever change as long as the words “survivor” and “genocide” continue to have their desired effect.  Since no one seems willing to challenge this conceptualizing, therefore we will have perpetual victims with their hands out far into the foreseeable future.

Turning our attention back to the discovery of this past spring, no reports can be believed without a shovel in the ground.  In other words, a professional archaeologist and forensic anthropologist must dig and examine the remains, if any.  If human remains are found, how old were the individuals, what ethnicity (race), and what was the manner of their burial (coffin or otherwise).  We need answers and hard facts not weak preliminary reports based only on GPR. 

The Fall Out of One Preliminary Report Versus the Truth – A Hisorical Perspective:  Who might suspect the abreaction that this one precipitous announcement of an unsubstantiated allegation that 215 children’s remains have been located at the Kamloops Indian Residential School that followed.  It would lead down a path where “national shame” was promulgated, and Canada Day celebrations were either cancelled or muted due to the “genocide” and the perception of all the little children buried in unmarked graves who never came home.  If this had been true, then would the parents and community not have realized what was going on and petitioned for an investigation, or engaged in their own investigation – or yanked their kids out of the school?  To the inquiring mind, things don’t add up.  It is entirely possible that children died at the school of diseases that today are unknown (smallpox) or rare (tuberculosis) and buried in consecrated ground on site.  However, to interpret these burials as “genocide” is wrong and a gross injustice. 

The present author must ask whether anyone has actually studied the history of residential schools in North America.  During the 18th Century children from Six Nations, Delaware, Montauk and other Tribes attended the Moor Indian Residential School in Lebanon, Connecticut.  The records typically include a note beside the child’s name as to when and under what manner the child left the school, and the copious correspondence includes further details (see here).  In the latter case, with Mohawk children, they all reappear in the records back home in the Mohawk Valley upon leaving the school (Barbara Sievertsen, “Turtles, Wolves and Bears: A Mohawk Family History”, Bowie MD, Heritage Books, 1996).  No murdered children.

In Canada, there is no evidence that any priest (Catholic or Anglican) wanted to see their students die, or that they actually took part in murder.  Only the most paranoid mind could come up with this interpretation – without substantiating evidence.  One of the most egregious examples involves the Mohawk Institute Residential School on the Six Nations of the Grand River Reserve (near the City of Brantford, Ontario).  It was established (on the Reserve) by the Anglican Church during the 1830s at the request of the Hereditary Chiefs and Clan Mothers.  It ran until closed by the Canadian Government (despite the protests of the then Chiefs) until 1970.  Children who died there, and whose remains were not recovered by the parents (or perhaps the latter requested burial there), were buried locally but in consecrated ground.  This is clearly indicated in the surviving burial records for the Anglican Church (which the author located and published, see here).  The children were buried in the churchyard of the Anglican Her Majesty’s Chapel of the Mohawks across the road from the school.

None of this has stopped the constant allegations that there were other children buried surreptitiously in unmarked and unrecorded graves.  When a known conspiracy theorist, failed in 2008 to make a successful pitch to the local Chiefs to explore the Kamloops school grounds, he turned his attention to the Mohawk Institute.  The hoaxer produced bone (later proven to be animal in origin) and successfully convinced the Hereditary Chiefs to go ahead with ground penetrating radar followed up by “well over 1000 pits” dug based on “anomalies” seen with GPR.  Nothing at all found (see here).  The details seem so bizarre as to be unbelievable – but it is all true, and yet after the Kamloops announcement, the Elected Chief at Six Nations has asked for 10 million dollars to continue the work - despite all that was (not) found. 

Meanwhile statues are vandalized and torn down (e.g., Edgerton Ryerson, Sir John A. Macdonald. James Cook, Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth), buildings with "unacceptable" names are being renamed, memorials with for example 215 pairs of shoes are being established based on a questionable preliminary GPR finding, people are wearing orange shirts to show their solidarity, large orange ribbons are being placed on poles lining main streets across Canada, many municipalities refused to celebrate Canada Day due to the "genocidal treatment" of the First Nations (an out and out lie), apologies are flying from every direction (but not the Pope or Queen Elizabeth yet), Catholic and Anglican Churches are being torched across the west, and St. John's Anglican Church on the Six Nations Reserve (Ontario) near this author’s residence.  Canada is participating in an orgy of self – flagellation for imaginary or unproven crimes.  Who is there to question the basis upon which this behavioural response is based?  At one time it would be investigative journalists that would peel back the layers to reveal the truth.  Not so on this matter.

The Death of Mainstream Journalism as We Once Knew it:  There was a time, not so long ago, before social media emerged to dominate the conversations and intimidate critics, that we could depend on journalists to keep us apprised of what was happening in the world.  We trusted them to be unbiased, and even to take risks to ferret out all relevant details, and ultimately inform us as to what the facts were, and where the truth lay.  A classic example is to be found in early 1970s during the President Richard Nixon administration in the United States where two reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, of the Washington Post, uncovered the “web of crimes” which resulted in the resignation of President Nixon.  Their efforts stand as the prime example of journalistic integrity and dogged determination to get to the truth. 

As the 21st Century dawned, social media (e.g., facebook, Twitter, Instagram) emerged out of cyberspace to challenge newspapers for being the primary source of information flow to readers.  Online pundits of questionable authority emerged to present more enticing, but utterly skewed viewpoints.  Generally they were not seen for what they were – poseurs with an agenda but no background in journalism.  True journalists came under increasing pressure to compete, and thus to sensationalize their reporting, and instead of seeking facts, to slant their reporting such that it would be more sell more newspapers.  No longer were facts and the truth important, only what would sell newspapers.  What also became increasingly important, and peaked with the circumstances surrounding the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, was that it became imperative to placate and appease the vindictive guilt - ridden White woke mob, and report only those “facts” that would not offend their BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) allies.  Any deviation from the accepted spin would be punished by these self – righteous purveyors of “correct thinking”.

The danger to legitimate journalists was the emergence of “cancel culture”, where journalists or even university professors who dared cross the line and report objective facts that ran counter to the woke agenda, would have their reputations smeared, their careers put in jeopardy, and essentially cancelled.  Thus over time the few reporters who had been conforming to the traditional tenets of their profession were coerced by fear to only report what was “acceptable”.  Activists from the Marxist linked departments of Sociology and Political Science had captured the stage, and only their views were to be heard.  Their plan to destroy any opposition was quite simple – toss the epithet “racist” at anyone (journalist, professor) who opposed them.  The present author can say this because it has happened to him time and time again – for daring to tell the factual truth.  Today it matters not whether there is any semblance of truth to the allegation – the mere threat of being labelled a racist would typically keep potential opponents in line.  These self - appointed adjudicators could then make or break a career by the use of a single, very powerful, word - racist.

In 2010 the late, and much respected, journalist Christie Blatchford was slated to speak at the University of Waterloo about her book documenting the suffering of the people of Caledonia, Ontario during an insurrection by members of the Six Nations of the Grand River in 2006.  Since true free speech is not a concept that the woke / antifa / cancel culture can tolerate, the far - left element from Wilfred Laurier University (this and York University being local bastions of this movement) orchestrated a demonstration to keep her from speaking, and so silence her.  As quoted in JSource here:

The University of Waterloo called off a speech by Globe and Mail columnist Christie Blatchford last Friday night after a small group of protesters accusing Blatchford of racism occupied the stage.

Blatchford was there to talk about her book “Helpless: Caledonia’s Nightmare of Fear and Anarchy, and How the Law Failed All of Us”. As readers of her Globe column will know, Blatchford has been vocal about the problems faced by residents of Caledonia, Ont., during the aboriginal land dispute there.

The protesters labelled the views she expresses in the book as racist.  Furthermore, Tallula Marigold, who was identified as the protesters’ media representative, was quoted in the Wilfrid Laurier University student publication “The Cord”: “We don’t want people who are really, really racist teaching [the people we love]. And we don’t want that person to have a public forum because it makes it dangerous for others in the public forum.”

University of Waterloo officials said they chose not to proceed with the talk because it appeared Blatchford would not be able to speak, and, according to Michael Strickland, assistant director of media relations, “We also had no interest in providing a photo op of our security dragging three people off the stage.”

So cancel culture succeeded in silencing an enemy, here someone who was not racist as they asserted (the single most overused word to disparage and demean and damn the person) but someone who dared go against the prevailing assertion that the only story worth telling was about the Indian land dispute (apparently not the domestic terrorism that went along with it).

Since 2006 there have been continuous blockades of Caledonia’s main roads in support for any of a number of "causes".  The lie about unceded land in Haldimand County continues to cause suffering – but only the Indigenous twist on the story gets any traction.  The vandalism, the theft of for example a school bus which was trashed, and 2 million dollars worth of heavy equipment, along with the chaos, anarchy, arson, and tire fires, the trenching of every single artery to the south of Caledonia (and that is just for starters) has seen initial support for the suffering of the people of Caledonia evapourate with the support for indigenous causes theme by all reporters.  The author resides in the south side of Caledonia and has direct personal experience with all the key events that have occurred there. 

There was a day when journalists would be the ones to seek out facts and the truth.  Today in Canada the only "truth" is what Native groups tell them is correct - and that is what gets printed.  Numerous interviews with the "face" of the "land protesters" in 2020 – 2021 are seen weekly in local newspapers and television, providing false allegations as to what the Ontario Provincial Police have done to harass them.  With two exceptions relating to The Hamilton Spectator and the Haldimand Press, nothing has been reported about the facts of the matter despite the author presenting them to the media - specifically that the land in question was ceded to the Crown for sale on 18 December 1844 by 45 Six Nations Chiefs in Council.  To the credit of these sources, they did publish articles by the author (see here) and a lawyer from Hagersville (see here).  These are rare exceptions, and never seen in media outside the local area.  Copies of the original documents and signatures have been provided.  The Toronto and other city newspapers in the "Golden Horseshoe" and beyond refuse to print anything except sympathetic pro - Native articles and so that is what the public is fed.  Where are the journalists doing their own independent research?  The research that does occur invariably presents only what supports the Indigenous view, with any reference to the suffering of locals being a mere aside.

So at present, it is not possible to question, for example, whether the claim of 215 children’s remains is based on faulty “science”.  As this author has learned, not one single journalist has stepped forward to question the findings despite the fact that they are preliminary and fail to have any archaeological and forensic anthropology support – this being absolutely key to validating the claim.  The mere report by a Chief of a First Nations Band in Kamloops, British Columbia has been taken at face value by each and every journalist / reporter in the country – despite this author’s attempts to educate them as to the science of the matter.  However, reporter Kate McCullough has come the closest to initiating an investigation.  In an article entitled, “Residential schools:  The science of searches” in the 29 June 2021 issue of The Hamilton Spectator (see here), she interviewed Archaeologist Paul Racher who explained how this technology works, but issued cautions.  He, said “GPR is typically used as a supplement to other archeological methods”, and further that, “It’s a really interesting technology,” he said. “The data is extremely difficult to read and we try to be very careful with it.”  Thus the first step has been taken, and the next is to come out and say without qualification that it is not possible to state that the remains of 215 little children have been found without the actual excavation of the area of interest – otherwise all one has are “anomalies”.

The present author contacted the editors and reporters from the following newspapers:

1)     Globe and Mail

2)     Toronto Star

3)     Hamilton Spectator

4)     Ottawa Citizen

5)     Vancouver Sun

6)     Kamloops This Week

7)     National Post

8)     CBC

9)     Edmonton Journal

All letters to the editor, and opinion pieces relating to the GPR finds submitted to the above failed to be published.  A request was made that if my efforts were not to bear fruit, then please print something, anything on a critical analysis of the initial “report” from Kamloops.  Emails were also sent to reporters from the above media pleading with them to explore the facts upon which this claim was based.  Not one single response from anyone – it was as if the subject was toxic.

The Growing Belief that Indigenous People Always Espouse Just Causes and We Must Support Them: The image being promulgated by media intent on keeping readers coming back for more, in the frenzy sell their wares to appear woke and sympathetic to indigenous causes and the cancel culture (the truth has lost its luster in the minds of today's journalists), is clear and consistent.  Since social media began to swamp traditional media sources clear trends emerged.  One is that Indigenous causes were always just, and supersede whatever facts might call this into question. 

The accepted belief now is that unquestionably there are callously disposed remains of little children who attended Indian residential schools littered about all such institutions placed there by the hand of Government and church leaders who were indifferent to their own actions.  This may make sense to some who are perpetually gullible, but not to those whose critical thinking skills and quest to determine what is reasonable and rational, remains intact.  It is a case of providing actual human remains that can be linked to the Residential School, or admitting that none were found.  In other words it is critical to locate solid evidence that will support a dramatic claim, or apologize and admit that the original finding was a false alarm.  One might question how likely the latter scenario is considering the potential ramifications.

Update to 12 July 2021:  Since the author first published this manuscript, on 5 July 2021, three articles have come to his attention.  It appears that others have been questioning the legitimacy of the findings and the response of Canadians to a “preliminary report”.  Alas, except for the latter, these inquiries, while excellent in content and perspective, are not from “mainstream” Canadian news sources.  Apparently we must now turn to other news media to find “journalistic integrity”. 

The first article is from Candace Malcolm of “True North”:    

1)  Six things the media got wrong about the graves found near residential schools” - see here.

The second is from a publication in the United Kingdom, “The Telegraph”, written by Eric Kaufmann, a Canadian journalist –

 2)   “Canada is the worlds first woke nation” - see here.

The most recent is again by Candace Malcolm but published in the "Toronto Sun"

3)  "MALCOLM:  It is important to bring accuracy to residential schools conversation" - see here.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Chief of Six Nations Calling for Yet More Searching of the Grounds of the Mohawk Institute for Children's Remains

 When is enough, enough?  Do people have such short memories, or are there political considerations in play?  These questions feed into the recent request by the Elected Chief of the Six Nations of the Grand River for funding from the Federal Government to conduct more searches of the grounds surrounding the Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School operated by the Anglican Church, upon request of the Hereditary Chiefs and Clan Mothers, from 1839 to 1970.

Ever since the announcement ("preliminary report") of the apparent finding of the remains of 215 children on the grounds of the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia, there have been calls for the investigation of the grounds of all former residential schools across Canada (plus apologies from the Catholic Church and the Pope, plus a myriad of other "demands") following this finding.  Alas, the find has only been detected via ground penetrating radar (GPR) which is relatively crude technology and can not see human remains directly, only blips on the screen that might be interpreted as possible remains - but nothing at all can be confirmed until an archaeologist and forensic anthropologist excavate and locate physical remains that can be analyzed.  For example, if they are human remains, are they from a First Nations group or European?  If the latter then this could be one of the many unmarked pioneer burial sites across Canada.  It is all unknown until further work is done, and it was, to say the least, premature to make an announcement that would send shock waves across Canada and the world that involved so little tangible evidence.  

Therefore, based on an incomplete finding, to ask for money and apologies is unacceptable.  For the Six Nations to do this is even more "questionable".  As reported in the Spectator here, Chief Hill is asking for Federal Government "support" in searching the grounds at the former residential school.  Most seem to have forgotten the 2008 - 2013 hoax perpetrated by a defrocked United Church Minister who claimed he had located human remains on the school grounds and convinced the Hereditary Chiefs to search the grounds for the remains of the children who died at the school.  The hoaxer, K.A., is well known for perpetrating similar extravagances, as seen here.  He claimed, for example, that Queen Elizabeth took 10 children from the Kamloops Indian Residential School for a picnic in 1964 and they were never seen again.  Despite the sheer absurdity of this claim, and the fact that the Queen was not in Kamloops in 1964, he pressed on with further unsupported allegations.  So work at Brantford went ahead despite the reputation of the person "leading the charge" being a known conspiracy theorist.  

The "process" involving both GPR and archaeological excavation is described in detail here by the hoaxer himself, whose background and reputation has been documented here.  Of all the wild allegations made by this individual the one that is most personally troubling is that a Clan Mother, J.L., well respected across Six Nations territory, and by the present author, is a "government operative" because she dared stand up for the truth and not support the wild conspiracy theory (which got more and more bizarre over time).  A fact check agency even delved into the matter when in 2017 a picture of 33 children, said to be from the Mohawk Institute, was published along with the statement that all of them "had been shot" in 1943 since there was no room at the school.  As seen here, the researcher was quickly able to establish that the picture was from a school in British Columbia and that there was not a shred of evidence about any mass murder.  He then explored the facts relating to the previous excavations, and the other work done by reputable individuals showing that there was no documented or legitimate oral evidence of any mysterious deaths and disappearances at the school.  However this is a matter that simply won't die.  The present author has located the burial records for the school (those that survived a fire at the home of Cannon Zimmerman, on the grounds of the school).  The children who died at school and whose bodies were not claimed by parents for burial elsewhere, all appear to have taken place in the Cemetery at St. Paul's Anglican Church across the road from the school.

Even those at the Woodland Cultural Center acknowledge that considerable work has already been done at the Mohawk Institute (called by some the "Mush Hole") in above Spectator article.  Specifically,  “There have been acreages of the property that have been investigated.  Nothing has been found,” Janis Montour said in a May 31 interview with The Spectator.  “But there’s still acreage behind the building that still need to be looked at.”  The area behind the school was part of the large agricultural property (ploughed) which has been used since day one to train boys in “agricultural pursuits”.  It would be highly unlikely to find any remains in this location.

Update:  In an unfathomable move, Elected Chief of Six Nations is requesting / demanding $10 million of the $27 million allotted for searching the grounds of former residential schools across Canada (see here).  He seems to forget, or not care, that already, between 2008 and 2013, the grounds outside the Mohawk Institute have been extensively searched by both ground penetrating radar and archaeological excavation - as noted above.  How can this demand possibly be justified?  Many of the former schools in the Western Provinces have a much more tangible claim that they should be given priority in such a venture.  Is this simply greed and a money grab?

NOTE:  There is a considerable amount of information on the Mohawk Institute in this blog, and the details can be accessed here.


Monday, 7 June 2021

Lies and Myths Fueling the Actions of the "Land Defenders" in Caledonia

 It appears that the "Land Defenders" creating turmoil and chaos in Caledonia, Ontario must be operating out of malice and ignorance using lies and myths to justify their actions.  What follows are the four main topics that need to be understood in order to sift fact from fiction, lie from the truth.

1)  Claim of Unceded (Unsurrendered) Land in Haldimand County, see here.

2)  Assertion that the Six Nations are a Sovereign People, see here.

3) Demand that All Developers Go Through a Process of Consultation and Accommodation, see here

4)  Delusion that there is a Treaty Governing the Relations Between the Crown and Six Nations, see here.

Published with permission.

This is the tip of the iceberg, but contains what are likely the most important misconceptions.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Losani Housing Development Occupation by Six Nations Hereditary Council Affiliates and Young White Supporters - Updates from 10 August 2020

 In the previous blog posting on this subject, the author outlines the events and issues to 9 August 2020.  Clearly it is toppling under its own weight, so the circumstances arising since 10 August will be noted here.

First I want to make a personal plea to any who will listen.  We in Caledonia have suffered indignities of the same nature as our present predicament since 2006 - 14 years.  I know people who have been highly traumatized by the situation.  The occupiers of the Douglas Creek Estates site were brutal and cruel in the extreme, and made life miserable for neighbours.  Some victims would be / have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  Only someone who lives here can fully appreciate the scale of the toll these constant "protests" and blockades take on us locals.  I slept 2 hours last night, and I am relatively removed geographically (near the Grand River Bridge) from direct exposure to the issues facing those on the margins of the Losani Development (Caledonia Avenue and Fuller Drive areas).  

For those who need to get up to speed on the events of the last 14 years, the late Christie Blatchford's book, Helpless:  Caledonia's Nightmare of Fear and Anarchy, and How the Law Failed All of Us (Doubleday Canada, 2010) may still be available.  The current blog is perhaps the best (most comprehensive) single site for events since 2010.

We in Caledonia need a resolution, and promptly.  This latest "event" is the most miserable in a long string of them since the Spring of 2006 when the Douglas Creek Estates Development on the west side of Argyle Road at the south end of Caledonia was stolen.  Now it is the Losani Housing Development on the east side of Argyle Road along McKenzie Road (this road being the only other way out of Caledonia to the south for many miles - since the Highway 6 Bypass is also blockaded).

With that being said, I return to a chronological rendition of events since 10 August 2020.

10 August 2020:  Monday, 3 pm.  No change - all quiet at the two sites.  However most of those who I observed at Losani were very youthful White people, who were using 2x4 lumber and 4x8 chipboard panels to construct something amidst the mounds of dirt and construction site bric a brac (e.g., rows of sewer pipe).  

An article in the Brantford Expositor provides a fine update here.  Also the CHCH Hamilton report here gives more information on the call by protesters for help from all the Six Nations community; and how apparently other Native groups (e.g., Ipperwash) are en route to provide their support. In addition Turtle Island News, known (at least in the past) for being the publishing arm of the Hereditary Council, has provided a very objective analysis of the complexity of the problems involved - and I highly recommend the article here.  An article in the Sachem reflects the frustrations of all with the Federal Government who have stalled for 27 years in resolving the land claims issue (see here).  The column is adamant that Prime Minister Trudeau needs to come here - now.

11 August 2020:  1:30 pm.  Slept only 2 hours last night - serious agitation is establishing itself as this thing drags on.  At two sites I am monitoring (Argyle Street barricade; Losani Housing Development), no change.  The CBC News published an article outlining the protesters demands, as seen here.  Basically the individual "spearheading the charge" at Losani, a man with a criminal record of violence stemming from 2006, has written to all members of Six Nations (23,000 I guess, give or take).  He is asking for their support.  He is also "demanding" that the Federal Minister in charge of Indian and Northern Development, as well as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, come to the site for talks - with the deadline being Friday.  Actually this is a wonderful idea - although it will never happen if the past is any indication of the future.  

We need to have people like Lonny Bomberry and Phil Monture (Six Nations Lands and Resources officals at Ohsweken), both very well informed and an asset to the Community, meet with the Feds.  Hopefully we can entice Phil out of retirement, and keep Lonny in the saddle a while longer (both are my age).  Should they request my assistance as the only other individual who has foraged through the entire vast Library and Archives Canada RG10, Indian Affairs, Papers and Records - I would take it under consideration - to represent Caledonia, and the truth.  

It has been 27 years, and no action to date.  Apparently these things can't be rushed.  Only the Federal Government can settle this matter once and for all - however the Hereditary Council supporters have never been big fans of the truth or giving up their claim to be the sole representative of the Six Nations people.  Thus, unless it is complete capitulation on the part of the Feds, deferring to the Hereditary Council, we are back to square one - no matter what is negotiated with the Elected Council.

So, the beat goes on, and we anxiously await the next development.  Will Prime Minister Trudeau make an appearance, or will the OPP bring in the tactical gear and transport vans and carry out the Court Order?  Will the adolescent White "supporters" bail before the troops arrive?  Perhaps COVID-19 is giving them too much free time, which combined with the naivity and idealism of youth, may lead them to unforeseen negative consequences.  The "supporters" in 2006 were older - university graduate students and their protegees.  A call to each of their supervisors warning that they, being mentors, would be held personally responsible for the actions of their students, appears to have had the intended consequences.  But with 18 year olds ................. wonder if their parents approve.

The latest report, 5 pm from the Brantford Expositor can be seen here.  Apparently the Elected Chief is calling for more time from Premier Ford.  It was also noted that reinforcements are on the way from the west and that the 401 and 403 may experience rolling slow downs.  OPP - act now!

In fact the rolling slow downs did occur.  The OPP Twitter page here indicates that at 4 pm there was a warning for Middlesex, Oxford and Brant Counties for both highways, ultimately with those in Brant on the 403 exiting at Garden Avenue.  If the OPP wanted they could pull over all of the offending vehicles on Garden Avenue before these perpetrators take Highway 54 to Caledonia.  Why allow "reinforcements" to arrive at the site?  I am beginning to re-evaluate my positive take on the OPP at this point.

The author's usual checks of the two sites, at 2 pm and 6:30 pm showed nothing of note happening at either location.

IMPORTANT:  The article in The Spectator here describes how Elected Chief Hill is calling for dialogue with all, how the Premier says he does not have the power to order the OPP to enforce the Court Order, how the "chief protester" says no matter if he is arrested again he will be back (perhaps he forgets about the Barton Street Jail experience he had in days gone by).  Apparently he has received $5,200 in a Go Fund Me account for his legal defense.  Hope he needs every penny.  Perhaps my belief in dealing with many things is life could be applicable here.  That is to say, some problems require that you cut off the head of the snake.  The body will slither around for a while, but ultimately it is done.  In this case, take the head protester (who has a criminal record) to jail for disobeying a Court Order, publicize his history to avoid excessive sympathy being directed toward him, no release since he has made it clear he will not respect the Court and he will do what he wants.  Then talk to the others about whether they intend to obey the Court Order.  It is quite simple at that point, those who refuse are taken to detention and processing - and not released for at least a week while charges are established and bail set.  A criminal record needs to be established for these individuals - for a number of reasons.  The others help with the clean up, and all charges are dropped.  To simplistic I guess - but who has a better solution?

I have the feeling that due to the delays now it has become an all or nothing situation - and unfortunately it seems that as in the "bad old days" the OPP lacks the will to do what is an absolute necessity.

12 August 2020:  Someone managed to place a "racist" sign at the development site - although it is not clear where, specifically, the sign was placed - except that it was on top of an orange cone (see CHCH article here).  I have never heard the wording before.  The rather crude sign appears to be in a zone not accessible to locals, and it has a considerable amount of cord material wrapped around the post that holds it.  I wonder if it was put there by the protesters to create controversy / sympathy.

2:30 pm, nothing changed at barricade site.  However at the Losani site a lot of activity was observed.  An APTV (Aboriginal Peoples TV) team was there - camera and reporter.  There were also a lot of White people were milling about.  In the distance could be seen the fruits of the "building blitz" occurring there, as reflected in the photos below.

A close up of the new structure on the site.

A broader perspective on the site as it now stands.

Turtle Island News continues to offer objective reporting on this matter.  They note that yesterday there were a dozen vehicles from Oneida of the Thames who constituted the rolling blockade along Highways 401 and 403, as can be seen in the article here.  This action, from them, is more than annoying.  The Oneida of the Thames supported the Rebels during the Revolution and when things got uncomfortable in Upstate New York, they purchased land in Ontario near London along the Thames in 1839.  What business do they have getting involved here?

All this and the OPP still stand down?  Will they wait until people from British Columbia join the fray - of course making it infinitely harder to do what needs doing?  Another "Cashedonia" with big overtime bonuses as happened in 2006.

How many millions of dollars have been lost in commerce just considering the railway - which has been ground to a halt?  Oil from Nanticoke, gypsum wallboard from Hagersville - nothing is moving.

13 August 2020:  In The Spectator today (see here) is an article reflecting the anxiety of the home owners - will they ever see the houses that they have already purchased? About 3/4 of the owners have already purchased their homes (of the 269 planned).  Their concerns are given short shrift by the "land protectors" - who also refuse to acknowledge that the land was legally purchased by the Crown in 1844 and patents for the entire township were issued.  No Chief complained - it is only the the activism that began in the 1970s that has begun to question events and decisions of over 150 years ago.

The present author missed something that now seems to be likely to be highly relevant to the timing of when this situation will end (at least this phase of it).  In an article in The Spectator of 7 August 2020, there is considerable information about various matters as well as the Court Order (see here).  This is the part that is of concern:

Const. Rod LeClair of the OPP did not comment on how police would enforce the injunctions, which the court will review on Aug. 25.

The way things are moving (actually they are not moving), it appears that the OPP are likely to delay any action until the end of the month - if ever they do act.

The Haldimand Press of today has the most comprehensive coverage of the present situation yet seen, with all of the major, and some minor, players going on record, as seen here.  The sign in the picture below, from the article, held by a Caledonia resident, speaks to the point and the truth.

Thursday evening:  CBC News reported on the "plans"that Williams (no one else has acted as a spokesperson in all these weeks) has for the Losani Development, as found here.  Not sure how many know that he spent 56 days at the Barton Street Jail for assault and theft charges - not exactly a prime role model.  He provides the usual spin on the alleged dramatic difference between his people's view of the matter, and that of the Canadian establishment; and that, demonstrators trace the root of the current confrontation to Canada's colonial history and more recently to 2006 with a different development called Douglas Creek Estates.  

In addition, he "borrowed" two bulldozers one of which he drove through the barricade on Argyle Street in order to effect the changes he envisioned to the presently hideous landscape.  They were promptly "confiscated" by plain clothes OPP officers to be returned to the owners - explaining the bulldozer seen by the author parked opposite Canadian Tire. Is this not "theft over" - meaning he was stealing a vehicle the value being (well) over $5,000 and there are stiff sentences for perpetrators of these acts.  So the obvious question is - why was Williams not arrested and charged - he was caught in the act!

At present there is only the framing for "the kitchen" (the wooden structure seen in the above pictures) - but they envision creating an idealistic Utopian green setting - they have an immense task ahead of them even with a lot of heavy equipment (which they are unlikely to get).  Meanwhile 170 or so homeowners are hoping to move into their new homes by the fall - that is not going to happen.  Do the self styled "land protectors" give even a moment's thought to the feelings of these people.  The answer is that there is not the slightest evidence that it has crossed their minds.  

The present author maintains that there are more White people at the Losani site than Six Nations or other "Native" people.  Why the OPP don't move in NOW is a mystery.

14 August 2020:  It appears that by virtue of the specific clauses of the deal that the Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) signed with the developer, SNEC may be required to give back the money (and the 42 acres of land near Little Buffalo?) since they did not uphold it end of the agreement, as seen here.  For example, they agreed to ensure that there would be no work interruptions / stoppages due to protests.

15 August 2020:  An Opinion article in The Hamilton Spectator provides an overview of many of the issues, and also a personal perspective of a Caledonia resident who appears to be beyond fed up with the status quo, lies, hypocrisy and so on embedded in this matter.  It begins and ends with a plea for help for Caledonia, for people to see that those who live here are suffering to a degree not seen anywhere else in Ontario.  See here.

4 pm - At the north barricade (near Canadian Tire) there is a very large mobile digital sign posted on the east side of Argyle.  At present it warns people that the road ahead is closed - well considering the wall to wall OPP cars, that should be obvious.  The "junk pile" opposite Surrey Street (the entrance to the Douglas Creek Estates) has been adorned with two thin tree trunks that cross each other.

The south end of the barricaded area at 4th Line has four OPP cruisers at the barricades, and a similar mobile sign that can be programmed to say anything - as things change.  People can travel east and west on 4th Line, but not access Highway 6 north.

17 August 2020:  Nothing happened over the weekend.  Talk, talk, talk - same as 2006 when the outcome was the Ontario Government handing over the occupied site to the occupiers.  Why would we not anticipate the same outcome here since the OPP negotiators need to "grow a pair" and do their job.  Their job is to enforce a Court Order of 7 August 2020 and clear the land of these trespassers.  Our MPP Toby Barrett, the only one other than Mayor Ken Hewitt, who I have seen anywhere in the vicinity.  In today's Hamilton Spectator Barrett (see here) stated firmly that,  “There is chaos. I really resent the intimidation that’s used to generate fear. That’s not how we operate in Ontario or Canada.”  Furthermore, “Those injunctions need to be acted on. This is non-negotiable,”  Much of the article focused on the joyous experiences that the "land protectors" are having, with Kumbaya and enjoying various sporting games.  Fun and games for the unemployed and their White teen aged followers.

There was a comment in the Brantford Expositor that is worth reflecting upon.  Something to the effect that at least while all this is going on that the writer won't have to worry about his truck.  He seems to be speaking to the question as to what "land protectors" do between land occupation gigs.

The author has been praying for rain - which will put a damper on the Kumbaya and amidst the sloshing mud puddles there is a little less merriment - especially when a little thunder and lightening are added to the mix.  At 3 pm, as I was having my afternoon chat with the OPP by Canadian Tire, it began.  Wonder what implications this might have.

18 August 2020:  A source said that there would be "police action" today.  Other than the usual alert for traffic blockades from 4th Line to Greens Road, and Highway 6 to Braemar, the following was just observed on the OPP Twitter feed:  #HaldimandOPP would like to advise motorists of potential traffic delays this afternoon on portions of #Hwy401, #Hwy403, #Hwy54 & #Hwy6. Possible demonstration activities may delay or interrupt the normal flow of traffic. Monitor local media & traffic advisories for updates. ^js

After 8 pm the OPP issued a statement that these rolling blockades are no longer a concern. However, there is tomorrow. In an article in The Hamilton Spectator, see here, indicating that tomorrow (19 August) in the afternoon there will be rolling blockades as described above. The Guelph Mercury gives details of these blockades here, based on the "heads up" given to Rod LeClair of the OPP - see here.

In addition the Spectator article notes that the Hereditary Council has come out in support of the "land protectors". My question would be, "when did they not support the activists"? Elected Chief Mark Hill made an admission that I have not seen before, as follows: Elected chief Mark Hill noted in a statement that the developers were not legally obliged to compensate the reserve but did so in light of ongoing land claims.  So in other words there is absolutely no legal reason for a developer to "compensate" or "accommodate" - but by so doing they in theory should avoid work stoppages, blockades and the like.  Elsewhere in the article they report that the Hereditary Council are only concerned with land near the Reserve:  The hereditary chiefs say they were not consulted before construction proceeded in what the council considers the “red zone” of its ongoing development moratorium on contested lands.  That is a lie.  They have intruded on land and green energy developments from beyond Norfolk into Niagara.  The simple fact is that it is easier to extort from those closest to the Reserve, but developers from all of Southwestern Ontario (not just within the old Haldimand Tract) have been "pressed upon" and required to come up with, generally money, so that their "troops" (enforcers) would go away.  In this blog I have documented numerous such projects, and the funds dispersed to the Haudenosaunee Development Institute - the enforcement arm of the Hereditary Council.

In a presumably unrelated matter, Turtle Island News reports that Elected Chief Mark Hill's home is on fire (see here).

19 August 2020:  Crickets.  Until now, see here.  Threats of death and arson - how low will these people stoop.  So Mark Hill's home was set ablaze because he negotiated with the developers?  Huge criminal element embedded within these "land protectors".  The ONLY solution at present is to slap the ringleaders with injunctions, fines and jail time.

At about 4:30 I contacted Mayor Hewitt and MPP Toby Barrett, as well as The Spec, then copied the Twitter feed and took copies to the 6 OPP officers at the Canadian Tire barricade.

In the CBC article here, Haldimand Mayor Ken Hewitt is clearly at the end of his rope.  He wants the injunctions served now.  No more talk.  The land was sold well over 100 years ago and everyone here has proper titles to their land.  Anyway, I certainly could not have said it any better.

20 August 2020:  Well, not surprising, 2 days after Elected Chief Mark Hill's house was torched, the "land protectors" could not be moving quicker to get all the barricades removed and the places cleaned up.  Those of us who live here know how that would happen.  Apparently the OPP acted on the complaint of the reporter who was making threats.  Here follows a picture of the main barricade, on Argyle Street, in the process of being dismantled.

More news to come with the evening news.  This is the biggest development in weeks.  Alas, the developer may be left high and dry because now the pressure will be off the OPP to "do something".  Actually I don't know that they did anything, but the locals know who did.

Another article here from the CBC, giving Williams' total bullshit explanation as to why the barricades came down - respectful dialogue, and the OPP not hauling them off "their land".  That is crap, but people will believe him.

Apparently the roads and railway are still partially blocked, as seen here in an article in the Brantford Expositor.  Apparently representatives from the Provincial and Federal Ministries have agreed to attend meetings - but of course useless acts since the Elected and Hereditary Councils both assert that they represent the Six Nations.  Only the former in truth and in fact is the legal representative of Six Nations and that would take YEARS to change.

It is encouraging that Premier Doug Ford chose to say that if anyone interfered with the OPP in the performance of their duties, "he would come out swinging".

Some pictures, one from the barricades and two from the development site below - as of 5 pm, Thursday, 20 August 2020.


21 August 2020:   More on the official notification that the Federal Government attempt to address the issues relating to land claims as seen in the CBC article here.  Specifically, the Six Nations Elected Council and Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council have received a letter from Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller and Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Carolyn Bennett agreeing to sit down and discuss the situation.

A Court Injunction was just issued by Justice R.J. Harper of the Superior Court of Ontario basically slamming the "land protectors" for their unconscionable and entirely illegal acts, and ruling in favour of Haldimand County and Foxgate Development (Losani).  Now to see when / if the OPP will act! 

22 August 2020:  Apparently at 5:30 pm yesterday the OPP gave the demonstrators two hours to remove the remaining barricades (see here).  The "spokesperson" Williams said that this was unrealistic (sure and claiming you are a sovereign nation is realistic), and they needed to more to ensure "our people" would be safe.  Whatever all that means.  The ultimatum is a good step.  Williams has once again violated the order.  So what will happen now?

On the up side, at 8 am this morning the train, with largely tanker cars, crossed the tressel in Caledonia headed for Hagersville and Nanticoke.

23 August 2020:  Supposedly the final element of the barricade network is being dismantled, as seen here, despite the grumbling by the "land Protector" Williams who balked at the OPP ultimatum - but gave in for all the fairy dust reasons you can come up with.  Now, if the Federal Government and the Lands and Resources researchers at Six Nations (Elected Council affiliated) actually do get together it will merely reaffirm what has been accepted for years.  That is to say that there are no legitimate claims to property / land, the only issues that need to be resolved is the matter of interest money over the years - a perfectly legitimate topic to be addressed.  Then the Hereditary Chiefs will assert that only they represent Six Nations, and that talks must be with them alone.  They will make demands, the government will cave and we are back to square one - despite the obvious fact, proven in Court and in the very clear documentation, that there is not a single acre of land that Six Nations can legitimately claim as unsurrendered - except the Reserve on which they live. 

24 August 2020:  As noted in the video from CHCH here, all roads (and the railway) are completely open and traffic is moving "normally" (we in Caledonia see this traffic as anything but "normal").  However the land dispute remains and the protesters are still occupying the Foxgate - Losani - Ballanty home development site west of McKenzie Road. There are also protesters in the streets of Hamilton, so this cancer / infestation is spreading - and these people know nothing what so ever about the real issues.  Williams is now calling for a moratorium on all development in the Haldimand Tract.  The Federal Minister, Carolyn Bennett has agreed to meet - but with whom, and will the County of Haldimand be invited - how about Caledonia residents who have been most impacted by these yearly disruptions?  Of course time will tell, but most of us "old timers" know that the likelihood of anything changing is slim to none.

25 August 2020:  Last night, about 12:30 am, a very "dramatic" storm blew through here with a very significant number of lightening strikes, thunder, and rain (not as much as I hoped for but enough to water the garden).  A question is, "how did the occupants of Foxgate fare with this dangerous and scary event?"  Most of the people there, Native and White, appear to have tents in which to spend the night, and perhaps shelter from the blistering temperatures of the past few weeks.  Yesterday was 97F on the humidex scale!  Being in a tent in a violent thunderstorm is frightening.  Since the "kitchen" has not been roofed, not much shelter to be had there.

CHCH TV News describes how at a hearing today, attended by representatives of Haldimand County, the developer, the OPP and the protesters, a Judge in Brantford has extended the court injunction, as seen here.  It is not clear (to the author) what this means, nor the statement, Injunctions have been renewed and will remain until next court date... leading to a possible final hearing & permanent injunction. So does this mean that the OPP will continue to stand down until the "final hearing" - whenever that might occur. Meanwhile the illegal occupation and the vandalism is allowed to continue? What is wrong with our system? The OPP was given a court order to clear the property on 7 August, but that has not been acted upon - who will compensate the developer for all costs including legal? What price will the thugs (setting tire fires on a Provincial Highway) and thieves (using the developers building materials to fuel bonfires and to construct their own structures) pay? Guaranteed that it will be nothing remotely like what would be slapped on a "regular Canadian" who did these things. Still two tiered policing, and justice. One where "Natives" are treated with kid gloves, and another with harsh sentences for anyone else committing the same crimes. Welcome to Canada where "equal justice for all" is a hollow specious concept.

A CBC article here notes that Skyler Williams, is a named defendant (not among the "John Does") since he is the "face" of the movement, and via social media postings and his behaviour has engaged in defiance of the Court, particularly failure to comply with a signed promise not to return to the site. He is the one who can likely expect the most serious consequences for his illegal destructive actions. Hopefully the Hereditary Council will be held responsible for their actions in supporting this insurrection, and each member fined accordingly.

In reading Justice Harper's ruling of 21 August 2020, certain actions of the protesters were determined to be illegal, and criminal penalties for those involved will follow. Apparently once the injunction is deemed "permanent" then for example a subsequent road blockade would automatically be a criminal act and treated as such.

An article in The Spectator (here) outlines the back and forth between Justice Harper, who is demanding that the OPP do their job and enforce the order he has issued, and the OPP basically saying that situations involving "Natives" have to be treated differently. Yes, a clear admission of two tiered policing - black and white. This pathetic excuse for a Provincial police force needs to be replaced with one that will respect the orders of the court, and do their duty treating every citizen the same. No one buys the statements about a lot of behind the scenes work going on. The liaison officers have yet to prove they are worth 10 cents of their vast overtime pay. Time to try the RCMP, and if that is not feasible then the Canadian Forces in order to restore the rule of law. If anyone thinks it is the OPP that resulted in the dismantling of the barricades, then they do not know the area and who runs the show. We live in some sort of vaudeville act where everything is laughable and ridiculous - because that is the way it is here.

To add insult to injury, this author was on their way to West Haldimand Hospital to deal with an urgent medical matter - only to find the area in from the the DCE entrance being repaved and there being long waits for vehicles on each side of Argyle to "take their turn" in getting through this whole unnecessary and wasteful situation. So, who is paying for the repaving. That should be the responsibility of the Hereditary Council and their enforcement arm the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (who have extracted millions from developers over the years).

The CBC, known to be a tool of the Liberal Party (the new Conservative leader has vowed to end its funding), and a "cancel culture" mentality. In an article here they interview a number of women who say that it is the Judge's responsibility to consult with women because they are the traditional keepers of the land. Once again we get the spin, based on some factual information, but so distorted and so devoid of real history that this call is merely specious. Six Nations Clan Mother by tradition choose hereditary Chiefs from among their clan and family - and have the right to depose him if he fails to meet expectations. That is absolutely true in relation to the 17th or even 19th century. However today things are more complicated where in effect men have assumed all the roles in relation to land dealings (sales, surrenders). The last time that women were full partners in this decision making was 1789 when the signatures of the head women of both Mohawk Villages in the Mohawk Valley of New York where appended along with those of the Chiefs to a deed of sale of these properties to Jelles Fonda - a merchant with whom they were well familiar in the old homes. Since then the only signatures on key deeds (surrenders) have been men. Occasionally women who were widows or single would sell their properties to White settlers in the 1830s for example. However the belief that women had a special role to play in relation to the land is simply not seen in the history since the end of the 18th century. It is wishful thinking, or spin or whatever you want to call it. However, it sounds so appealing to those idealistic White folk who want to buy into this world view and are unwilling to search the documents for proof. They don't need proof, they have people claiming to "know" and the naive are all to willing to follow a good spin.

2 September 2020: After some time where nothing of substance has occurred in relation to the occupation of the Losani Development site (still ongoing), there is a ray of sunshine introduced into the mix. As reported in Turtle Island News here, the Six Nations Elected Council has proposed offering an apology to Caledonia for the "recent violence" associated with the take over of the development site - in other words the blockades and tire fires. Melba Thomas, who proposed this gesture of reconciliation, has always been a shining beacon of rationality amidst the surrounding chaos. She also proposes that Six Nations and Haldimand County work together on matters of mutual interest. An incredible stark contrast to the Williams of the world who seek to divide, and are seemingly unconcerned with the severe effect his and others behaviour has had on the residents of Caledonia - who have been unwitting victims of the incessant blockades and other disruptions since 2006 - 14 years! He played a key role then, being arrested and doing jail time for theft and assault - hardly a role model for younger Six Nations people.

4 September 2020: According to an article in the Brantford Expositor seen here, the OPP have arrested 4 more people for disobeying the Court Order of 25 August - two from Barrie, one from Napanee and one from Six Nations. They also arrested an "award winning journalist" from the Oneida of the Thames. The latter are a group of Oneidas who supported the American cause in the Revolution (i.e., were enemies of the Six Nations), but who in the 1840s purchased Crown Land near London on which to settle. This author has never understood how their land could be considered a Reserve, and their members "entitled" to all the perks from the Canadian taxpayer. Be that as it may, it appears that this individual is a troublemaker who will use his "journalistic credentials" as a cloak to cover his criminal activities.

In addition Haldimand County Council again expressed its frustration that the OPP have not arrested everyone who is still occupying the McKenzie Meadows (Losani) site, and are adamant that based on the Court Injunction, anyone who attempts to block a road or rail line in Haldimand must be subject to the full weight of the law and the barricade removed immediately. While blaming the OPP for inaction (which is all too obvious to us locals), the Council puts the ultimate blame on the Federal Government who are the only ones who are in a legal position to resolve the land dispute - and their willingness to do so has been tepid at best. Council said, “The cost and impacts on our community are mounting. Inaction is unacceptable.”  Furthermore, “Council acknowledges that the OPP has no role to play in the dispute’s underlying issues and is not in a position to resolve them, but expects that they will enforce the law with due process. Council further expects that the courts and relevant authorities will respect the injunctions and hold anyone brought before them accountable for their defiance of the law,”

7 September 2020:  Over the past few days the OPP had adopted a tactic to "pick off" individuals one or a few at a time, and not on site.  What they have been doing is identifying those non Six Nations individuals who are on the property illegally in defiance of the Court Injunction, and when they reach home receive an e-mail from the OPP requesting their presence in Cayuga.  At that point a Court date will be set and the individual must realize that they are potentially facing criminal charges with stiff penalties.  See The Spectator article here.

Those who are "indigenous", for example from the Oneida of the Thames Reserve, claim to be journalists and should be exempt.  A CHCH video, with a title "Indigenous journalist arrested for coverage of the Caledonia land development protests" here provides a skewed perspective on the realities of the situation - typical of people who do not live here.  This person was arrested because they were knowingly failing to conform to the requirements of the Court Injunction.  Of course, as is so often the case, these individuals claim that the OPP are displaying the new buzz word, "systemic racism" - and the "journalist" moans about having to explain to his daughter how her father is a victim of this recently discovered phenomenon.  No recognition of the fact that the local residents, and he is not one of us, are frustrated beyond words with this whole illegal take over and just want it to be done with and the facts exposed and the Federal Government to explain once again that the 1844 Surrender is perfectly valid - agreed to unanimously by the 45 Chiefs in Council.  

9 September 2020:  An article in The Hamilton Spectator here shows how businesses in Caledonia and Six Nations were "deeply impacted" to the point that the Caledonia Chamber of Commerce is asking for compensation from the Provincial Government.  The Land Back protest leader, Skyler Williams, claims it was others, supporters, who decided to erect the barricades - and implied that it caused a lot of dissension among the Six Nations.  He said that he regrets that the businesses in both locations were adversely affected, although there does not appear, based on his words and actions, to be any evidence that he cares two pins about the people of Caledonia - only the pressure he is receiving from Six Nations.

Today or tomorrow a letter of apology will be issued by the Six Nations Elected Council for all the "recent violence", and in particular the tire fires, and road blockades.  The initiative is being led by Councillor Melba Thomas - who the author has known to be a fair and reasonable person.  This information about the apology is from the Turtle Island News here, who also had to add in a statement that the matter related to a land take over of "unsurrendered land" in the Haldimand Tract. That of course is patently false, but widely believed among the Hereditary Council supporters.

11 September 2020:  Today I submitted a 17 page report detailing the land ownership of the Haldimand Tract region from 1638 until today - with a focus on Lot 3 Range West of Caledonia to Townsend (McKenzie) Road.  It was send with a link to my credentials, as a pdf file with the e-mail cover letter to every local, Provincial, Federal, Six Nations, OPP, reporters etc. individuals I could think "needed" to read the evidence.  I am still in negotiations with the OPP as to how best to deliver the documents to Skyler Williams, the leader of the protesters.

12 September 2020:  As the Court date for Skyler Williams looms (9 October), there have been a series of articles written by "Toronto people" who are misinformed and horribly biased in favour of anything "aboriginal" appearing in local (e.g., The Hamilton Spectator) and world (e.g., Yahoo News) venues.  One, from a Ph.D. candidate in Toronto, was so bad that I could not get past the second paragraph as the facts (e.g., from whom the developer purchased the land) were so twisted that I brought it to the attention of the Canadian academic organization that hosted this forum.  Many apologies resulted, but the damage has already been done (the rest of the article was worse).  Then we have an opinion piece appearing in The Toronto Star today, seen here, which uses the words "colonial violence" in the title.  I need not read further as it is nothing but an article in the same genre by Native apologists.  Apparently if you are "Native" you cannot be wrong.

Sometime around 3 o'clock another protest, with blockades, broke out at the "homeless encampment" at the corner of 6th Line and Argyle Street.  By 4 o'clock the OPP had barricaded off access from Canadian Tire northward.  I marched down to this site and the OPP said they could not allow me to proceed any further (like I would have done so on foot - I don't think so).  As usual, the officers were sympathetic and friendly, but I ended up just saying that I will read all about this one in the newspapers.  Son once again, unbelievably, we in Caledonia and made to suffer as innocent victims of this dispute by individuals who have no legitimate claim to any land in the area, including the "squatters encampment" in Douglas Creek Estates mentioned above.  So pathetic.

Meanwhile, there was a protest by supporters of this "cause" that closed Bloor Street in Toronto - while the police stood by and did nothing - what is new!  See the CBC article here.  Of course words such as "colonialism" and "genocide" had to be deployed.  They are mandatory words to be deployed by the protesters and the unwashed ignorant masses who support them when interviewed by reporters.

16 September 2020:  A Kitchener CTV article here reported that now a total of 22 individuals have been charged with offenses relating to the occupation of the McKenzie Meadows property.  Some have "turned themselves in".  The process of arresting later by phone call or e-mail is a "deescalation" strategy of the OPP - no direct onside confrontation.

At 1 p.m. the author met with the OPP, Constable Rod LeClair and two others, at the Cayuga Detachment in what was to be a handover of the report pertaining to land ownership in the Haldimand Tract, with specific reference to the disputed Lot 3, to be delivered to Skyler Williams.  However since the OPP offer did not include the option to hand deliver it personally to Williams, and speak with him directly, without the threat of being arrested, the author decided that this was not what was in the original proposal entailed and having the OPP deliver the report was a wrong headed approach.  The 3 of us had an enjoyable conversation for about 15 minutes then all went out separate ways (the Cayuga Detachment is closed for business at this time).

Turtle Island News, seen here, has returned to its status as a tool for the expression of the views only of the Hereditary Council - so much for a quick brush with objectivity.

17 September 2020:  A list of the 22 individuals arrested by the OPP can be found in an article in the Quinte News here, along with the changes each faces.

An article in The National Post here gives an overview of the matter and focusing on the recent actions of the OPP, and the reaction of the Foxgate Development lawyer - they, and their buyers, are caught in the middle with no power to do anything.

18 September 2020:  Skyler Williams submitted an Affidavit on this date.  Clearly this and the appended material was prepared by someone with legal training and reflects the fact that he will be supported by a network of "Native" lawyers and individuals at Six Nations (e.g., the Supervisor of the Lands and Resources Office") on both the Hereditary and Elected Council sides.  It would be unproductive at this time to respond to the spin on historical fact (e.g., the bogus "Nanfan Treaty" of 1701 and the supposed rights it entails).  It is never going to be about the facts, explored through the lens of critical thinking and analysis, it will always be about the same unsubstantiated spin which has been repeated so many times a great many people will assume it must be the correct interpretation.

21 September 2020:  Yesterday and today the author sent copies of postings from this blog on the subjects of Treaties and Land Surrenders, The Nanfan Treaty, the Duty to Consult, and Sovereignty to the legal team representing the developer in this dispute.  This was done to assist in responding to William's Affidavit with data relevant to the content of same.  Also sent was a Curriculum Vitae, extending to 2007 when the author retired from all "work".

22 September 2020:  An article in The Hamilton Spectator here reports that a 54 year old Six Nations female has been charged with,  arson, two counts of mischief, disobeying a court order and failure to comply with an undertakingFurthermore, the arson charges are for, is in relation to demonstration activities off-site from McKenzie Meadows.  In all probability the charges probably relate to the tire fires on Argyle Street, or the excavator, prior to the removal of the barricades.  Of course the spin coming from the Williams team is that this is a violation of their "sovereignty" - an illusion that just will not submit to the facts.

25 September 2020:  In an article in the CBC here, it is noted that the Ontario Police Services Board calls the protestors "terrorists" and correctly outlines the behaviours that would support that claim.  Meanwhile an NDP MP from Hamilton, Matthew Green (who is Black, which may or may not be of any relevance) bashes away at those of us in Haldimand who have suffered so long and he has zero understanding of our plight or the facts of the matter.  He gets to toss the term "racist" around - which is hardly unexpected.  He also visited the site, without the permission of the owner, yet was not arrested, which may imply a double standard for OPP arrests.  There is also a correct assessment of the ownership of the Lot in question.  It was not sold by an Indian to a White man in the 1830s and the land was occupied via "squatters rights" and later patented.  However that is entirely irrelevant since the point is that after 1844 all of the land outside the present day Reserve was surrendered to the Crown for sale with the monies being put in trust.

Another article from the CBC here reports that two "Indigenous" musicians will be playing some sort of gig at the Land Back protest site.  The article was written by a known radical from South America who seems to believe that he is an expert in local Canadian Native issues.  Not unexpected that we here comments about the OPP being agents of Canadian corporations and other unsupported nonsense.

The OPP Twitter feed here warns anyone planning to attend functions at the protest site this weekend that the injunctions are still in place at the McKenzie Meadows location - providing copies of the injunction on this site.

27 September 2020:  An article in The Hamilton Spectator here notes that Haldimand Police Services Board Chair Bernie Corbett has adamantly asserted that Hamilton MP Mathew Green should be arrested just like any other person who has been charged for the same act by the OPP.  Green, who is Black, illegally visited the protest site and is spewing the leftist spiel about colonial violence and matters where one wonders how he would come to these conclusions except by uncritically accepting the "victims perspective".

29 September 2020:  Based on a CBC report here, the OPP has issued a warrant for the arrest of Skyler Williams for a series of offences, and the contractors are set to return to the site to install infrastructure.  Clearly the OPP were affected by the Police Services Board castigation a few days earlier where members used terms such as "terrorism".

30 September 2020:  Information as above found in an article in The here, plus a detailed timeline of events to date.

The Turtle Island News here reports that two Elected Councilors, and a senior Band official have condemned the acts associated with the take over of the development site as "violent".  Finally an acknowledgement for some in authority at Six Nations that the actions of the protesters were destructive and wrong.  It must have been difficult to make this declaration, since as with certain well known associations, there is a code of silence - which is seen in just about every facet of life at Six Nations including the Residential School.  As to the latter, many elders have said privately that they enjoyed and profited from their time there, but that is not "the party line" so they know to keep their thoughts among a trusted group only.  So kudos to Councilors Wendy Johnson and Helen Miller.

An Opinion piece in The Hamilton Spectator today seen here illustrates how people who do not understand the complexities of the situation, or have not read the original documents in full, can come to conclusions based on political correctness and the perception of the Indian as the victim.  Not surprising that this article was written by a McMaster University professor - where the universities these days are hotbeds of Marxist - Antifa "indoctrination" where terms such as "colonial injustice" and "cultural genocide" have become embedded in the teaching as valid unassailable concepts that must be accepted  otherwise one is not "woke" and is of course "racist".

The Londoner here reports that Williams has no plans to turn himself in as required by the OPP.  Events are still occurring there (e.g., Lacrosse game; entertainment), the building work is progressing and Williams hopes that 9 October (the court return date) will be a day of protest.  They indicate that the lawyer for the developer, William Liske, is adamant that he has all the proper paperwork and has completed all the requirements to allow his company to proceed, however he did meet with members of the hereditary council to understand their perspective.  

5 October 2020:  On Sunday (yesterday) at about 2 pm the author noticed that there were OPP cruisers blocking access to Argyle Street south of Canadian Tire (Braemar Street).  The reason is found in an article in The Hamilton Spectator here.  Apparently the OPP attempted to execute a warrant for Skyler Williams while the latter was shopping in Ancaster.  Williams resisted, jumped in his car, hit a police car and another vehicle and the police allowed him to speed away - no consequences.  Resisting arrest is a serious offence as is hit and run involving two vehicles - this should add to the litany of charges Williams is facing.  Apparently the punishment was directed, once again, at Caledonia and Argyle Street was blocked for 24 hours - all the while the OPP had the authority to dismantle the barricade and arrest those who installed it.  What a complete fiasco - and who as always pays the price - Caledonia.

As of 7 am, today, Argyle Street is open as per CHCH News here.  Similar information is provided in an article in The Hamilton Spectator here, along with a succinct timeline of key events in the "protest".

Former elected Chief William Montour weighed in on the status of the present negotiations with the Ontario and Federal Governments, as seen here in a CBC News article.

7 October 2020:  An article in The Hamilton Spectator here indicates that contractors for Losani Homes attempted to locate infrastructure on the County lands outside the protest site but were met by a dozen or so protesters and were told that, "they don't pay you enough" (to take the risk of staying).  There were two OPP liaison officers present, however within a short time they all left allowing the protesters to "win" once again.  Also, despite saying that the protest is non violent, that is a lie, the contractors were basically intimidated by these "domestic terrorists" and forced away from a legitimate legal work site by threat.

9 October 2020:  Today is a / the "big day" in terms of the Losani protest.  All parties return to court and their affidavits will be used by Justice Harper to arrive at a determination.  As seen in a CBC News article here, the OPP claim that clearing the property would only incite more violence to the roads, rail and infrastructure in retaliation for what amounts to enforcing the law.  The protesters maintain that the land is within a "red zone" where there is a moratorium on development.  The developers assert that their rights, after following all laws, have been abrogated and are subservient to those of the protesters in the eyes of the OPP.  They state that the situation will cause irreparable harm to themselves and other developers in the area, and that 500 families will not get homes they have already paid for.

So, perhaps realizing that they are going to lose out at McKenzie Meadows, a group of 30 Six Nations protesters stopped all work at a development site at the corner of Argyle Street and Greens Road at the far north end of town.  This as reported by The Hamilton Spectator here.  So this matter is truly never ending.  The problem for the protesters is that getting reinforcement in quickly is not so easy at this new location, especially if the OPP block the Highway 6 Caledonia Bypass which leads into Greens Road then down to Argyle Street (Highway 6).

According to The Brantford Expositor here, the matter has been adjourned to 22 October.  This is simply dragging the matter out and guess who will be paying the price, Caledonia!

More specifics are given in a CBC News article here, where Justice R.J. Harper said if the camp occupiers vacated he would hear constitutional arguments presented by Skyler Williams, the spokesperson for 1492 Land Back Lane. Harper said if they remain on the site, he would exclude Williams from the scheduled hearing and hear arguments only from lawyers representing the subdivision developer, Foxgate Developments, and Haldimand County, the municipal authority that oversees Caledonia, which are seeking the permanent injunction.

An article in The Hamilton Spectator here states much the same thing, The judge gave Six Nations land defender Skyler Williams an ultimatum.  Williams can leave 1492 Land Back Lane, the occupied Caledonia construction site he has called home since mid-July, and continue to argue his case in court proceedings later this month.  That option would mean putting himself at risk of arrest for violating a court order preventing anyone not connected with Foxgate Developments from being on the site of the planned McKenzie Meadows subdivision.

Or, Superior Court Justice R. John Harper said Friday at the Cayuga courthouse, Williams can stay on the land and forfeit his right to participate in an Oct. 22 hearing, where the judge will determine whether a pair of injunctions related to the occupation should be made permanent.

16 October 2020:  Today in CBC News here, it was reported that, the co-ordinator for  archeological and environmental monitoring for the Haudenosaunee Development Institute, said his vehicle was swarmed by OPP cruisers during his arrest on Oct. 9.

"They rushed my car and tried to unlock it, to get me out," said [Todd] Williams. 

Williams was involved that day in actions temporarily blocking three Caledonia subdivision construction sites —  currently in the archeological phase. 

This follow the arrest of Skyler William's wife and a musician Tom Wilson, bringing the total number of arrests related to this protest to 33.

20 October 2020:  In The Hamilton Spectator, seen here, the reporter noted that the Criminal phase of the protest matter began today in Cayuga where 6 people given until 22 November to obtain a lawyer and prepare evidence in a case where the prosecutor is seeking two years less a day in jail and a $5,000 fine.  Each has the choice of accepting a plea deal, or having the matter proceed to trial before a Superior Court Judge.  All 6 were among those who were arrested 5 August when they, despite the court order, returned to the protest site.  The Civil phase will begin 22 October.

21 October 2020:  Based on an articles in The Hamilton Spectator here, rocks and a bucket of feces was thrown at an OPP cruiser parked on Argyle Street in Caledonia about 2 pm today.  The suspects, from the protest site, fled on foot.  Real class act - that could result in significant criminal charges.  Trusting that when caught these worthies will have the book thrown at them.  How disgusting can they be - well we now have a partial answer.

22 October 2020:  The "big day" is here at last - when Justice Harper of the Superior Court will rule on whether to make the injunctions against the occupation of McKenzie Meadows by the self styled "land defenders", and the injunction ordering that there be no more blockades in Haldimand County, permanent.  The Hamilton Spectator reports here that, "Justice R. John Harper’s ruling bars all road barricades in Haldimand County and limits access to the 25-acre site on McKenzie Road to those authorized by Foxgate Developments, which plans to build a 218-unit housing development on what the land defenders assert is unceded Haudenosaunee territory".  Skyler Williams, spokesperson for these "land defenders" insists that the land in unceded (false), and that they will appeal the ruling.

In an entirely predictable move (since their is little imagination among the protesters - only perseveration), they have, according to the OPP Twitter feed, blocked Argyle Street and the OPP have closed Argyle between Braemar and Highway 6 - same old, same old.

Shortly after the court decision, skirmishes with the OPP and the old standby, tire fires, were the order of the day.  The "homeless encampment" at the 6th Line and Argyle Street was the scene of on confrontation.  Apparently the Caledonia bypass is blockaded and I expect that the railway will be in the same situation.  Meanwhile, in the heart of the action, the worthies decided to repeat their actions of a month ago and set a tire fire across Argyle Street at the Douglas Creek Estates entrance - again.  The author arrived about 5 pm to see black sooty clouds of smoke billowing upwards from Argyle Street engulfing the area of both sides of the road.  The fires were primarily in the center of Argyle, and much more seriously, around the base of a Hydro One pole on which set a transformer.  All the while the OPP did nothing, although on one occasion told all of us assembled there to move back into the Canadian Tire parking lot because "something was going to happen" - which never did.  After interviews with 4 media groups, and as it was after 8 pm, cold, and I had nothing to eat since noon - and finding Tim Hortons closed - I came home.  Will see which of my interviews make it to the 11 pm news.  See CBC News here for the first part just before the tires were set ablaze opposite Douglas Creek Estates.

The Hamilton Spectator here reported that overnight the barricades on Argyle Street were made more "permanent" with an overturned school bus and car, and McKenzie Road was dug up in places.  So the OPP have a choice to make - will they or will they not honour the court injunction that has been made permanent - the McKenzie Meadows site must be cleared of trespassers; and there can be no more barricades of any road in Haldimand County.


It was at this point that life's circumstances and the sheer volume of material resulting from the protesters antics demanded that this author back away.  In particular after the "land defenders" stole heavy equipment and trenched the Caledonia Bypass (Highway 6), the Railway tracks, Argyll Street, and McKenzie Road I threw up my hands in disgust when the OPP did precisely nothing - and the beat goes on - which dictated the futility of it all.  Then when, due to the one detour from all southern entrances (all trenched), I came close to being involved in a potentially deadly head on crash, that the decision was made to turn to other pursuits.  The incident occurred due to an 18 wheeler being forced (there being no other route to Hagersville and beyond) to turn south off Highway 54 at the York Bridge.  Due to the high profile of the vehicle, a small sedan did not see my truck coming along Highway 54 and bolted from the stop sign at the northern end of the bridge and tested my "cat quick reflexes".  Never have I been so grateful for this skill that, despite my age, is still retained intact.  

Enough is enough, and for the foreseeable future this "land defender" topic will be off limits.  There are class action suits pending, and court appearances to be made, so events of some significance are sure to occur.  Hopefully the mainstream media will do an adequate job in covering all relevant matters.  I will, however, next post links to the lies and myths which the "land defenders" deploy in the service of justifying their illegal and immoral actions.