Monday, 17 January 2022

Lies Relating to the Supposed Discovery of the Bodies of Children who Attended Indian Residential Schools Finally Revealed

The present author has, since the first reports of unmarked graves of children who attended Indian Residential Schools appeared in June 2021, challenged these results (see earlier postings to this blog).  The flow of information began with the report of 215 unmarked graves discovered near the Kamloops Indian Residential School.  It was initiated by a local First Nations Chief who, with an operator of a ground penetrating radar (GPR) device, "discovered" these supposed unmarked graves (often termed "mass graves" by the media) and reported their findings to a Kamloops newspaper.  The findings were eagerly picked up by virtually every media source in Canada.  The result was that Canada was accused of genocidal actions, and colonialism.  43 churches were burned, since the Catholic and Anglican Churches operated these educational institutions and were blamed for unspeakable crimes.  The truth is that the schools were opened at the behest of the Chiefs and Clan mothers, or in order to conform to the terms of treaties which required that schools for the children be created.  The lies and woeful distortions of the "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" were trotted out as the only facts that mattered, and other First Nations people whose motives were apparently financial stepped forward with stories (speaking "their truth") that at face value were outlandish, and the public were willing to accept what they were fed uncritically. The woke mob became involved and the matter became a side show where Canada's good name was besmirched and put in the same category as the Spanish Conquistadors of Central and South America. All of a sudden orange T shirts representing "Every Child Matters" were seen everywhere, flags were left at half mast for months, memorials were established at the sites of the residential schools, and on and on - all based on nothing but blips on the screen of a very crude device (GPR) that does not do what is claimed by these Chiefs (suggesting that it can see graves).  The author pleaded with members of the archaeological establishment in Canada to step forward and reveal the fact that without actual excavation, and the examination of any bone material examined by a physical anthropologist, the GPR findings are worthless.  This was to no avail - since this profession has been infected by the same woke - cancel culture mob that has carved its destructive path across all professions.

The author pleaded with the editors or most of Canada's mainstream newspapers, that if they would not publish the author's letters to the editor and opinion piece submissions, to please request that one of their journalists explore the validity of these GPR claims.  June 2021 to January 2022 and dead silence prevailed.  This appears to be a classic example of subtle censorship in the service of politically correct dogma.  The irony is that anecdotal stories from "survivors", which were in essence conspiracy theories that would make believers in Q-Anon blush, were lapped up by the media like kittens at a saucer of milk.  Objective evidence or cross validation was never considered to be necessary.

Finally, a (well documented) report stating in no uncertain terms that no bodies of children who attended residential school had yet been found has been published.  The article of 11 January 2022 in The Dorchester Review, entitled, "In Kamloops Not One Body Has Been Found", as seen here, was written not by a journalist, but by an emeritus professor of history at Universite de Montreal, Jacques Rouillard.  Being retired means that he is impervious to the woke mob's cancel culture which has caused fear and intimidation (literally that their jobs would be jeopardized if they dared to provide facts / evidence and speak the truth relating to the claims of a perceived "protected hands off group" - First Nations Chiefs and spokespersons).  The media, and professors at all universities across Canada, have been paralyzed by the woke movement which has literally grabbed the reins of the spoken word, and control what can and cannot be said.

It is encouraging to note that an article of 17 January 2022 in The National Post, what might be considered "mainstream media", picks up on the above article by Professor Rouillard.  The article is entitled, "What we don't know about unmarked graves at residential schools" by Barbara Kay, as seen here.  The article excoriates the latest woke fads which support the belief that "all Indian causes must be legitimate" asserted with cult - like religious fervour.

What must be emphasized is that most of our early ancestors are buried in unmarked graves - at least those of us who are "old stock" Canadians.  There are abandoned cemeteries dotted across the entire country.  If there were markers installed at one time they may have decayed, been swept away in a flood, or have been vandalized to the point where any markers are in so many pieces that they have been discarded.  This is precisely the situation with the burial place of the three first generations of my family in Ontario.  By the time I first visited the site it was a corn field.  Old timers recalled about 100 burials there back in the 1940s - but by 1963 there were no markers remaining, and the owner of the surrounding land simply incorporated the cemetery into his farming operation.  After many years of legal wrangling, even with family members, the sacred ground where bones and coffin handles were churned up by every ploughing operation, has experienced a more benign fate.  It has been explored by a licensed archaeologist, officially declared a cemetery under the laws of the Province, surveyed, and posts installed along the margins with a marker describing the cemetery.  Family have access, and the author drives his truck across the Grand River flats when there is no corn in the fields in order to pay their respects.  Another 100 or so ancestors lie in unmarked graves in local cemeteries but there is no way to mark sites that are somewhere among the existing markers - but where?  Many authors act as if it is unusual or disrespectful to have unmarked graves.  They simply do not understand the history of Canada, and entertain only their own distorted version of what "should be".  

Hopefully the above very important articles, one by an academic and the other by a journalist, will receive wide recognition and serve to suppress the destructive impulses of the "noisy" leftist - Marxist - anarchist - woke set whose current grip on what gets published will hopefully be swept aside by the truth, based on fact based evidence and scientific methodology - as opposed to party dogma and fear of cancellation.  Without a shadow of a doubt all of the above applies to the work being conducted at the Mohawk Institute, for which Six Nations leaders such as the present elected Chief must take responsibility - considering the amount of Canadian taxpayer money being spent greedily and frivolously (considering all of the past GPR work done there and the burial records of St. Paul's Chapel of the Mohawks showing the respectful burials of children who died at the Residential School).

Edit of 24 January 2022:  Once again the Six Nations of the Grand River have whined sufficiently to extract over $10 million from the Canadian Government to go on a wild goose chase as seen in an article published today in The Hamilton Spectator, entitled, "Survivors of Mohawk Institute Residential School in Ontario get $10.4 M from Ottawa to look for unmarked gravesas seen here.  Greed knows no bounds since they also expect the Province to kick in monies for this unwarranted effort. Please read previous postings to this blog to understand the futility of such an endeavour.  The children were buried in consecrated ground in the Anglican Cemetery at St. Paul's Chapel of the Mohawks across the road from the Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School - this author has provided the information in this and other venues (including the sending of the information to the Rez newspaper, Two Row Times).  It matters not what I or others say if it does not comport with the "party line".

Friday, 7 January 2022

Troubling Sexual Impropriety Allegations Lodged Against the "Face" of the "Land Back Lane" Occupation in Caledonia

It is often the case that when a high profile issue emerges, one person steps forward and becomes the "face" or spokesperson of a movement or a protest.  This was certainly the case in the two year long occupation of the property in Caledonia known as McKenzie Meadows, which the Six Nations protesters have renamed "1492 Land Back Lane".  Here the media by in large interviewed only one person, and it is this person whose face was seen in the newspapers and on television.  His name is Skyler Williams, and presumably his "authority" came from the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council (Hereditary Chiefs) who do not have legal authority on the Six Nations Reserve, but claim moral authority and that they alone should speak for the Six Nations of the Grand River.  The Six Nations Elected Council ultimately bowed out of the matter and the Hereditary Chiefs and their extortion arm, the Haudenosaunee Development Institute, appear to have called the shots in the last year or more.  

The "face" of the movement / protesters clearly does not speak for the majority of the Six Nations Reserve, but in listening to him one might get the impression that he was the representative of the people of the Reserve and reflected their views.  He seemed to be invincible and the media hung on his every word.  His actions and/or those of his followers, in for example stealing $2 million dollars worth of heavy equipment and trenching all the roads and the highway into Caledonia from the south, as well as the railway tracks, were enabled by the ineffective and feeble efforts of the Ontario Provincial Police who made the occupied land a no - go zone.  This meant that whatever went on at McKenzie Meadows was not subject to any policing - typically a situation that is ripe for anarchy.

Considering the evidence of a massively inflated ego and background (criminal history) of the leader of the protesters (a motley crew of Six Nations, other Indigenous people, White "settler allies", and agitators from other groups), it is not surprising that many illegal activities were permitted and encouraged.  While rumours circulated around the Reserve about the antics happening at Land Back Lane, it took until early January for the sh*t to hit the fan and the dirty laundry began to be aired.  The sordid details, as they presently exist (goodness knows that there is probably a lot more questionable or illegal behaviour yet to be exposed) can be seen in the 4 January 2021 issue of Two Row Times in an article entitled, "Sexual assault allegations rock Land Back Lane and spokesperson Skyler Williams" as seen here.

Those of us who respect the truth have fought this man tooth and claw for two years, enduring his lies about the land occupied by his group (known as 1492 Land Back Lane) not having been surrendered to the Crown. In fact all of the occupied land, including Douglas Creek Estates (now a homeless encampment) as well as the more recently occupied site at McKenzie Meadows (now a shanty town), was surrendered to the Crown on 18 December 1844 by 45 Six Nations Chief in Council. I have the surrender and the signatures on a pdf from Library and Archives Canada from the "Indian Affairs Papers". Once the Federal Government gets its act together and comes down to the Territory to seek the truth, these lands will (if there is any justice in this world) have to be returned to their rightful legal owners. In addition, the protesters must pay the multi millions of dollars in damages and lost revenues accrued between the years 2006 and 2021!

On the facebook page of the person identified in the Two Row Times article, there are upwards of 100 supportive comments to his self serving apology which blames everyone but himself for these assertions by various women - and men. Only two of these commenters question his behaviour. However, what about the victims? What about the pain and trauma he has caused. No one even alludes to this - but this is the tragedy which cannot be erased with a few well chosen words of mea culpa. His true colours are seen in the interview with Nick LaMarsh (see link in above article). His apparent victims are not just Six Nations and other Native women locally, but across Canada where he appeared as far west as British Columbia as the face of the "movement". Again, why the lack of concern for the women he hurt, by the commenters on his facebook page? It must be noted that as of 8 January 2022 this posting and all related comments have been removed from public view of the account.
The spin he spun in interviews where he positioned himself as the center of attention (the spokesperson and only "face" of the protesters) garnered the attention of all the journalists and media sources. They all ate up his fiction and never questioned his sources (of which there are none) or his character (his criminal record). He served his time - but the charges relating to the occupation of private property (McKenzie Meadows) still must be faced.
Locals and Six Nations residents have had enough of his antics and it is truly time to pay the piper (fines and jail time). It is very encouraging that the matter was brought to the attention of the public by a Kanienkehaga (Mohawk) research group who were in quest of the truth. Nia: weh gowagh to this group and to the Two Row Times for publishing the findings. Also a shout out to Alex Jamieson who has made it crystal clear in a comment to this article that the "face" does not represent the people of Six Nations. As yet the "mainstream" media have been entirely silent about this matter - likely the matter is too hot to handle in the woke and cancel culture context which hangs over Canadian journalism like the Sword of Damocles.

It is often the case that when the head of the snake is severed, the body of the creature will slither around for a short while, but ultimately die. It will be interesting to see what happens in the to the Land Back Lane group over the next few months and what, if any, allegations will surface. Are we merely seeing the tip of the iceberg?

Facts and the truth matter.

Edit of 13 January 2021: In a bold, balanced, sensitive manner, in a form reminiscent of the investigative journalists of old, Susan Clairmont, a journalist with The Hamilton Spectator, has investigated the matter, and today the Spectator published her article entitled, "Land defender Skyler Williams target of sexual impropriety allegations", as seen here. Although the piece could certainly have been more "hard hitting", kudos to this journalist for tackling this matter at all.