Showing posts with label Land Back Lane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Land Back Lane. Show all posts

Friday, 7 January 2022

Troubling Sexual Impropriety Allegations Lodged Against the "Face" of the "Land Back Lane" Occupation in Caledonia

It is often the case that when a high profile issue emerges, one person steps forward and becomes the "face" or spokesperson of a movement or a protest.  This was certainly the case in the two year long occupation of the property in Caledonia known as McKenzie Meadows, which the Six Nations protesters have renamed "1492 Land Back Lane".  Here the media by in large interviewed only one person, and it is this person whose face was seen in the newspapers and on television.  His name is Skyler Williams, and presumably his "authority" came from the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council (Hereditary Chiefs) who do not have legal authority on the Six Nations Reserve, but claim moral authority and that they alone should speak for the Six Nations of the Grand River.  The Six Nations Elected Council ultimately bowed out of the matter and the Hereditary Chiefs and their extortion arm, the Haudenosaunee Development Institute, appear to have called the shots in the last year or more.  

The "face" of the movement / protesters clearly does not speak for the majority of the Six Nations Reserve, but in listening to him one might get the impression that he was the representative of the people of the Reserve and reflected their views.  He seemed to be invincible and the media hung on his every word.  His actions and/or those of his followers, in for example stealing $2 million dollars worth of heavy equipment and trenching all the roads and the highway into Caledonia from the south, as well as the railway tracks, were enabled by the ineffective and feeble efforts of the Ontario Provincial Police who made the occupied land a no - go zone.  This meant that whatever went on at McKenzie Meadows was not subject to any policing - typically a situation that is ripe for anarchy.

Considering the evidence of a massively inflated ego and background (criminal history) of the leader of the protesters (a motley crew of Six Nations, other Indigenous people, White "settler allies", and agitators from other groups), it is not surprising that many illegal activities were permitted and encouraged.  While rumours circulated around the Reserve about the antics happening at Land Back Lane, it took until early January for the sh*t to hit the fan and the dirty laundry began to be aired.  The sordid details, as they presently exist (goodness knows that there is probably a lot more questionable or illegal behaviour yet to be exposed) can be seen in the 4 January 2021 issue of Two Row Times in an article entitled, "Sexual assault allegations rock Land Back Lane and spokesperson Skyler Williams" as seen here.

Those of us who respect the truth have fought this man tooth and claw for two years, enduring his lies about the land occupied by his group (known as 1492 Land Back Lane) not having been surrendered to the Crown. In fact all of the occupied land, including Douglas Creek Estates (now a homeless encampment) as well as the more recently occupied site at McKenzie Meadows (now a shanty town), was surrendered to the Crown on 18 December 1844 by 45 Six Nations Chief in Council. I have the surrender and the signatures on a pdf from Library and Archives Canada from the "Indian Affairs Papers". Once the Federal Government gets its act together and comes down to the Territory to seek the truth, these lands will (if there is any justice in this world) have to be returned to their rightful legal owners. In addition, the protesters must pay the multi millions of dollars in damages and lost revenues accrued between the years 2006 and 2021!

On the facebook page of the person identified in the Two Row Times article, there are upwards of 100 supportive comments to his self serving apology which blames everyone but himself for these assertions by various women - and men. Only two of these commenters question his behaviour. However, what about the victims? What about the pain and trauma he has caused. No one even alludes to this - but this is the tragedy which cannot be erased with a few well chosen words of mea culpa. His true colours are seen in the interview with Nick LaMarsh (see link in above article). His apparent victims are not just Six Nations and other Native women locally, but across Canada where he appeared as far west as British Columbia as the face of the "movement". Again, why the lack of concern for the women he hurt, by the commenters on his facebook page? It must be noted that as of 8 January 2022 this posting and all related comments have been removed from public view of the account.
The spin he spun in interviews where he positioned himself as the center of attention (the spokesperson and only "face" of the protesters) garnered the attention of all the journalists and media sources. They all ate up his fiction and never questioned his sources (of which there are none) or his character (his criminal record). He served his time - but the charges relating to the occupation of private property (McKenzie Meadows) still must be faced.
Locals and Six Nations residents have had enough of his antics and it is truly time to pay the piper (fines and jail time). It is very encouraging that the matter was brought to the attention of the public by a Kanienkehaga (Mohawk) research group who were in quest of the truth. Nia: weh gowagh to this group and to the Two Row Times for publishing the findings. Also a shout out to Alex Jamieson who has made it crystal clear in a comment to this article that the "face" does not represent the people of Six Nations. As yet the "mainstream" media have been entirely silent about this matter - likely the matter is too hot to handle in the woke and cancel culture context which hangs over Canadian journalism like the Sword of Damocles.

It is often the case that when the head of the snake is severed, the body of the creature will slither around for a short while, but ultimately die. It will be interesting to see what happens in the to the Land Back Lane group over the next few months and what, if any, allegations will surface. Are we merely seeing the tip of the iceberg?

Facts and the truth matter.

Edit of 13 January 2021: In a bold, balanced, sensitive manner, in a form reminiscent of the investigative journalists of old, Susan Clairmont, a journalist with The Hamilton Spectator, has investigated the matter, and today the Spectator published her article entitled, "Land defender Skyler Williams target of sexual impropriety allegations", as seen here. Although the piece could certainly have been more "hard hitting", kudos to this journalist for tackling this matter at all.