Monday, 4 September 2017

The Caledonia Argyle Street Barricade Has Moved to the Caledonia Bypass!

This whole situation gets more and more bizarre.   I expect that the "protesters" are yielding to those on Six Nations (the majority) who want the current barrier on Argyle Street South in Caledonia dismantled.  For over two weeks it has blocked the southern entrance to Caledonia at the old Douglas Creek Estates (DCE) site, the area of so much conflict since 2006.  Word has it that certain business owners on the Sixth (6th) Line on the Six Nations Reserve have threatened the "activists" as the former see their bottom line sink further and further into the red.

Perhaps the photo below, credit to Tamra Botting, will explain the present situation - at least to locals:

The Caledonia Bypass (Highway 6) where it crosses Sixth Line

In an update of an article published earlier today, entitled, "Clairmont:  Rumors swirl around Caledonia blockade", The Hamilton Spectator, 4 September 2017 (click here) we learn of a significant new development.  Here is the "add on" information from the article:

"It's hard to know what's going on at the Indigenous protest barricade in Caledonia, never mind what it all means.
For days, rumours were swirling on social media and some news sites that the Argyle Street barrier would be moved to the Hwy. 6 overpass. 
That eventually did happen on Monday afternoon, offering some relief to frustrated business and homeowners.
But for much of the long weekend, determining what exactly was happening with the Caledonia blockade was a challenge". 
Apparently the "protesters" have moved to the Caledonia Bypass, but as we will see later, this will likely set the stage for even more anger emanating from Six Nations businesses on Sixth Line.

The Sachem has now published an updated article on the subject, "Caledonia blockade moved to highway 6 bypass", 4 September 2017 (click here) including information from the OPP as to which areas they have blocked off (the entire Caledonia Bypass from Argyle Street South, across the Grand River, to Green Road:

From OPP Twitter

Here follows quotes from the article:

"There is also a police presence at the intersection of Argyle Street at 6th Line preventing traffic from continuing through.
The move of the barricade comes two days after a press release from the protestors stating that they would not be moving the barricade due to the “threat of mass police arrests.”
In the statement on Saturday, the protestors said they wanted to move the barricade because they were “sensitive to the impact” of the barricade on “Caledonia and Six Nations business owners and residents.”
The blockade on Argyle Street, which was first set up on Aug. 10, was taken down Monday as the new blockade on the bypass was set up. By late afternoon, traffic was flowing on Argyle Street – but was quite heavy due to the blocked bypass. OPP officers were directing traffic at major intersections in Caledonia.
Visible from the 7th Line bridge over the Highway 6 bypass were groups of protestors to both the north and south. They had pulled a small tree across the bypass near where it crosses the Grand River".
Areas Noted Above

So, based on the last statement, it appears that the local worthies (thugs) are setting up for a deja vu 2006.  It should be noted that 7th Line (shown as River Range on the OPP map) is also known as Stirling Street.  It ends at the railway tracks since the bridge that joined 7th Line to Stirling Street was torched (arson) by Six Nations criminals in 2006.

Something resembling a rationale for the move was given in an article, "Six Nations activists move blockade to Highway 6 and Sixth Line in Caledonia"  in The Sachem (same date as above), who added the following:

"On Monday afternoon Six Nations protesters moved their demonstration and blockade from Argyle Street South in Caledonia to Highway 6 and Sixth Line in Caledonia.
At approximately 1:30 p.m. Monday afternoon, OPP responded to reports that a group of individuals were blocking Highway 6".

CBC reports also point to a blockade of Highway 6 and Sixth Line in, "Six Nations activists move blockade to Highway 6 and Sixth Line in Caledonia" (click here) stating, 

"On Monday afternoon Six Nations protesters moved their demonstration and blockade from Argyle Street South in Caledonia to Highway 6 and Sixth Line in Caledonia".  

And furthermore that, "Police say in the interest of public safety, OPP have closed Highway 6 between Argyle Street North and Greens Road, and Sixth Line between Argyle Street South and Oneida Road.
Detour traffic routes are being put in place for Highway 6 traffic.
At approximately 1:30 p.m. Monday afternoon, OPP responded to reports that a group of individuals were blocking Highway 6".
An article in Turtle Island News, "Caledonia barricade down, blockade on Highway 6 bypass goes up" (click here) seems to confirm that the actual barricade is on the bypass as shown in the picture above.


"On Monday afternoon, Kanonhstaton Six Nations released a statement about the relocation.
'We the people of Kanonhstaton have successfully removed the barricade on Argyle Street in an effort to unify the people of Six Nations and relieve pressure on our people and the residents of Caledonia."
"We have also erected a barricade on Highway 6 bypass in an effort to apply pressure on Canada to return to the negotiation table in accordance with the silver covenant chain and two row wampum. We will continue to occupy the road and call on all of our brothers and sisters for support.'"

CTV has an excellent video (click here) in an article entitled, "Caledonia demonstrators move blockade", providing a fine overview and status of the problem to today.  Also CHCH TV in Hamilton has an informative video entitled, "Caledonia blockade moved to Highway 6" - click here.  What is odd is that there is a view from the River and a protester blockade is seen on the south side with Confederacy (no, not the "Stars and Bars") flags.

Clearly the main Six Nations barricade is on the Highway 6 bypass where it crosses Sixth Line; and the OPP have closed the entire Caledonia bypass, as well as Sixth Line from Argyle Street South to Oneida Road (the Reserve).
Predictions:  If anything, this blockade will create a worse problem due to the large transport trucks which cannot cross the Grand River on Argyle Street, but must use the Caledonia bypass.  As to the impact on Six Nations, 6th Line is blocked by the OPP at the junction of Oneida Road (Reserve boundary) so local Six Nation businesses will see their trade dry up even more.

The problem with heavy vehicles will only come to fruition tomorrow (since today is Labour Day).  It is inconceivable that the OPP would allow this to continue - surely they will now act ............................. and do their duty ....................  If the OPP does go ahead, I strongly suggest that they block 7th Line (River Range, Stirling Street) at the Rez since this will be an access point to the site (Caledonia bypass) - although it will not stop ATVs.

It will be a blessing when I can, in a few days, make personal visits to the sites and hopefully offer unique photos.  Of course this will also mean factual, but perhaps disconcerting (to some) viewpoints, such as why Six Nations are not "aboriginal" nor are they "Native" here.  Thousands of us in Haldimand have equal personal claims to those terms and resent the "special" treatment given to those who happen to reside west of Caledonia.

Stay tuned, updates will be added below.


Sunday, 3 September 2017

Attempt to Move Barricade to the Railway Tracks

The subject here will be events relating to the railway tracks situated behind the Douglas Creek Estates (DCE), seen below as a diagonal line between River Range Gas Bar (on the Rez) and Argyle Street South (in Caledonia).  The Caledonia Bypass loops over the tracks as seen in the map below (click to increase size).

Railway Tracks Behind DCE - Shown as Diagonal Line Between Bypass Label  and #6 Sign

Feeling the heat from their own people, the intelligentsia of the thugs blockading Argyle Street South have come up with a plan B.  It is reported in an article, "Incident in Caledonia" found in the Brantford Expositor of 3 September 2017.  To view the whole article click here.

I will quote some parts of the above with "annotations":

"Plans to move a blockade from Argyle Street South in Caledonia to nearby train tracks was thwarted by the threat of mass arrest, say a group of Indigenous demonstrators. [So why have the OPP not threatened mass arrests if the criminals don't remove the blockade on Argyle Street South?]
 The demonstrators issued a statement saying they had decided to move the barricade from Argyle Street (also known as Plank Road), to the train tracks.
“However, the threat of mass police arrests prevented us from taking down the barricade,” the statement said.
The OPP meanwhile, issued their own statement, saying that observed a group of people walking westbound on Sixth Line and as police officers travelled toward the railway tracks they notice wooden pallets on the track that had been set on fire. [Arsonists should be arrested on the spot]
Six Nations Fire attended the scene and put out the fire. [The tracks are not on the Reserve but between the Rez and Argyle Street South. This begs the question, what is the role of Six Nations Police here?There were no injuries but OPP say they are now investigating the fire as mischief.
Const. Rod LeClair of the Haldimand County OPP, had no response to the comment concerning the 'threat of mass arrests' by police.  [So much for being honest and open]
“Our role remains to preserve the peace and maintain the safety of the public and officers,” LeClair said." [In other words, "don't rock the boat, and whatever you do don't upset the Natives]

And further, “This will affect all Onkwehonwe [means "the real people" and is racistnations across Turtle island where traditional Onkwehonwe governments are ignored [because they are antiquated and dysfunctional and can't even muster a quorum], treaties such as the Two Row Wampum [this 1613 item is a trade agreement between two Dutchmen and a half a dozen unidentified Native peopleare broken and Onkwehonwe sovereignty over our land is denied,” they said in their statement. “This issue is particularly relevant and urgent with the announcement by the Trudeau government to separate the INAC (Indigenous affairs) offices in an attempt to mend nation-to-nation relationships [there is no such relationship, the Indian Act prevails and the Crown ruleswith Indigenous communities.” 
Two recent newspaper articles which address this topic are "Clairmont:  Rumors swirl around Caledonia blockade", Hamilton Spectator, 4 September 2017 - click here;  "'Threat of mass police arrests' prevents Caledonia barrier relocation", the Sachem, 4 September 2017 - click here.

So the brave warriors and women who have come up with this novel brilliant plan of blocking the same road as before failed in their attempt to effect any change.  So Plan B, shift gears and instead block the railway line that brings oil, steel and wall board from the area between Nanticoke on Lake Erie to the gypsum plant along 3rd Line and then on to Toronto.  Guess they did not know that blocking a railway is going to result in serious consequences, whereas if you are "Native" you can block access to a quaint Ontario town of 10,000 people indefinitely, and with impunity.

I am sure that many wonder, "don't these people have jobs?".  Who can take two weeks from their schedule to sit in a tent and "protest"?  Does some of the money come from the millions of dollars that the HCCC extorted, on the basis of false assertions, from the green energy companies since 2006?  Good questions, and relevant to understanding who we are dealing with.
So, what is next?  I doubt that even the "protesters" know at this point.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Proof that the Douglas Creek Estates Property Had Been Surrendered by the Six Nations Chiefs in Council in 1844 - Thus the Rationale for Erecting Barricades and Demanding the "Return" of the Burtch Lands Stands on No Foundation Whatsoever

I have never before re posted anything written in this blog.  However the barricades sitting on Argyle Street South in Caledonia exist because of a false belief, and chain of events involving fraud and extortion (which are still illegal in Canada to the best of my knowledge).  This warrants my posting the evidence that "delegitimizes" the entire proceedings from 2006 to today, including:

1)  The first "occupation" (trespass, theft) of the Douglas Creek Estate (DCE) property while homes were under construction in 2006 and obtaining said lands from the legitimate owners by fraud.

2)  The extortion committed against the people of Ontario resulting in handing over the Burtch Correctional lands in Brant County to the Six Nations occupiers as a bribe to get them to remove the first Argyle Street barricade (in 2006).

3)  The illegal erection of another barricade (using the same stolen Ontario One hydro tower) across Argyle Street South in Caledonia in 2017 as a result of an internal dispute between the Hereditary Council (no legal status on Six Nations) and Elected Council (the legal representatives of Six Nations).

So for those who wish to be enlightened on how false beliefs on Six Nations; combined with police failure to enforce the law (Ontario Provincial Police), and Government impotency (Federal and Provincial) can result in sanctioned illegal acts, foster an extraordinary travesty of justice, and ensure that the lives of those who reside in Caledonia will be a living hell, please read the following earlier posting in full.  Since 1844 there has never been any basis for a claim that the DCE lands were unsurrendered - the root cause of all the troubles since 2006:

Documentary Evidence of the Surrender of the Land Where Douglas Creek Estates (Kanonhstaton) is Situated: Signed by 47 Chiefs in the Year 1844

There are numerous posts in this blog and in the media across the country which profile the 2006 take over and occupation of the land where Henco Construction had begun the development that was to be known as Douglas Creek Estates (DCE), perpetrated by activists from the nearby Six Nations Reserve.  Those who took it upon themselves to re-write history claimed that the land was never surrendered and still belonged to the Six Nations and should be incorporated into their land base.  This despite the fact that since 1847 the properties along the Plank Road (where the DCE is located) have been entered into the Ontario Land Registry System.

As noted previously, Six Nations land claims researchers agree that there is no legitimate claim to land that has been surrendered (170 years ago), however there are outstanding claims relating to the use (possible misuse) of the money that, after the land was sold, was placed in trust for the benefit of Six Nations.  I argued that were it not for any sort of reasonable interpretation of "statute of limitations", it would be prudent to provide a cost accounting of the trust fund monies including the monies deployed in the investments in the Grand River Navigation Company.

None the less, many activists at Six Nations and their supporters, clearly have not read the original documents that demonstrate the lead up to the formation of the present day Reserve.  The Reserve of today includes Tuscarora Township and part of Onondaga Township in Brant County; and a strip of land on the western boundary of Oneida Township.  The Chiefs also asked to reserve a 200 acre plot of land around the Mohawk Institute in the City of Brantford.  This mutually acceptable agreement was signed, sealed and delivered by a series of surrenders by the Chiefs in Council culminating in the report of Lord Elgin in 1850 which received Crown ascent.  Since then, there have been recent purchases to add to the Six Nations land base, including lands acquired via the highly questionable agreement between the Ontario Government and Six Nations representatives in 2006.  The latter agreed to remove the barricades blocking Argyll Street, if Six Nations was granted the land where the former Burtch Correctional facility (between the Reserve and the City of Brantford) was situated.  This sounds a lot like extortion.  However the core Reserve has, since 1847 been only the land noted above involving Tuscarora Township and parts of Onondaga and Oneida Township, as well as a 200 acre parcel in the City of Brantford.

To this day, the former DCE is occupied by Six Nations members, and a fence has been erected around the perimeter of the property, and a gate was installed crossing Surrey Street, which is owned by the County of Haldimand.

The goal of the present posting is to provide photographic copies of the original documents proving that DCE (Kanonhstaton) was surrendered prior to 18 December 1844.  After reading the entire series of documents pertaining to the surrender of the various parcels of Grand River land , the present author has been led to an inevitable conclusion.  That is to say, the common belief that the commissioner and superintendent were enacting "colonialist" and "paternalistic" policies which were meant to ensure "cultural genocide" could not be further from the truth.  These dedicated civil servants, David Thorburn and James Winniett, were attempting to ensure the survival of the Six Nations as a people.  At the time the population of about 2,000 was scattered throughout the Grand River Territory from about Dunnville to Brantford, and they were selling their improvements to White settlers then moving somewhere else.  At the time of the surrender of 1844 there were about 2,000 non-Native residents living on the land belonging to the Crown, but held by the Six Nations under right of occupancy.  Clearly the trend for Six Nations people to move west to the Ohio country, or elsewhere, was escalating and soon the Six Nations people would be scattered to the four winds.  Their own lands were dotted with White settlers ("squatters") who generally held title by virtue of a land sale from a Six Nations member.  To save the Six Nations from extinction as a people ("cultural genocide"), the government officials came up with a plan to consolidate the Six Nations settlement to a compact area where they would be a community, and would be safe from encroachments by those wanting the very land on which they lived.  The government made it very clear that no Six Nations person would be required to sell their property and move to the new Reserve, but if at a later date they did wish to sell their property and move to the Reserve, they would have the right to reside there amongst their own people.  Hence the old chestnut of finger pointing at the Government officials, accusing them of trying to destroy the Six Nations as a people is wrong - it was these officials who had the best interests of the Six Nations in mind when they recommended a consolidated Reserve, with the sale of other properties to be placed in a trust fund.  There would be compensation for the "squatters" who had built homes and cleared land which would then be used by incoming Six Nations people, and that money would come from the trust fund.  Hence the understandable confusion about what was placed into, and removed from, the trust fund account.

Here follows the individual pages of one small part of the entire series of Council meetings and surrenders between 1841 and 1849.  The focus here is on the part where the Chiefs gave up their initial idea to lease lands along the Plank Road, and instead reserved only the lands on the west side of the "tier of lots" along the Plank Road.  In other words they reserved only the far western strip of Oneida Township, which is today part of the Six Nations Reserve.

However, I must ask the question:  "Why has it taken so long for these key records to see the light of day?  Why has the Federal Government not released them to show all interested parties why they consider the surrender of 1841, which was capped off by Lord Elgin's report in 1850, valid?  Six Nations must come to the realization that to continue going down the same path, under the delusion that there is a legal basis upon which they could recover lands within the Grand River Tract, is folly.  It would seem incumbent on the Government to "show their cards" so that the Ontario Provincial Police will see the evidence which refutes any claim to "unsurrendered" land.  Furthermore, residents of Caledonia and other communities impacted by Six Nations illegal take over of lands will realize that, for example, the occupants of DCE do not have a leg to stand on.  The Province of Ontario needs to stand firm in the assertion that their Land Titles System (e.g., the deeds registered on title in the Land Registry Office in Cayuga) is valid, legal and secure.  Also the citizens of Ontario whose land is being eyed by those who would take steps to acquire it outside the land registry system, need to stand up for their legal rights without being intimidated by false claims backed up by militancy - bullies and thugs.

The evidence is arranged as follows:  First the handwritten Minutes of Council Meetings and associated documents.  Second a transcript of the handwritten documents.  Third, a map showing the boundaries of the Six Nations Reserve in 1842 in relation to the "tier of lots" west of the Plank Road.  At one point the Chiefs had wished to reserve the lots on the west side of the Plank Road for leasing purposes, however they later "receded from" this temporary position, as seen in the documents below, and unanimously agreed to maintain the eastern boundary along the present line in Oneida Township.

1)  Handwritten Documents Relating to the Surrender of the Lands West of the Plank Road:

(LAC, RG10, Volume 144, pp. 286-300 [83269-83287]).

2)  Transcripts of the Above Documents Added for Clarity:

Since the above handwriting leaves something to be desired, a transcript of the key parts of these documents are included below, from a transcript made by Garry Horsnell and published in his online, "A Short History of the Six Nations", in 2008.  Click on image to enlarge:

3)  Map of the Six Nations Reserve and Oneida Township Showing the "Tier of Lots" West of the Plank Road:

Note that this map dated 1842 was received by the Department of Indian Affairs in 1896.  As the marginal note on the right indicates, the Indian Reserve as agreed upon in various Council Meetings was the line running between B and E.  The Plank Road is shown as a red line running diagonally north - south.  The "tier of lots" noted in the above documentation refers to the lots situated between the Plank Road on the west side, and running west to the line marking the eastern boundary of I.R. 40, the Six Nations Reserve.  In effect this is the wedge shaped area bounded by D to C (along the Plank Road), and B to E (present day boundary of Six Nations Reserve)  (LAC, RG10M 78903/78, Plan of part of the township of Oneida, date 1842 [1896], Online MIKAN no. 3669668).  The DCE property is within the Lot  labelled C along Plank Road south of Caledonia where Sixth (6th) Line joins the Plank Road.

Google map showing DCE property west of corner of Surrey Street and Argyle St S

In the modern Google map above Oneida Road is the line from E to B in the above 1842 map (the border of the Six Nations Reserve), Argyle Street South (Plank Road, Old Highway 6) is the line running from D on the Grand River beyond McKenzie Creek (the flooded area in the 1842 map) to letter C (where Hagersville is today).  The DCE property is on both sides of Surrey Street west of the forked creek (Douglas Creek).

Conclusion:  Evidence, data, facts, proof, no matter how persuasive; and the concept of "beyond a reasonable doubt" or even the law itself, simply do not override political correctness and the unsupported view of "Natives" (although Six Nations are 1784 refugees from what is now New York) as victims.  So with a police "force" and two levels of Government who would rather operate as a flock of ostrich with their heads in the sand than confront these aggressors with the facts as shown above - we in Caledonia are beat - and the concept of one law for all citizens becomes a travesty, a sad sick joke in Canada.


Friday, 1 September 2017

Caledonia Barricade May Move to the Caledonia Bypass (Highway 6)

Every day millions of dollars of goods in 18 wheel transport trucks drive along what is known as the Caledonia bypass, crossing the Grand River through a rural area west (north) of the town of Caledonia.  They cannot drive through Caledonia since the 9 span concrete bridge can barely handle car traffic, and Argyle Street at that point is choked with vehicles at almost any time of the day.  The bridge over the Grand River on the Caledonia bypass was designed to handle heavy transport trucks and us locals always assumed that it would eventually link up with the present Highway 6 where it ends near White Church Road.  Yet to happen.

Caledonia Bypass and Present Barricade at Surrey Street

The DCE property where the present barricade is located at the junction of Argyle Street South and Surrey Street.  The junction of Argyle Street South and the Caledonia overpass can be seen in this map.

If perchance there was a major accident on the bypass, the regular vehicle traffic would be funneled down Argyle Street South which joins Highway 6 about a kilometer from the present barricade. However the problem is extreme for large tonnage vehicles. There is no other crossing point for transport trucks other than huge detours to north of Brantford (Highway 403), or to Cayuga (Highway 3).  Any local will tell you that this would at best be a nightmare; as would any increase in traffic along Argyle Street.

Why do I mention this?  It appears that the brilliant minds who brought you the Argyle Street blockade may uproot themselves on Saturday and instead block the Caledonia bypass.  Why would they do this?  For an answer we can refer to an article of 30 August 2017 entitled, "Ontario broken promise barricade may be moving" in Turtle Island News - click here.  Quoting from said source,

"The Ontario broken promise blockade across Highway 6 (Argyle Street) just outside Caledonia may be moving just as Haldimand Mayor Ken Hewitt says internal Six Nation support is waning.  Turtle Island News has learned the blockade may come down Saturday and move to the Caledonia bypass.  Sources said those at the barricade debated shutting it down after complaints were received from businesses along Sixth Line.  'We don't want to see people lose their businesses so we decided we will move the barricade Saturday', said one source.  Turtle Island News has not been able to confirm the reports received from two people at the site.  But the protesters did receive threats of removal last Thursday (Aug 17)."

So, it appears that there has been pressure by local (Six Nations) businesses to move the barricade.  The thought to just fold up the tents and go home does not seem to have occurred so, the closest option would be to move shop to the Caledonia bypass - guess that the debris field will be left on Argyle Street for Caledonia to clean up.  Once again, there is nary a whiff of concern for Caledonia businesses who are in some cases in dire straits - click here to see a report on this problem, the "protestors" are only concerned when their own people are impacted (some have probably threatened these "barricade managers").

The Caledonia bypass is part of Highway 6 (Argyle Street is known as "Old Highway 6") and extends from the lights at the junction between Argyle Street (which ends there) and Highway 6 northward.  Any potential blockade could be placed between this point, the bridge across the Grand River, all the way to Green Road which funnels into the extreme northern end of Caledonia at Argyle Street north (also known as Highway 6 and Upper James Street - old Highway 6 from Hamilton to Port Dover was once known as the Plank Road).

If this does come to fruition, there is an up side to this in that there would be significantly more pressure on the OPP to dismantle the barricade and arrest the "protesters".  This time the Province would be affected, and one effect is that the transport companies would be furious.  This would NOT in any way put pressure on Ontario to give the Burtch lands to those with whom they did not negotiate a deal (although the luminaries behind the "protest" don't understand this).  The only outcome would be arrests and hopefully stiff fines against those so callous as to disrupt the lives of thousands for no valid reason.

It is interesting that the editor and reporter of "Turtle" give a name to the blockade, namely "The Ontario broken promise blockade".  No other news outlet has done that, and I will leave it to the reader to ascertain the significance.  Also note that the "protesters" (aka thugs and criminals) don't mention any Caledonia businesses, only those on Six Nations.  So once again my point that they don't give a tinkers da*n about Caledonia's people is reinforced.

The supposed action will take place tomorrow, so more then.  Later next week I will be in a position to gravitate to the front lines (if there are any at the time) and provide more pictures and an on site perspective.


Thursday, 31 August 2017

8 Steps to Resolve the Present Caledonia Crisis and Rectify Past Injustices

One of my professors used to say, "don't bring me problems, bring me solutions".  I try to live by these words.  Thus, what are my solutions to the present ongoing road blockade in Caledonia?  The following 8 items are not mutually exclusive, they can be combined for a more effective outcome.

1) A Court Order should be filed against those who set up and maintained the barricade.  The OPP knows who these people are and they need to be served immediate "cease and desist" papers.  Non - compliance, that is, if they don't completely remove all of the barricade within 3 days, means that they will be served a summons to appear in Court to answer changes of trespass and related charges.  Fines should be levied against individuals AND the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council (HCCC) who have bilked solar and wind energy companies out of millions of dollars by pretending that there is a valid Treaty and unsurrendered land and that they are the legal representatives of the Six Nations people.

2)  Irrespective of the outcome of number 1 above, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) should use their authority and enforce the law, removing the barricade and opening Argyle Street South within 5 days, and in the manner I suggested in the previous blog posting.  No muss, no fuss.

3)  Local merchants who advertise in the Rez newspapers should read the content of the last two issues and determine whether these media outlets have supported the HCCC barricade.  If these merchants have advertising in an "offending" newspaper it should be immediately removed, otherwise they are in effect being enablers to this situation.

4)  A boycott of all Six Nations businesses is NOT warranted.  There is a lot of disagreement about this blockade within Six Nations, but a survey taken by Two Row Times shows that over 85% of respondents want the barricade removed, and only 15% want it to stay.  There is a general recognition that we are all hurting.  Six Nations businesses are already suffering.  Many sensible people there, as off Rez, see the process as a futile and pathetic approach to problem solving.  Click here to see the survey results.  Please support Six Nations as well as Caledonia businesses - shop local.

5)  The Hydro One tower that was stolen and vandalized (its remnants presently part of the barricade) should be replaced and the wires strung that would link Niagara Falls and the Toronto grid.  Billions of dollars have been lost since 2006 when the project ground to a halt.  Legal action needs to be taken to recover at least some of the lost revenue.

6)  The illegal smoke shops surrounding Caledonia must be permanently removed - in addition to being an eyesore, they are a monument as to how Six Nations believe they can flaunt the law.  One law that applies to all people, nothing else is acceptable.

7)  All trespassers on the Douglas Creek Estates (DCE aka Kanonhstaton) property should be removed, and the land returned to the Haldimand County Ontario Land Registry system.  This property was obtained by fraud since the claim that it was unsurrendered land is patently false.  In a previous blog posting I included copies of the original documents signed by 49 Chiefs in Council in 1844 where they specifically surrendered that particular parcel of land.

8)  Since the Burtch property was obtained by extortion, it should be returned to the Province of Ontario and then re-established within the Brant County Ontario Land Registry system.

There is more, but all in good time.


Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Legal Action Against the Ontario Provincial Police and the Six Nations of the Grand River

As frustration turns to anger, a class action suit against both the OPP and Six Nations would seem to be looming on the horizon.  

However, it would seem that the Six Nations Police have to bear some responsibility - apparently DCE is now "Kanonhstaton" and that 40 acre parcel of ill gotten gains beside the blockade is the location through which Six Nations takes refuge and orchestrates action.  What responsibility do they bear?  Six Nations considers this land to be part of their "territory", even though it was obtained only via extortion, since the land was legally surrendered in 1844 with the signatures of 49 Chiefs appended.  Will the Six Nations Police be immune?

We will see if a law suit against the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) for dereliction of duty resulting in the damages caused by Six Nations to for example local businesses, and as well the OPP overtime "necessitated", can be brought to fruition.  It may be easier to take the OPP to Court rather than Six Nations.  Clearly this is the route the Haldimand County Council appear to be exploring - click here.  

Court action can be taken against Six Nations (SNEC) and / or individual members.  This has been done in the past - successfully in large case tried in Brantford in 2009, and less punishing judgments tried in Cayuga in subsequent years.  However, if there was a Court Order to remove the barricade, this would add weight to the proceedings.  There are pictures and documentary evidence as to the identity of the "ringleaders" so the OPP know who can be arrested and successfully charged.

Pardon those of us who would take some delight knowing that Six Nations Elected Council will probably have to sell the Burtch property just to pay the legal fees for their wayward opponents who are members or supporters of HCCC.  Sweet irony.


Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Two Weeks and Caledonia Still at the "Mercy" of the Six Nations Hereditary Council (HCCC)

It must be quite puzzling to those who do not live in Caledonia that the "authorities" would allow the town of Caledonia to be under siege, being held hostage, by a group of "activists" and no one is taking action to rectify the situation.  Welcome to Haldimand County, and more specifically Caledonia - this has become the "new norm" in this neck of the woods.

In the previous blog posting I noted the illegal and immoral actions taken by protesters from the Haudenosaunee Hereditary Chiefs Council (HCCC) that began on 11 August.  Argyle Street South is still blockaded with the same piece of metal debris and a few concrete blocks, sometimes with protesters present and sometimes with none is sight.  Inertia, failure to do due diligence, incompetence, fear, political correctness ("Natives" are always victims, correct?) appear to have frozen our constabulary and converted them (the Ontario Provincial Police - OPP) into impotent watchers who are in effect, by their actions or non - actions, supporting the illegal blockade.

This blog posting is in essence an update from the previous one, adding new information, and sometimes highlighting what has already been said or migrating the add on info here.

What have the Federal Government officials done to help resolve the matter?:  Nothing.

What have the Provincial Government officials done to help resolve the matter?:  Nothing, although MPP Toby Barrett has always been supportive of Caledonia but the Government in power is Liberal and he is Conservative.  The Liberals have shown an unconscionable lack of concern with anything to do with Caledonia.

What have Haldimand officials done to help resolve the matter?:  The perspective of the Councillor for Caledonia, Craig Grice, is seen in an article entitled, Protest has 'nothing to do with Caledonia whatsoever':  Haldimand councillor, in the The Sachem see here.  The Haldimand Mayor, Ken Hewitt, is justifiably at the end of his rope, as reflected in the 29 August 2017 Hamilton Spectator article, "Mayor vents anger at protestors, OPP over Caledonia blockade" - click here.  Another even more strongly worded article, "Community frustrated over standoff:  mayor" is found in the Brantford Expositor (29 August 2017) - click here.  I have great respect for both of these gentlemen, and if there was anything possible within their power that they could do, that barrier would have been gone within a few days.

What has Six Nations done to help resolve the matter?:  In short, nothing but spin their wheels.  A response of the Six Nations Elected Council is found in an article entitled, Blockade:  Meeting sought, in the Brantford Expositor - to view click here.  A further illustration of how Caledonia's woes are not noticed by SNEC can be seen here:  The Sachem, 15 August 2017, "Elected council wants to meet with Confederacy" - click here.   For an update on the Court proceedings related to farming the Burtch lands see, "Burtch land dispute heard in Brantford courtroom:  Six Nations Elected Council seeking injunction against farmer" (The Sachem, 21 August 2017) - click here.  

Importantly, in the last article above is a very important quote, namely, "The HCCC  ...........  were initially involved in the Burtch land negotiations, but left the process before it was completed". Since this information comes from the legal proceedings, it appears that the facts indicate that even though it was the HCCC, not SNEC, who abandoned any dealings with the Ontario Government, yet they (HCCC) irrationally expect that the Government should assign them ownership.  They are a group with no legal standing at Six Nations, and apparently who were not involved in the agreement process (except to walk away) - in other words made no deal with the Ontario Government yet blame Ontario for giving the land to the proper authorities at Six Nations.  Their perspective of course is patently absurd, it makes absolutely no sense, but should this surprise anyone who has followed the circus surrounding the DCE site since 2006?  I think not.   HCCC left the table and has zero rights in the matter - they were only there as a courtesy anyway.

Today the HCCC sent a spokesperson to relay the following message found in an article entitled, "Indigenous protesters 'still standing strong' in Caledonia", 29 August 2017, the Hamilton Spectator (click here). The spokesperson said, "We ask again for the public's patience as we work on some very complicated issues" she read from a statement. "Public's patience" - you have GOT TO BE KIDDING, that was lost in 2006!  What a complete and absolute lack of awareness and concern about the mess they have created, all of their own doing, and not a hint of any concerns about Caledonia - which is simply being used as a whipping boy in the HCCC game of browbeating the Elected Council.  

Who is suffering?:  While the matter is largely an extremely annoying inconvenience, there are some who are impacted more.  Clearly those who reside closest to the site (old DCE property) are in harms way.  Hopefully they won't need emergency services since it would be impossible to get to West Haldimand Hospital in Hagersville without detours.  Since a major artery has been blocked for 2 weeks now, businesses in Caledonia are now beginning to suffer since those from the south have to go around Caledonia rather than through Caledonia.  This is grossly unfair and Six Nations do not in the slightest give a rats a**.  The economic effect on Caledonia is profiled in a CHCH TV segment found here.  I will say it now and I will say it again, there must be consequences to Six Nations for their unconscionable behaviour.  A red line has been crossed, and there is no room for any kumbaya.  I am guessing that the local illegal Six Nations smoke shops have NOT suffered.

Solutions:  These clowns MUST BE REMOVED BY THE OPP.   If those who we pay to enforce the laws do decide to act, please do it late at night, and preferably in the rain.  There is no shelter anywhere near the site.  The last building standing from the Douglas Creek Estates was recently trashed and has been removed.  If you block 6th Line at the Rez, and also the junction of Argyle Street South and Highway 6 Caledonia Bypass, reinforcements will not be able to pour down from the Rez - it is simply not geographically feasible especially since they torched the Stirling Street bridge in 2006, and there is no access from there or anywhere else across the railway tracks.  These simple measures will bring a much better outcome relative to 2006.  Of course this is another "Cashedonia" a la 2006 and a great deal of overtime money is available to willing officers - surely they would not put the gravy train before duty .........................

Our local police (OPP) have to date shirked their duty and refused to act to protect Caledonia and enforce the law, one law for all citizens.  Therefore I ask, Mayor Hewitt and Council, if you know that the OPP will continue to treat our crisis as a simple "peaceful protest", we are beat, so please BRING IN THE CANADIAN FORCES since anarchy rules, the criminals are in charge, and there is no end in sight.  This will send the correct message to these perpetrators with whom there is no negotiation (it has been tried ad nauseum since 2006 and the best outcome is extortion, as with the Burtch property).  Only force will work, that much is crystal clear.

What other choices do we have - status quo is not an option.  Will those who have courage stand up for the law and be compelled to form a Haldimand Militia and do our own policing?  This is of course the worse of all options.  However, as a citizen, I am not prepared to suffer under the weight of these illegal acts perpetrated by vandals and thugs any longer.  The rule of law has once again sunk beneath the surface.

So what is it, OPP action or Canadian Forces intervention.  The factionalism at Six Nations will never go away so there is no expectation that the blockade will ever go away.  After all they can leave it without any persons there all night and the OPP will allow the trash to remain blocking the road.  

There is an old Yiddish expression which captures the essence of what / who we are dealing with here, one I learned from my professors who hailed from New York City, but which so aptly fits in Caledonia, summer, 2017 - mashugana