Sunday 10 September 2017

Photos of "Protest Headquarters" on Argyle Street South in Caledonia: DCE After the Blockade

Since I just arrived home, and being well and truly jet lagged, I did my best with the bad lighting conditions at that time of day to at least get some preliminary photos of "the DCE entrance way".  So with apologies for the less than ideal quality of the visuals, I will post the first pictures I took of the Douglas Creek Estates (Kanonstathon) entrance, the hub or "operations center" of the recent "protest", as it is established today.  The barricade (location from 10 August to 4 September) was directly behind me - the photos being taken from Argyle Street South today.

Photo 1

Photo 1:  This vantage point shows Surrey Street looking west, including the right side of the gate.  Of course looking ominously at us is the stub of the Hydro One tower which had been pulled across Argyle Street South (poised to spring into action once again).  Notice the Mohawk Warriors flag on the right side of the tower, and what may be a Confederacy (Six Nations, not Dixie "stars and bars") flag on the left (too limp to make a diagnosis) - staring defiantly at those who would dare approach.  It is also noteworthy that there is a set of gang lights attached to a portable generator (can be towed).  This will give off a considerable amount of light for "work" in the dark.  The old wooden shack, the only structure remaining from the "old days", can be seen peeking over the top of a group of awnings - tents.  I cannot confirm that there is a "padlock" placed there by the OPP.  There is a chain ................... clearly further investigation is required.

Photo 2

Photo 2:  Here we see the left side of the gate, and a better view of the awnings and tents scattered around the property.  Picnic tables and garden chairs provide a festive look.  Many of the items appear to be high quality (expensive) - I wonder who paid for the gear.  I also wonder how they deal with the ticks.

Photo 3

Photo 3:  The banner seen at the blockade on the Caledonia bypass is now draped over the fence to the left of the gate.  It says, "Honour Our Treaties, Ya Big Meanies!"  Someone seems to have a semblance of a sense of humour.

Photo 4

Photo 4: It is hard to put into words the aesthetically pleasing vista of the southern entrance way to Caledonia.  Just beyond the culturally significant smoke shop, one finds the enchanted scenes that characterize the DCE property.  Above is a scene somewhat reminiscent of the Cinque Terre in Italy, with a view reflecting the Old World charm that visitors to the DCE can expect - much to the envy of our neighbours in Hagersville and Cayuga.

The shack can be seen in the far left of this picture, along with an array of tents behind it.  On the north side of Surrey Street (right side of photo) we can see that some sanitary needs of the occupiers is supplied by two "Johnny on the Spots" or similar outdoor toileting facilities.  It is a bit creepy not to see any wash up area - although it may simply be hidden.  There are no town services to the site (the occupants destroyed all the houses on site and are left with "the shack"), so everything must be brought in.  Also behind (to the west) of these blue porta potties is another cluster of tents.

Across the road from the complex (on the east side of Argyle Street South) were two Ontario Provincial Police cars pointed at the front gate.  I waved, and they waved back.  I waved and sent my greetings to two middle aged males who came to the gate at DCE.  They seem to have recognized me, all I heard was a groan (sort of "oh no, not him again" type of groan), and they walked away.

More to follow.


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